Chapter-104<*first attack*>

The alarm continued to sound but the unknown subject did not move in the slightest.

[Alert! Please leave the Academy Grounds! Last Warning!]

The black IS didn't move, just continued to stare down silently.

[You have been warned... starting self-defense command]

* * * * *

"Orimura sensei..." - Maya said seriously.

"Yes... I'm going right away" - Chifuyu said only for the room to suddenly darken and a red light invaded the room, only for a few seconds later an alarm began to sound.

[Alert!Alert!Unauthorized person inside restricted area!]

"What?!" Maya exclaimed as she looked at her colleague.

"Don't worry, we just need to check what's wrong" - Chifuyu said seriously.

"Orimura-sensei!" - Maya exclaimed when checking the Arena camera, only to notice how the black IS that was on the ceiling, crossed the ceiling without difficulty.

"Activate the speakers! We have to evacuate the Arena!" - Chifuyu exclaimed furiously - "And please, I want you to try to regain control of the facility!"

"Okay!" Maya exclaimed as she began to pray but inside, she was praying that everyone would be safe.

* * * * *

"We did a good job" - said a brown-haired girl with a big smile - "Don't you think so, Daryl-sama?"

"I keep saying this wasn't a good plan" - Daryl said seriously - "Now it's pretty obvious that the Academy will know there are spies in the facility"

". . ." -The brown-haired girl was surprised when she heard these words.

"Let's just leave, we've done our job"-said Daryl as she walked away.

* * * * *

[Warning! There are infiltrators in the facility! Warning! Please withdraw from the Arena!]

"!" - The girls widened their eyes in surprise but quickly understood the situation with the appearance of an unknown black IS.

"I think we won the bet, Houki and now he's one hundred percent safe"-Cloud said as his body glowed and changed to his [Raiden's] armor-"Now... how do you want to organize everything?"

"I'll go help with the evacuation" - Charlotte said while Cecilia supported the idea.

"I... I'll go with them..." Houki said as she bit her lip because it was obvious that she wanted to fight but she didn't have the method.

"I guess I'll go with you, Cloud Strife" - Laura said with a wild smile.

"Hmm... I'd like to go with you but as the Student Council President, I have to worry about my lovely students" - Tatenashi said while the other girls from the student council nodded - "First, Utsuho, Honne-chan... I want to to support the evacuation... I'm going to take care of protecting them in case more opponents come"

And as if hearing what they had said, three more black IS appeared from the ceiling.

"You had to say that"-Cloud said as he looked at an uncomfortable Tatenashi.

"It's better this way" -said Laura as she invoked her IS-"At least we won't have to collide with each other to be able to fight them"

"You're right"-Cloud agreed as he jumped into the battlefield-"Do you want help?"

"Yes..." - Rin said tiredly. She had expended a lot of energy during the fight.

"I appreciate it…" Ichika said as he checked his shield, only to notice that he was at less than 10%.

"Back off, it's time for us to take over"-Laura said calmly as she pointed at one of the robots-"That's mine"

"I guess I'll take the other one"-Cloud said as he shrugged-"By the way Ichika, you'd better evacuate or rather help with the evacuation"

". . ." -Ichika nodded when he heard this because she knew that with the energy he had left, he would only be a hindrance to the others- "Good luck"

"Heh... we don't need that" - Laura said with a big smile. She was aware that the ones who would fight with those things, were the most capable pilots of the Academy, or at least the cadets.

"I guess I'm going to have to change position"-said Tatenashi as she appeared next to Cloud and Laura piloting her blue IS [Mysterious Lady]-"Do you like what you see~?"

"Stop acting like someone and focus on the battle" - Laura said seriously - "Then you can use your concentration to try to fornicate with Cloud Strife"

"As expected of someone from Germany, quite direct at the time of combat" - agreed Tatenashi without caring about the rude words that the silver-haired girl had said.

[Sir... I haven't detected any signs of life from those IS, so the probability that they are being remote controlled is 99.9%]

"That solves things a lot" - Tatenashi smiled - "Not that I mind taking a life, but I prefer to keep my hands clean for a long time"

"I don't care about the truth" - said Laura - "I was trained to be able to take a life at any moment"

"Training and doing it, are two very different things, Laura-chan"-said Tatenashi as she invoked her spear.

