Chapter-116 ( Battle Royal - III )

". . ." -Chifuyu could not contain the surprise she felt seeing how easily Houki had defeated her younger brother. She was aware that her brother was not the best pilot but knowing his origin, his talent gave him the ability to be, that is why she found it shocking that a girl who had been the same amount of time, could dispatch him with such ease and with almost no effort - "Give me a report on the consumption of the shields of the participants.

"Orimura-kun is at 35%. Huang-san is at 40%, Alcott is at 98%, Bodewig-chan is at 60% and going down, Hamilton-san is at 100% because he hasn't entered the battlefield yet." and Dunois-chan is at 95%" - Maya said as she continued looking at the charts - "The pseudo-Shield we gave Cloud-kun, is still at 100% because it hasn't been damaged in the slightest"

"Hmm... things are looking bad for the Orimura, Bodewig and Huang teams" - Chifuyu said while shaking her head - "Although this was planned... well... what is the level of Shield of Shinonono?"

"From... 95%... 96%..." - Maya said as she shook her head - "When he finished his first attack, he was at 90%, when he finished the second he was at 80%, but now he's back At 96%... [Akatsubaki's] Shield regeneration ability, it's monstrous."

"That's because it's only regenerating energy for itself" - Tabane said as she entered the operations room - "I built [Akatsubaki] to not only be a beast in close range combat, but also to be a Support IS as it can absorb energy from the surroundings and transfer it to other IS"

"!" -Maya couldn't contain her surprise when she heard this because that option was revolutionary. If Houki was in a team, then missions would increase her success rate by at least 50%.

"We'll talk about [Akatsubaki's] capabilities later, for now let's focus on combat" - Chifuyu said seriously as she narrowed her eyes seriously, although she had to admit that she was starting to get excited when she thought about the idea of ​​having another match with him. blonde boy, since lately she was feeling bored just working as a teacher.

* * * * *

"[Ignition Boost]!" Houki exclaimed as her IS glowed a beautiful, almost pinkish red, then flew at full speed towards Cecilia.

"!" -the girl from UK, she just gritted her teeth as she began to back away at full speed. If she let Houki get into her optimal range, then she would be finished- "It won't be that easy, Houki-san! [Smart Shot]!"

Once again, a tracker began to materialize in Cecilia's eye as she backed away at full speed.

"That was what I expected!" Houki exclaimed as she increased the speed of her charge, as well as her Shield consumption.

Cecilia began to control her drone with great mastery as she watched her friend get closer and closer. The muzzle of her assault rifle quickly expanded as she pointed dangerously at her friend's—"I'll introduce you to a new application of my [Unique Ability]! [Smart Shot: Prison]! FIRE!" "

Cecilia quickly fired 20 shots as her drone began to open up, revealing some kind of mirrors.

Houki quickly dodged the attacks, only to be surprised to hear them closing in again in just a matter of milliseconds. She slowly looked around, only to notice how the drones were returning the shots at full speed thanks to the mirrors that were inside them-"This..."

"That's how it is!" Cecilia exclaimed tiredly. Controlling all of this, as well as the pressure he felt from Houki, was making his mental exhaustion grow with every second, although it was worth it now, after all, he had managed to capture his enemy - "Prison, it is the application of my [Smart Shot] which creates a pseudo-prison of energy produced by my shots, if you try to get close, then you will take massive damage, as the power of my shots has grown thanks to the speed increase they gain with each rebound. .."

"I'm surprised you created a variation so quickly… after all, you don't have much time with your ability"-said Houki as she looked around for a possible solution.

"I can't stay behind... not when there are so many strong rivals" - Cecilia said seriously as she felt a sharp headache come to her - "Ugh..."

"I see you still don't adapt well to your [Unique Ability]" – Houki muttered as she narrowed her eyes – "I guess that's your weakness… and I think I know how to take advantage of it"

Houki quickly focused energy into hers [Karaware] and launched two energy slashes at Cecilia's drones, only to notice how they moved and dodged her attacks.

