Chapter-113 ( Clue )

"It doesn't feel so bad" - Cloud said as he waved his sword again, only to notice how the sword began to shine again.

"Do you mind if I try ?" Tabane asked.

"Sure"-nodded the blonde as he handed it to him, only for him to vibrate again-"I guess it's a no"

". . ." Tabane frowned again as she sighed regretfully. If she had that weapon, then she could further increase her research progress—"I guess there are things you can't get…"

". . ." - Ichika began to feel great pressure after seeing the scope of the new improvements that Houki and Cloud had achieved. The girl had obtained her own personalized IS, the strongest created to date, on the other hand, Cloud had obtained a much better weapon than the one she had before and that made her danger level grow exponentially.

"Interesting weapon... ranged attack and a Counter"-Chifuyu said while looking at her younger brother-"I guess now it will be much more difficult"

"Yes... he went from a challenge with a low chance of success to a challenge that was virtually impossible" - Ichika sighed and left. he was now cursing the fact that his curiosity made him see how much they had improved with their equipment.

"If it makes you feel better, I'm not going to use [Amidamaru] on you" - Cloud said calmly - "The destructive level of my new weapon is too much for a fight between allies"

"I also think the same... although more than the weapon, it is the person who uses it that makes it dangerous" - said Tabane seriously.

"I think it's better that we leave it here because I'm sure that Shinonono will want to adapt as soon as possible to her new IS" -Chifuyu said as she saw how Houki nodded at full speed-"By the way... what are you going to do Tabane ?"

"I will stay in this place until further notice" - Tabane said with a big smile - "I still have to gather information about [Akatsubaki] and [Amidamaru]"

"Can't you do that from your lab?" Chifuyu asked in surprise. She hadn't heard about this.

"Yes... but why would I have to lock myself in my lab when I can meet her directly and spend time with my cute Houki-chan at the same time~" the inventor smiled as she gave her younger sister a big hug.

"Onee-chan..." - Houki murmured with a small smile. It wasn't that she didn't want to spend time with Tabane, but the thing was that she was too obsessive and worried about her situation, to the point that it was clearly an obsession.

"I guess I'd better retire" - Ichika said seriously while instead of sleeping, it was better to train to get a little more experience, after all, he needed all the help possible to be able to stop the monster and the monster. new red menace.

"I'm leaving too because I'm going to have to inform my superiors that you're staying" - Chifuyu said seriously.

"Thank you~!" - Tabane smiled as she watched the two Orimura's siblings leave - "Well, now I'm going to give you a hand with your IS, Houki-chan, as well as some new commands and one or another suggestion so you can adapt as quickly as possible to [ Akatsubaki]"

"OK" - agreed the youngest of the Shinonono sisters.

"Okay, first I want you to ascend to a distance of 15 meters" - Tabane said seriously - "Then I want you to activate the Z command to summon two deployable swords that you have in your aerodynamic system"

Houki was excited again because she was slowly getting to know more facets of her new combat partner.

For her part, Cloud decided to retire so that the two sisters could spend some time alone, although she was not surprised to see how Tatenashi was waiting for him outside-"Hello"

"What are you doing here, Tatenashi?" Cloud asked as he looked at the girl.

"I was just curious to know what was going on" - said the student council president - "The cameras of the Arena were mysteriously deactivated, so I came to make sure that nothing strange happened, especially when those three unknown IS They appeared out of nowhere

"It's just Houki and her sister training with the new IS she brought her"-Cloud said calmly as he started walking again.

"I know... Chifuyu-san informed me when she came out" -the blue haired girl nodded as she walked beside her-"She also told me that now you are much more dangerous because Tabane-sama brought you a custom gun"

"That's right" - agreed the blonde.

"Can I see it?" Tatenashi asked excitedly.