"You're right about that" - Laura nodded seriously - "But I think we'll talk later, it's time to recycle the scrap"

"Raiden..." - said the blond boy.

[I know sir, activating Command 1-W]

"It's time to dance"-the blonde smiled as he materialized his sword, although he noticed that he was starting to shatter.

* * * * *

"It's not what I expected" - a beautiful blonde woman with red eyes slightly resembling Daryl murmured as she watched the images she was receiving from the three black IS - "But I'm not complaining... not only will we be able to get information from [ Sephiroth], but also [Mysterious Lady] and [Schwarzer Hase]..."

"What's so special about those two?" asked a brown-haired woman who sat next to the woman "I understand that [Sephiroth] is important to you because he is a natural Superhuman, but the other two…"

"[Mysterious Lady] is the cadet with the most potential that Russia has ever produced" - said the blonde woman - "She comes from a very special family, one that makes the next leader take the name of Tatenashi... proving that she is ready to be able to carry out the job..."

"You say she's ready now?" asked the brown-haired woman in surprise. "Let me tell you, I can't believe it, Squall."

"I'm not lying, Autumn," Squall said with a smile, "Tatenashi Sarashiki is the undisputed leader of the Sarashiki Family of Russia... or at least that's what we're led to believe."

"Squall...tell me what you've kept from me..." Autumn said irritably.

"Easy, darling," Squall smiled as he caressed his lover's cheek, "It's simple truth...remember our friends from the Michael (1) organization?"

"Those annoying bastards who always meddle in our business..." Autumn replied coldly.

"Well, she's the leader," Squall said calmly.

"Then why don't we kill her?!" Autumn exclaimed furiously.

"Because one, it's counterproductive, and two, because it's not necessary," Squall said calmly. simple as you think"

"I can kill her very easily" Autumn said as she frowned.

"I don't doubt it, darling… but you have to understand that she's not alone" – Squall said as he pointed to the screen, only to see how his IS were at a disadvantage – "Tatenashi Sarashiki is not only skilled, but she also has the full support of the Academy. That makes it that much harder to kill."

"Tch!" -Autumn just clicked her tongue in irritation as she watched the battle-"What do you plan to do with your niece?"

"She'll stay at the Academy…I'm sure it won't be a problem as long as they don't make any stupid moves" – Squall said seriously. She was worried about the only family she had left (apart from her lover Autumn), but at the same time she knew that she needed a spy in that place - "With this infiltration, the Academy will know that there are spies in their ranks, although first they'll check the professors. That will give them a little more time to get information about our two cherished targets..."

* * * * *

"HA HA HA HA HA HA!" -Laura could only let out a wild laugh as she watched her enemy explode- "That was easy"

"The truth, they only have the capacity of a beginner pilot" - said Tatenashi as she penetrated the core of her opponent with ease - "Although it helps to know that there are no signs of life because that way we can fight with everything without fear of worrying about the life of our pretty prisoners"

"Say it for yourselves" - Cloud said as he easily dodged the enemy robot's attacks - "I'm bored... maybe I should modify this thing and make it more powerful so it can put up a good fight"

"Why don't you destroy it already?" Laura asked with a frown.

"Because I'm waiting" -answered Cloud.

[Sir, I have managed to infiltrate into the IS operating system... disabling]

As he finished his communique, the black IS stopped moving and fell limp to the ground.

"I see... you were waiting for [Raiden] to hack the operating system of that thing so we could get some information about our attackers" - Tatenashi nodded - "Not bad"

[Sir... a remote self-destruct attempt has been detected...]

"Cancel it" - ordered the blond boy.

[Canceling sir... error... a security breach has been detected... 60% of the files and important information within the IS have been deleted]

"What did we manage to keep with us?" Cloud asked with a frown.

[Attacker name, IS launch site information, serial number and creator...]

"It's better than nothing" - agreed Tatenashi.

[They did a good job]

"What happened, Chifuyu-san?" Cloud asked curiously.

[Let's just say that our attackers... didn't want me to interfere so they left us locked in the operating room]


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