Chapter-105<*Let the Game Start*>

A new day had come to the Academy and the girls were getting up again. Many of them were in the dining room talking about yesterday's events and how the final match between representatives had been left unfinished.

"I heard that Tatenashi-sama, Cloud-kun and Laura-san were the ones who fought against the invaders" - a girl said.

"Seriously?" - said another with emotion - "I would have liked to be there for Tyrant-sama to rescue me~"

"Normally a tyrant would kidnap you" - another girl said with disdain.

"It's also feasible"-said the girl as she blushed, only for her friends to roll their eyes at her.

"I'm just curious to know what they will do with the tournament" - said another girl.

"According to our sensei, today they will give important information on that subject" - another girl said.

* * * * *

"Hmm..." - Cloud was slowly opening his eyes with regret. He was feeling a bit tired lately after his hormones calmed down, so he had a bit of trouble getting up in the mornings.

Normally it would take him about 5 minutes to recover but this time his eyes widened when he felt something heavy on him which was accompanied by a soft sensation that he knew quite well - "???"

"Don't move so much…" murmured a female voice that he knew quite well.

"Tatenashi?!" Cloud exclaimed in surprise as he watched as a beautiful short blue hair appeared in his line of sight, only to notice how the red-eyed girl looked at him with amusement-"Hello~"

". . ." -Cloud was silent because he did not understand how she had managed to enter his room.

"Good morning~" Tatenashi said as she moved and started to stretch, showing that she was wearing one of her white shirts that was half buttoned up, fully showing her cleavage.

"I have a lot of questions…but I'm going to ask the most important…what are you doing here inside my room?" Cloud asked seriously. If it wasn't for him finally being able to control her body 100% because her hormones were calm, he would have jumped on the girl and spread her subdued in different positions.

"That's easy to answer... yesterday I was tired after so many documents that I had to review, that I couldn't walk to my room... so I came to sleep with my favorite Kouhai~" - Tatenashi said as she dangerously approached where there was the blond, staying a few centimeters away - "And that you only had one bed in the room, it made things a little easier for me"

Cloud looked down a bit, only to notice the girl's large breasts and her snow-white skin.

"Wait you blushed or something like that" - Tatenashi said with annoyance. She was aware of her beauty and that was why it bothered her to see the boy's little reaction.

"Let's just say I've had my fair share of female contact," Cloud replied as he shook his head, "By the way…"

"?" -Tatenashi looked at him with confusion but was surprised when he noticed how the blonde took her chin and looked into her eyes. She blushed slightly because it was the first time someone did something like this, after all, she was the one who always annoyed others like this.

"Don't push your luck, Tatenashi"-said the blonde as his lips approached the girl's neck.

"!" Tatenashi blushed even more as she felt the boy's warm breath on her neck.

Cloud slowly walked away after receiving the reaction he wanted, much to the girl's annoyance. With a big smile he looked her in the eyes again and said - "Don't play games with me, Tatenashi... I was trained in different methods during my stay in those facilities... especially seduction to get information, after all, According to those idiots, women are 70% of the high positions of the different nations of the world"

"I will take your words into account" - said the girl from Russia - "But I can also tell you something..."

"Yes?" - Asked the blond, only to feel how the girl kissed him passionately. Quickly, Cloud began to kiss her back as the two got closer and closer - "Ok?"

"I too have been trained in seduction…" Tatenashi smiled as he looked at the boy. She had just received a surprise attack, so now that she had calmed down, it was time to fight back- "How about we have a little game?"

"What do you have planned?" The blond asked as he grabbed the girl by the waist.

"Whoever conquers the other first wins..."-smiled the blue-haired girl as she wrapped her arms around the boy's neck with a flirtatious look.

"What's the prize?" - Cloud asked with a hoarse voice that brought a slight shiver to the girl.

"If I win... you're mine" - Tatenashi said.

"And if I win?" - The blonde whispered.

"I'm yours"-Tatenashi replied as she separated from the boy and gave him a wink.

