Chapter-111( [Akatsubaki] )BONUS+++CHAPTER

"Ok, better stop your antics" - sighed the youngest of the sisters - "Where is my IS?"

"Could you at least give me a little more love…" Tabane muttered as she sighed regretfully, "You know? I've been working on your IS ever since I broke up with [Byakushiki]."

"I'm sorry…" Houki sighed as she hugged her sister. She felt guilty for treating her sister like that, but her expression changed from hers when she felt how she started to take her breasts- "Not bad... you've grown at least 5 centimeters..."

"O-NEE-CHAN!" Houki roared furiously as her face turned bright red from the embarrassment she felt.

"Wait a second, Houki-chan! I was just kidding!" Tabane said as her screams became more and more intense.

"This will be a long night..." - Cloud muttered as he watched as the younger sister was beating the older one with all her might, although he knew that Tabane was not taking any damage because she had been enhanced to superhuman levels. .

* * * * *

"Have you calmed down yet?" Cloud asked, noticing how his friend was calm again.

"Yes..." - Houki sighed.

"You should be nicer to your older sister..."-said Tabane as she wiped the dust off her clothes-"Anyway... let's get back to the IS issue"

"Okay!" Houki exclaimed as her excitement renewed.

Tabane whistled and in a few seconds a small robot came through the window.

[Good afternoon]

"Interesting... how advanced is this AI?" Cloud asked as he looked at the little robot.

"It doesn't compare to Raiden" - Tabane snorted with annoyance. She had asked Cloud to lend him her [Armor] to better power her technology but he adamantly refused.

[It's obvious that it doesn't compare to me]

"Raiden... you've become a bit proud" - Tabane said with surprise.

[I learned from the best, Tabane-sama]

". . ." - Cloud just kept silent while Houki laughed without being able to contain himself.

"I'm not proud... I'm just aware of my power and strength superior to the rest" - Cloud answered with disdain.


"I know…I heard myself too…" the blonde sighed as he frowned. It seems that his Draconic Blood had made many more changes apart from the clear physical changes.

"Well, you'd better go back a bit" - Tabane said as a small compartment in the robot opened, revealing a black and red ribbon divided by a white line with two bells, one silver and one gold, and what seemed to be an earring. Without thinking twice, she took the two objects and stared at them for a few seconds - "Standby mode is fine... that was the last detail I had to check... now... activate..."

[Command Accepted]

The bells began to shine with great intensity while the silhouette began to grow at great speed. As the light disappeared, a beautiful scarlet red IS appeared in front of an excited Houki.

"This is [Akatsubaki], the strongest IS in the world and my masterpiece" - said Tabane proudly, after all, this was the ultimate gift for his beloved younger sister - "It was designed based on Ikkun's [Byakushiki] and optimized to be able to have all its advantages and none of its weaknesses, it also helped Cloud to give me the information that was in the facilities where I was, that saved me at least a few months of work"

Even though Cloud had destroyed all the information in the Facility that had locked him up, it didn't mean that he had erased everything, after all, those idiots had gathered a lot of information over the years, information that could be useful to him. future.

"He also helped me create a new armament for your IS, Houki-chan" - smiled the inventor - "But we'll leave that for when you start practice"

Houki couldn't resist the excitement anymore, so she ran to the gym's dressing rooms to put on her suit so he could try out her new IS.

"Cloud Strife…" Tabane said as she looked seriously at the blonde boy, "I see that your relationship with Houki-chan is progressing quickly…"

"We're just friends" - Cloud replied calmly.

"For now..." - Tabane said coldly - "And that bothers me..."

"You should stop being like that, Tabane…" Cloud said as he looked into her eyes, "Houki is going to grow up and make her life… if you keep pushing her like that, she'll walk away."

". . ." Tabane didn't answer her, she just looked away as she hid her irritation. She knew the blonde's words were true, but she couldn't help it, after all, Tabane loved her younger sister, not to the point of being romantic but bordering on obsessive. If something were to happen to her beloved Houki-chan, then she would go into a rage and destroy everything that hurt her, even if they were her friends.

"By the way... what's the second thing?" Cloud asked curiously, noticing that the inventor still had the earring in her hand.