"Ugh..."-Cecilia's expression distorted even more, but her expression worsened when she noticed her friend's smile-"She was right..."

"Shit!" exclaimed the girl from UK but her expression changed to one of surprise when she noticed how a bullet hit one of Houki's swords. She slowly looked in the direction of the person in charge and noticed how Charlotte was looking at her with a big smile-"I guess I'm going to help you"

"Thank you…" Cecilia murmured as she pointed at Houki, "I'm sorry, Houki-san…but this, it's for victory…"

* * * * *

"Impressive! Contestant Houki hasn't just left contestants Orimura Ichika and Huang Ling Yin in critical condition!" - exclaimed Tatenashi - "But now she's also facing the two long-range contestants! It's a big surprise for all of us who thought that Cloud Strife would be the star of this match, but it seems that the Houki contestant is the one who is taking all the honors!"

The spectators screamed with excitement to see such an exciting battle between the strongest first-year female pilots.

"Houki is managing to repel all the shots from her enemies, but it looks like she's taking damage regardless!" Tatenashi exclaimed as he averted his gaze in the blonde's direction, wondering why he still hadn't done one of his one-sided battles.

* * * * *

"Why aren't you facing me with all your might?" - Laura asked with a frown upon noticing the same situation as Tatenashi.

"Because one, I'm waiting for Tina to reach her full potential so I can face both of them at the same time" - Cloud said with a look full of emotion - "And two... because it's time for Houki to get out of the room." Tabane-san's shadow... it's time for her to be recognized not as the sister of Shinonono Tabane, the genius inventor, but as Shinonono Houki, one of the most potential pilots in the world"

". . ." Laura frowned again as she felt a great amount of jealousy wash over her. She never thought that the boy she considered her husband would be so excited to talk about another woman-"I guess I'm going to have to make you fight one way or the other."

Laura quickly removed her eyepatch, showing her [her Odin's] eye ​​to the world again-"It's time for Round 2"

"It will be a pleasure... and from what I see, it won't be long before Tina-san joins our little party"-Cloud smiled as he moved a little faster-"Come on, Laura! Have some fun plus!"

* * * * *

"The first Fourth Generation IS," Squall said as she carefully watched Houki fight, "And his pilot is talented…"

"Shall we steal it?" Autumn asked as she looked at her lover.

"No...I don't think it's possible," Squall said as she shook her head, "If what Tabane Shinonono said is true, then it's only going to cause us trouble."

"What if it's not true?" asked the woman with light brown hair.

"Believe me, her words are one hundred percent true" - replied the beautiful blonde with red eyes - "If there is one thing that Tabane does not joke about, it is the safety of his beloved Houki-chan... that is why we have tried kidnap her and without success..."

"Don't you think now is a good time to do it?" - asked a second voice - "If we catch her, we will not only have the Fourth Generation IS, but we will also have Shinonono Tabane's necklace"

"There's a little problem with your proposal, M-chan" - said a female voice and from the tone, you could tell she was in her mid 20's - "Houki Shinonono, you are not only being protected by your IS, but also by your older sister Tabane Shinonono, Chifuyu Orimura and the academy, as well as the wild card Cloud Strife"

"Allie's right, M-chan," Squall replied as he looked at his youngest recruit, "Houki Shinonono's level of security is much higher than Ichika Orimura's...not to mention that we don't have exact knowledge of the level of the Cloud Strife's abilities, just assumptions that would be fatal if wrong."

"So what will we do?" - M asked with a frown.

"We'll go with the plan... first we'll infiltrate the US Central Operating Base and create a small situation to cover our real objective" - ​​Squall said with a big smile on his face - "I think it will be a good way to reduce the tension you feel a bit, Madoka-chan"

"Don't call me by that name" - Madoka said coldly.

"But it looks so good on you, Madoka Orimura-chan~" Squall said with an amused smile, only to then dodge the knife that was aimed at her face. "They can't take a single joke anymore."


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