Chapter-112( [Amidamaru] )

"I see you noticed" - Tabane smiled when noticing her younger sister's expression - "Your IS has the ability to regenerate its Shield"

"!" -Houki opened her eyes wide because at first she thought she had seen wrong but with the words of her sister, she understood that what she had seen was true.

"[Akatsubaki] was designed to have a self-sustaining generator and core, that means it absorbs residual energy from the environment in order to maintain an optimal state" - Tabane said seriously - "That's why [Akatsubaki] is [Byakushiki] sibling IS, so it can recover the energy of Ikkun's IS."

". . ." -Ichika could only look at Houki in surprise when he heard this. The two of them could now be an invincible team if they trained and fought as one.

"It will be better that we continue with our tests... Houki-chan, I want you to activate your Twin Katanas" - pointed out the inventor while watching her younger sister summon two katanas - "The one on the right hand is called [Amatsuki], designed to one on one combat, it has the ability to shoot multiple red lasers in the direction where you point the katana"

Houki slowly extended his katana and took aim at one of the test dummies as he focused his Energy, only for two laser shots to materialize around his weapon.

"Wow…" Ichika mumbled in surprise.

"Now let's test your second katana, this one is called [Karaware] and it was designed for multi-target combat" - continued Tabane seriously - "Its special ability, is that it can create a Crescent Moon shaped energy cut that can expand up to a range of 30-40 meters in diameter"

Tabane glanced at her friend, who nodded firmly.

"We have the green light to test the technique" - Tabane said as Houki rose to a safe distance - "Remember to keep the flow of energy so that the cut grows"

"Hai"-Houki nodded as she followed her sister's instructions.

"Remember to shake your katana with all its strength, so you can choose the angle of the attack" - continued Tabane firmly.

"Okay!" -Houki quickly swung her sword and in the process, launched a huge pink slash that slowly started to grow.

"I have to admit I'm impressed"-Chifuyu said as she looked at her friend-"I didn't think she had such a level of destructive power"

". . ." -Ichika only kept silent because he felt that Houki had easily surpassed him.

"Don't worry, Ikkun... your IS still doesn't show its full potential" - Tabane said with a big smile - "[Akatsubaki] was designed to start with a power level similar to a [Second Change], that's why it has So much attack power, as for [Byakushiki], I found out that he has some skills that can't be replicated, though I still don't know what they are."

". . ." -Ichika felt a little better, although he was now curious about said unique abilities.

"Anyway, you can go down now, Houki"-said Tabane as she watched as her younger sister gracefully landed-"Now you just have to get used to [Akatsubaki] well"

"Thank you very much, Onee-chan"-said Houki as she hugged her sister after deactivating her IS.

"This makes all my effort worthwhile"-Tabane smiled as she looked at her sister-"But I'm not done yet... there's still a little surprise for our blond friend"

Those present were surprised again, only to see the pendant in the shape of a sword that the inventor had in her hand.

"I think it's time for us to leave the mysteries behind, Tabane"-Cloud said as he rolled his eyes at her.

"You don't understand anything about how to create tension so that the news is much more shocking" -replied the inventor while she looked at him with annoyance-"Anyway, what I wanted to say is that this is a somewhat peculiar weapon"

"Weapon?" - Ichika asked in surprise, only to notice how the pendant turned into a long Katana with a red handle - "Another Katana?"

"As I said before... this is not a normal weapon" - Tabane said as he took the sword, only for those present to notice how it vibrated slightly, creating a Shield field around the Weapon - "This is what I meant ..."

Ichika reached for the weapon, only for it to vibrate again and create another shield.

". . ." - Chifuyu and Houki were silent as they gave Tabane a look.

"This weapon was created by accident if I'm honest" - Tabane said seriously - "Cloud gave me some of his blood and I managed to extract an unknown genome that I tried to analyze... its structure was so complex that I couldn't solve anything, although something strange happened when this information that he thought was useless, came into contact with an AI that he was creating, giving life to [Amidamaru], a semi-sentient AI that has the ability to detect the user of the genetic code that gave him life.. ."