"Sorry, it consumes a lot of energy"-Cloud said while he shook his head-"By the way, think better about your words that someone could misunderstand them"

Tatenashi blushed slightly as she understood the double meaning of what he had said, but quickly gave the boy an annoyed look. She was the one who normally picked on the others and now she was getting the short end of it- "I'm serious..."

"Me too" - replied the blond.

"Hmph!" Screenshot gave him a snort as she started to think about how to return her cute Kouhai's hand- "Hey..."

"Yes?" Cloud asked in surprise.

"Since you're alone... how about I sleep with you today~?" Tatenashi asked as she gave him a wink.

"I'd like to... but if you do, I promise you won't get out in one piece" - Cloud said seriously as the girl felt a small shiver run down her spine - "Ahem! I think it's better that we leave the jokes to a side and let's talk about a serious topic... the scientists managed to get some information from the automatic IS that you managed to capture, only to find out that it was made by [Ruined Country Weaving Industry], a corporation with more than 50 years that has connections with different nations"

Cloud frowned because he had heard of that company that was born during the second great war, especially when he knew that he was the main arms dealer in the world-"This became much more complicated than we thought... "

"I thought the same thing" - agreed Tatenashi - "Although it's not to the point of being powerless, after all, as well as allies, [Ruined Country Weaving Industry] also has enemy countries and many of them are great powers at the moment"

"Still, we can't just say that they're with [Phantom Task] because it's quite possible that they just sold their IS" – Cloud said as he stroked his chin.

Tatenashi nodded at these words because she too had thought the same thing, after all, it was unlikely that [Ruined Country Weaving Industry] would leave such an obvious trail on an IS that could be captured.

"Let's better leave this boring topic"-Tatenashi sighed as she approached the boy-"Have you already decided where we're going to go on our date~?"

"Right...we have a pending date"-Cloud said while Tatenashi frowned, but she got annoyed when she saw the joking smile that the boy had. It was obvious that he hadn't forgotten and was just teasing her - "But seriously, our date will be after I have one with the winner of the tournament..."

"But..." - Tatenashi said with annoyance.

"Whose fault was it?" Cloud asked with a big smile.

"Ok, you're right..." - the blue-haired girl sighed with annoyance - "But you're not going to save yourself from me... I'm sure that when we finish our date, you won't want to separate from me~"

"Or you may give up and end up at my feet"-Cloud said as he began to walk towards his room calmly.

"Hmph"-Tatenashi only answered her with a snort as she began to think about her strategy.

* * * * *

Cloud was about to enter his door, when he stopped his hand because he felt a presence inside-"..."

He slowly opened the door and noticed Maya was inside with her back to her as she held her head in what seemed to be embarrassment.

"I still can't believe I did this…" the green-haired woman murmured in an almost inaudible voice.

"Do what? Walk into my room with nothing but an apron?" Cloud asked in surprise.

"Kya!" -Maya jumped a little when she heard the blonde, only to slowly turn around, showing a white apron- "I-I can explain!"

"You don't have to" - Cloud said as he shook his head - "But I want to know who it was that told you to do this... let's be honest, Maya-san... I don't think you had the courage to think about something like this"

"Hey! Y-If I can do it!" -Maya exclaimed with annoyance but she shrugged her neck when she saw how the blond rolled his eyes at her- "Ok, I wouldn't have thought about it if a friend hadn't advised me"

"Whose?" - Cloud asked with surprise - "Because I don't think it was Chifuyu-san"

"She actually was an ex-classmate…" Maya said as she scratched her cheek, "I'm sure you know her, her name is Hikaruno"

"The perverted head of the Kuromochi corporation's investigative department?" - Cloud asked again - "Somehow I can imagine the situation if all this comes from her"

". . ." -Maya just shook her head seeing that perversion was something that was recognized just like her friend's intellect.

"But I still don't understand what you're doing here" - said the blond boy.

"W-Well..." - Maya said with embarrassment - "D-Don't make me say it!"

Cloud just smiled as he closed the door , after all, he didn't want something like this to be seen otherwise-"Ok. I understand"


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