Chapter-117 ( Battle Royal - IV )

"How much more do you need to get into combat?!" Rin exclaimed from her comlink.

"Rin-chan! You're alright!" Tina exclaimed as she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Of course I'm fine... although in good condition..." - the girl from China sighed - "But let's leave that for another time, I want to know how much more time you need because our condition is bad... we don't have the such a huge increase in power from Houki..."

"I know...I saw them kick their asses"-Tina said as she let out a small laugh.

"Stop laughing and answer me" - Rin said with annoyance.

"Ok, I just need a few more minutes" - Tina said seriously.

"Ok" - the girl from China sighed.

* * * * *

Houki was silently observing her surroundings as she blocked all the bullets being thrown at her.

"You've improved more than we thought, Houki"-Charlotte said as she frowned. She was clearly upset by the statement that the girl from Japan had made.

"Thank you... but I'm not done yet"-said the girl as she began to unleash all of her Shield-"Ha!"

"!" - The two blonde Representatives were surprised to see how Houki's energy levels were increasing with each passing second.

"Doesn't she care about that massive shield consumption?!" Charlotte exclaimed in surprise.

"[Amatsuki]!" Houki exclaimed as she extended her right katana, just so she could create even more powerful shots and at the same time, she swung her right katana from her, "[Karaware]!"

"Cecilia, dodge!" - Charlotte exclaimed when she saw how the power outage was now much bigger than before.

"Hai!" Cecilia exclaimed, only to scream in pain as she felt how she lost contact with some of her drones-"Oh no!"

"Cecilia?" - asked the girl from France.

"She's about to get out of jail!" Cecilia exclaimed as she shook her head from the pain of feeling how she was losing more drones.

"Cecilia, move!" Charlotte exclaimed.

"Hey?" -Cecilia was surprised to hear the words of her friend, only to notice how Houki was in front of her.

"I'm sorry, Cecilia... but right now we're enemies"-Houki said as she concentrated energy into her [Amatsuki's] in order to create a large amount of massive damage.

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Cecilia yelled as she felt like she was being constantly bombarded.

[Warning! Warning! Shield at Critical levels! Warning! Please Land to prevent accidents!]

[Warning! Shield shrinking at high speed! Warning! Shield less than 5%! Warning!]

"Cecilia!" Charlotte exclaimed when she saw how her friend fell to the ground at full speed.

[Participant Shield, in critical condition, initiating security protocol]

Right where Cecilia was going to hit, the floor opened up and what seemed to be a large mattress of an unknown material appeared.

[Participant Cecilia, is out of action, initiating medical protocol]

The hatch quickly closed, leaving the floor of the Arena, once again untouched.

". . ." -Charlotte just glared at Houki because she never thought that her friend would be so cold with them.

"Don't look at me like that, Charlotte-san"-Houki said as she shook her head-"We are in the middle of a battle and I will show no mercy to my enemies"

". . ." Charlotte kept her silence as she aimed her assault rifle.

"I see you're still upset... but it doesn't matter" -the girl from Japan sighed as she tightened her grip and gave her a serious look- "I only attacked with everything I had because I was showing you the respect you deserve as a Representative and as a friend"

Charlotte was about to tell her something else, but she was surprised when she saw how Ichika and Rin appeared at Houki's side.

"We got you!" - exclaimed the two pilots.

"Rule number two that Cloud taught me... never shout when you are going to make a surprise attack because you will only be giving your intentions to your enemies" - Houki said as she disappeared from her location, surprising the two pilots who could only stop their attacks. attacks because they would only end up damaging his 'partner'.

"Where is she?" Rin asked as she looked around, only to be surprised to notice a shadow above her.

"Remember... I can use [Ignition Boost]"-Houki said as her eyes shone with intensity, only to be surprised to see how someone appeared in front of her with a big smile on her face-"Hehehe"

"!" Houki quickly deactivated her swords and crossed her arms to defend against her, only to feel her go flying from Tina's blow.

"I'm sorry I'm late..." Tina said as she looked at her partner- "Although it seems that it couldn't be a better time"

"I appreciate it"-Rin said as she released a sigh full of relief.