Cloud frowned when he heard this because he was honestly uncomfortable with the idea of ​​Tabane experimenting on his blood, after all, the Draconian existence was not something that should appear in such low level worlds and that was the biggest reason why. which he couldn't be cloned, but it seems there are always exceptions"

"Did you say it's name was [Amidamaru]?" -Cloud asked with surprise because he knew that name quite well, after all, it was the Spirit and companion of Yoh Asakura.

When the sword heard it's name from the blonde, then the katanna started to glow as if it was excited.

"Ok... this is weird even for us..." - Chifuyu said with a frown - "Do you think you can take it, Cloud?"

"Is there some kind of side effect?" Cloud asked as he looked at the inventor.

"Not that I know of...although as I said, I believe it but I couldn't even test it, so I'm not sure" - answered Tabane seriously.

"I think this is dangerous" - Houki said seriously.

"Easy"-Cloud said calmly as he calmly took the sword, only to feel how something began to cover his hand up to his elbow, a kind of red samurai shoulder pads.

[Detecting connection not allowed...enable?]

"Yes" - Cloud agreed upon hearing Raiden's voice.

"Do you feel different?" Tabane asked seriously as she began to type at full speed, "Any changes or strange knowledge?"

"I feel's just that it's draining my unique energy"-Cloud said calmly as he looked at his hand. The katana was being covered by some kind of white energy.

"What kind of energy is that?" - Ichika asked curiously, although deep inside him, something told him not to get close because it was dangerous.

"I don't know..." - answered Tabane curiously. It was the first time that she saw Cloud's unknown energy and honestly the mysticism of those 'white flames' intrigued her greatly.

Cloud looked at the weapon so he could detect his qualities.


Rank: Rare

Weapon created by Tabane Shinonono, the genius inventor of the world of Infinite Stratos under a large number of Coincidences.

Requirements: [100 STR][50 DEX][50 INT]

Passive: [+1 skill level related to Swords] [Ignore Shield: 25%]

Skill: [Mana Slash][Harusame]

(Note: Names have power, through unknown means, Amidamaru got some Swordsman's Spirit powers. This effect is randomly generated and depends on the level of strength between the named and the user)

[Mana Cut]Consume Mana to be able to increase the damage of the Sword up to a maximum of 20% and Increase the percentage of Shield Ignore to 50%

[Harusame] Concentrates mana in the sword to be able to create different attacks.1)

Horizontal Slash: Creates a sling shot of energy that extends 2 meters x percentage of mana used.2)

Vertical Slash (Can only be used in the air): Blocks attacks by concentrating energy on the sword and counterattacks with twice as much force (The percentage of success depends on how much energy you inject into the technique)3)

Battojutsu: You focus energy into the handle of the sword to make an attack for 2% x each percentage of Energy you inject into the weapon.

"Something happens?" Tabane asked, noticing the change in the boy's gaze, who only shook her head.

"It's better that you see for yourself"-Cloud said as he concentrated a little of his mana on the weapon, only for the katana to begin to shine with greater intensity

"What else can you do?" Tabane asked as she began to monitor the changes, " increase in penetration power...his readings resemble Ikkun's [Reiraku Byakuya] but on a smaller scale..."

"I can also do this"-Cloud said as he slashed horizontally and created a power cut like Houki's.

"Maybe the memory got mixed up and that's why it has an ability similar to [Akatsubaki's]?" Tabane murmured as he began to type at full speed. "Anything else?"

"I can do another technique but I need someone to attack me" - Cloud said calmly - "Preferably from a long distance to prevent accidents"

"I see..." - Chifuyu agreed as she typed a command on the pop-up screen in front of her and after a few seconds, a submachine gun came out of the ground - "Don't worry, this weapon is designed to shoot ordinary balls, although the impact will hurt the same"

"Ok"-nodded the blonde as he walked a safe distance-"I'm ready"

Tabane counted to three and Chifuyu pressed the command to start the shot, only to notice how the blond boy jumped and concentrated a little more energy on his weapon and then made a vertical cut, only for the balls to disappear as if by art. of magic and a large laser beam will fly at the machine gun.

"Counterattack?" - asked Tabane with surprise - "Not bad"

"Yes... but obviously, each technique consumes a large amount of energy... yes, the more energy you use, the more powerful the technique will be" - Cloud continued while Tabane nodded.


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