"It's a surprise for you, although I'll explain it to you after Houki-chan tastes her gift"-Tabane answered as she returned to her normal attitude, although inside she was still thinking about her situation.

"I'm ready!" Houki exclaimed as she ran at full speed and in the process, she bounced her large breasts.

"I always wondered if they wore underwear inside those outfits...and if so...then I'd like to know what kind of pervert thought of something like that" - Cloud said raising an eyebrow.

Houki blushed when she heard the blonde's words because sure enough, she wasn't wearing underwear, at least not on top of the suit.

"I think it was Hikaruno who invented the suit"-said Tabane as she looked closely at her sister-"Not bad...your breasts and hips grew a bit...Ack!"

"BAKA!" Houki exclaimed as she punched her with her red armored fist.

"Impressive... she can do a partial summon with her new IS" Cloud nodded in surprise. Normally this takes time even when its pilot had previous experience with another test IS as it took time for him to get used to this new armor.

"That... is favoritism..." Tabane said with pain as she stood up. She had to admit that punch had hurt like hell – "Where's the equality?! I just said you've grown while he made a comment that was clearly sexual harassment!"

"Hmph!" - Houki only answered with a snort. She knew that she had been unfair to her sister, but there was nothing she could do. She loved Cloud and her words were a clear sign that she was admiring her body and that sincerely made her happy.

"Let's continue with the test, let's go to the Arena"- Tabane sighed with annoyance- "I already told Chi-chan that she would come and use the facility for a test of your new IS"

"Ok" Houki nodded as she deactivated her arm.

* * * * *

When they arrived at the Arena, Chifuyu was waiting for them along with Ichika.

"Ichika?" Houki asked in surprise.

"I was at Chifuyu Nee's when Tabane-san called her to inform her that she was coming with your IS, so I asked her to let me see"-Ichika said with a smile-"It's good to know that you will finally have your own Teams"


"Thank you" Houki nodded as she calmly walked towards the center of the Arena and Summoned her Scarlet IS.

"Is that [Akatsubaki]?" - Chifuyu asked with surprise - "He looks quite like [Byakushiki]"

Ichika thought the same thing when she saw the IS, it was as if the two had come out of the same mold.

"It's because [Akatsubaki] was created based on [Byakushiki]... Houki-chan's IS could be said to be the younger sister of Ikkun's IS" - Tabane replied calmly - "But what makes [ Akatsubaki], is that it is the first completely stable fourth generation IS"

"!" Chifuyu's eyes widened when she heard this- "You say you finally managed to stabilize and properly install the [Fold-Out Armor] System?"

Tabane didn't reply directly, she just smiled as she looked at her friend, then looked at her younger sister- "Houki-chan... are you ready?"

"Hai!" The brown-haired girl exclaimed.

"Chifuyu Nee… what is the [Fold-Out Armor] system?" Ichika asked seriously.

"It's the same ability your IS has to double its attack abilities" - Chifuyu said seriously.

"The difference is that your [Byakushiki] is using a prototype version of said system, that's why it only improves its offensive power when you activate the [Fold-Out Armor] system" - Tabane added while looking at the boy - "[Akatsubaki] For it's part, it doubles and can even triple all of it's abilities when it activates it's system... that's why I said that Houki-chan has the first IS of the fourth generation, the first IS with the ability of the [Fold-Out] system. Armor]"

"Onee-chan... I'm ready" - Houki said seriously.

"Okay... let's test the 3 weapons you have" - ​​Tabane said while looking at Chifuyu, who nodded as a green pop-up screen appeared in front of her.

Slowly the floor of the Arena began to open up and test dummies emerged from it.

"Chi-chan... please enable air targets and activate the barrier around the Arena to prevent damage" - Tabane said as she started typing on her laptop - "Houki-chan, first ascend about 2 meters and concentrate energy on his 'shoes', so you can activate some energy blades to have more close attack power"

"Hai!" -Houki agreed as she followed her sister's instructions, only to notice with emotion how some pink energy blades actually appeared- "Impressive..."

"How is the energy consumption?" Tabane asked.

"From 1%"-Houki answered while looking at her shield generator, only to notice how she returned to 100%-"Huh?"


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