"Rin! Are you alright?" Ichika asked with concern.

"Nearly" - the girl from China sighed - "I almost fell for belittling Houki-san again..."

"Hmm... I see that Houki is having fun"-Cloud said as he appeared in front of the group with a big smile.

"!" - Those present quickly stepped back, only to notice how Laura was unconscious on the ground.

[Participant Laura Bodewig, is out for the count]

"I have to admit that fighting Laura now that she's much calmer, was fun at the time... but..." - the blond muttered as his eyes shone at the sight of the other opponents - "Seeing how Houki fought, it made me showed how much she had improved... I can even say that she is much stronger than I thought at first... not bad, Houki"

"T-Thank you…" the brown-haired girl said as she struggled to her feet. She had consumed a large amount of Shield when she defeated Cecilia and her consumption increased even more when she started the [Ignition Boost] to be able to dodge Ichika and Rin's attacks, so the blow that Tina had dealt had consumed the little Shield. she had left, leaving her almost at the limit.

[Warning! Shield at 10%! Warning!]

"Do you think you can continue?" Cloud asked as he appeared in front of her so he could block a blade coming at her.

"!" -Houki was surprised when he saw this because she saw a smiling Tina.

"That was great! How did you know she would attack Houki-chan?" Tina asked in surprise.

"Because it's obvious"-Cloud said as he rolled his eyes at her-"Are you okay, Houki?"

"Y-Yes... thanks..." Houki said as she blushed. She had to admit that it felt good to be protected at times like this by the boy she liked.

"Do you want to take a break?" Cloud asked as he again blocked Tina's attack, "Not bad…"

"Thank you!" Tina exclaimed as she began to focus energy on her thrusters. "But I'm still not at my best!"

"What do you say Houki?" Cloud asked as he looked at his teammate.

"I'm going to fight until the moment I run out of energy because I feel like I'm about to break that barrier that's blocking me" - Houki said seriously. She wouldn't give up now that she had come this far.

"Ok, if that's your decision, then I'm going to support you" – the blonde boy nodded as he looked at the other survivors of the battle- "Let's see… how about I buy you some time to recover? "

"It's not necessary, I'm going to keep fighting"-said Houki while he saw how her shield gauge began to rise again.

"Remember that the established security limit has risen to 5%"-Cloud said as his earring began to glow slightly-"If your shield is lower than that percentage, then it will be considered a defeat"

"Don't worry"-the girl agreed firmly as she watched her Shield go up to 12%.

"If they're done talking, then it's time for us to start our battle, Cloud Strife"-Tina said excitedly as she walked away from her. She had informed Rin that she would keep Cloud busy for them to put an end to Houki, after all, it was obvious that she couldn't maintain that level of power.

"Ok…be careful, Houki" the blonde nodded as he chased after the girl from America.

"I guess it's time for us to finish this"-Houki said as she looked around her, only to notice how her friends looked at her seriously.

"I never thought you were that strong, Houki" - Ichika said seriously.

"That's the result of my training and my feelings"-Houki said as she looked away to see the irritation on Charlotte's face-"Why do you have that expression, Charlotte-san?"

"Because during this fight, I understood some things about you" - sighed the girl from France - "But then we'll talk, right now we're in the middle of a fight"

Houki nodded at her words, only to be surprised to see how Rin was attacking her.

"You said it yourself, you don't have to lose sight of your opponents" -Rin said as she clenched her teeth furiously. She was still upset over the fact that because of a mistake, she almost lost.

"Thanks for the reminder, Rin-san"-Houki replied as he blocked the girl's attack with her two katanas that she had summoned again-"I'll keep your words in mind from now on"

"Orimura-san..." Charlotte said seriously as she summoned a submachine gun.

"I know..." - nodded the black-haired boy - "I'm sorry Houki..."

"You don't have to apologize, Ichika..." - denied Houki as she blocked Rin's attack again, although this time it came with such force that it made her take a few steps back - "We're in the middle of a fight and I'm your enemy, So don't have mercy on me"

"You said it yourself"-Ichika nodded as he activated his Armament [Yukihira Mk 2]-"Come on! [Reiraku Byakuya]! HAAAAAAAAAA!"


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