"I don't see much difference"-answered Cloud while he shrugged.

"There is a big difference... if I win, you are mine, as well as your secrets" - answered Tatenashi calmly while looking at the boy with a certain air of mysticism - "And if you win, then everything that is mine is yours. .. my body, my soul, my organization"

". . ." -Cloud was surprised at that but a big question came to his mind- "Organization?"

"I'm sorry...I can't say anything more"- Tatenashi replied as she gave him a cheerful smile-"If you want to know more, then you have to win our game"

Saying that, the girl dressed quickly and left the room, leaving Cloud to think because he had never heard of Tatenashi belonging to any organization, although in his defense, he hadn't read the Infinite Stratos Novels.

"I better get dressed and I'll worry about that later"-muttered the blonde as he went to the bathroom to take a shower.

* * * * *

"It's good to see that everyone is fine" - Chifuyu nodded as she entered the room with Maya.

"Good morning everyone" - the green-haired teacher smiled.

"Good morning, Orimura sensei! Maya sensei-chan!" - exclaimed the girls.

Chifuyu just shook her head when he heard her colleague being referred to but as long as Maya didn't mind the way she would be referred to, she wouldn't mess with it.

"Anyway, I wanted to introduce you to someone" - Chifuyu said.

"Wait, Orimura sensei!" - a girl exclaimed - "Where is Dunois-san?"

"They will know that soon"-Chifuyu said while she indicated to the person who was outside, to enter.

"NO!" - the girls exclaimed when they noticed the girl's appearance - "Impossible!"

"M-Nice to meet you... my name is Charlotte Dunois... it's a pleasure..." - the girl said sadly.

"T-That means..." - murmured a girl - "I liked a girl?!"

"Ugh... I feel cheated..." - said another.

"Look at those breasts!" another shouted as she began to cry, "They're bigger than mine!"

". . ." Charlotte blushed when she heard this.

"Wait a second!" - another girl said - "She was in the same room as Cloud-sama!"

"Hey?" - The girls remembered this detail and gave the blushing girl a look.

"Etto..."-Charlotte said as she covered her face with her hands-"Cloud... help me..."

"She's my girlfriend"-Cloud said as he shrugged, earning himself a deathly silence-"..."

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH?!" - The girls shouted in surprise upon hearing something they never thought they would hear.

"Not that way, Baka!" - Charlotte shouted with a red face while Cecilia, Laura, Maya and Houki frowned.

"Let's just continue..." Chifuyu muttered as he held the bridge of his nose.

* * * * *

It took 15 minutes for the girls to calm down, although some were still looking at Charlotte as if she was a cheater. They thought that the girl from France had taken advantage of the few days that she was living alone with Cloud to be able to seduce him, which was the opposite of what really happened.

"Okay... now that everyone is calm, I'm going to give the information about the tournament between representatives" - Chifuyu said seriously - "As you saw, the final battle was left unfinished but the talent among the finalists was shown, so there is no Much merit in continuing..."

". . ." - all the students frowned when they heard this.

"But... the high command, as well as different countries that finance the Academy, decided that they would make another competition so that the other students could show their talents" - the black-haired teacher continued - "Giving birth to the Tournament between classes"

"The event consists of double battles between students" - Chifuyu said as she looked at her students - "The participation quotas are unlimited but you have to take this into account... First, only students from the same class can pair up, Second , all participants with the exception of your partner, will be enemies even if they are of the same class, Third, any type of sabotage will be considered as a violation of the rules and will not only be disqualified from the tournament, but also may be punished depending of what type of actions they carried out, the most severe punishment being expulsion"

". . ." - The girls were surprised when they heard this because they never thought they would be so severe.

"Don't be surprised because this is something serious"-Chifuyu said as she looked at her students-"A single failure can end the life of a Pilot"

". . ." - The girls agreed to the teacher's words because they knew they were true.

"Ok, now let's continue with the class... you have two days to choose your partner" - Chifuyu said - "By the way... this time, Strife can participate"


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