Chapter - 122 ( Bathing Suits - I )

Another day had passed and the students of class 1-A were coming out of their last classes of the day, although the vast majority of them wore expressions of extreme weariness. Cloud for his part, was as if nothing happened due to two factors, one, he already knew all the necessary information thanks to the idiots who captured him in the government facilities and two, he honestly did not care if he approved or disapproved, after all, his The objective was not to pass the course, but to complete the semester.

"I had forgotten that there was an exam today, so I had to revise all night..." - Cecilia murmured.

"Something similar happened to me" - Charlotte sighed.

"It was simple" - answered Laura calmly.

"I feel like I'm dead..." - murmured Ichika, who was the most devastated in the class, after all, he had only been studying information related to IS for 2 months.

"The good side is that we can finally go shopping for swimsuits" - said Houki with a small smile.

"TRUE!" - the others exclaimed.

"I think I'm going to go to my room to take a well-deserved rest..."-Ichika said, only to feel someone take his hand-"Huh?"

"I-Ichika... I-I need you to come with me to buy a new swimsuit" - Rin said with red cheeks.

"Really? But I don't see anything different about you" - Ichika said in confusion.

". . ." -A Rin could only give a tic in the eyebrow while she felt how her female fury increased with each passing second.

"R-Rin?" Ichika stepped back in fear as he felt the aura of his childhood friend.

"Ichika... ICHIKA NO BAKA!" Rin yelled as She smacked him with her IS covered arm.

"He deserves it" - said Houki.

"Yes, he deserves it" - agreed Charlotte.

"Completely deserved" - nodded Cecilia.

"Even I know he deserves it" - said Laura.

"This mission to get Ichika a girlfriend... will be much more difficult than he thought..." Cloud muttered as he shook his head. The hope that he had gotten from seeing that his friend was acting a little more embarrassed with Rin had died.

"W-why was that…" Ichika muttered before losing consciousness.

"I feel that far from helping him, the blows are making him more and more of an idiot" - Houki muttered while the other girls nodded.

". . ." -Rin just looked around her with a red face as she ran away, after all, her friends in most of her had bodies that made her jealous.

"Let's go" - Cloud muttered as he and the girls ignored the unconscious Ichika.

* * * * *

30 minutes had passed and the group was already walking through the streets of the city and in the process, earning a lot of stares from passersby, after all, each of them had the appearance of a model.

"If I remember correctly, the shop should be around here…" Houki said as she looked around.

"We better ask for directions because I feel like we've lost our way" - added Laura.

"Houki..." - Cecilia muttered.

"C-Don't worry, it's just that I haven't been to this area of ​​the city in years" - Houki said with embarrassment as she looked away.

"Let's just ask someone the location of the store"-Charlotte sighed as she shook her head.

[Walk 50 meters north and then 20 meters east and you will find the Swimsuit store]

"Thank you, Raiden" - Cloud agreed while the other girls looked at each other and patted their foreheads for forgetting the detail that [Raiden] was one, if not the most advanced AI in the world.

[I, Raiden, AI with the ability to learn by just looking at things once, an intelligence capable of deducing complicated combat patterns, reduced to nothing more than a GPS… my creators must be rolling in their graves]

"Don't be so melodramatic, Raiden" - snorted the blond - "Although I have to admit that your ability to learn is impressive... little by little you start to act like a normal person"

[Thank you sir, although I really have a clear irritation to be acting as a GPS]

"Sorry, Raiden" - Charlotte said sadly.

[Don't worry, it's my duty to help my master even though it's these mundane tasks]

"Let's continue" - Cloud said while the others nodded.

* * * * *

"Why do I have to come too?" Tabane asked as she looked at Chifuyu and Tabane.

"Because I'm sure you will need it" - Chifuyu replied calmly - "After all, you yourself said you would come with us"

"Ok... you win"-sighed the inventor as she shook her head, although she had to admit that it was something that benefited her, after all, she didn't have a swimsuit.

"I wonder what kind of swimsuit he would like..." Maya murmured with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"I see he really has you tied down"-Chifuyu said as she looked at her friend-"Now I feel bad for getting in the way"

"It's not your fault that the bosses told you that you have to at least try something with him"-Maya said as she shook her head.

"My Houki Sense is tinkling"-said Tabane as she began to look around.

"Now that I remember, I heard the girls talk about coming to buy swimsuits with Cloud" - Chifuyu said as she watched as Tabane walked towards the entrance of the store - "And from what I see, they coincidentally came to the same store"

Maya quickly ran after Tabane because it was a good opportunity to ask Cloud for her opinion regarding her swimsuit.

"This is strange…" Chifuyu muttered as she shook her head, "I better follow them"

* * * * *

The group of students quickly made it to the store, only to see Tabane and Maya walking in their direction.

"Houki-chan~!" -exclaimed the inventor as she jumped to hug her sister, only to fly away when she received a blow from the girl.

". . ." - the others just looked at her in surprise while Houki's face blushed - "I'm sorry... it was an involuntary reflex"

"Hello girls"-Maya said as she looked at her students.

"Hello, Maya sensei" - the girls said, although they sighed with regret when they saw how their teacher looked at the blond boy fondly - "Hello, Maya-san... I guess you also came for the swimsuits"

" last swimsuit is too small..."-said the teacher with a red face as the girls looked at her huge breasts.

"Yes... yes it's his breasts"-said Chifuyu as she calmly walked towards the group.

"Orimura-sensei!" Maya exclaimed sadly.

"Remember that we are not at work, you can call me Chifuyu" - said the black-haired teacher calmly.

"Orimura sensei/Chifuyu-san!" The girls exclaimed in surprise.

"I didn't expect to meet you in this place, Chifuyu-san" - Cloud said with surprise.

"My old swimsuit doesn't fit me because it's from many years ago and since I haven't been to the beach before, I hadn't had the need to buy another one" - answered the black-haired woman while shaking her head - "But Let's save that for another time because I'm sure by the expressions they have that the girls want to buy their swimsuit"

"Hai!" - The students exclaimed as they looked at each other.

"I feel like there's something more to all of this" - Tabane said as he walked back to where the others were - "Hello C-chan"

"Hello Tabane... I feel like it's becoming a habit that every time I see you, you fly away" - Cloud said calmly.

"I-I guess that's how Houki-chan shows her affection…" the inventor muttered as she shook her head, "Anyway…why don't you tell me why you're so excited?"

"Because we have a little competition" - answered Laura, only for the girls to cover her mouth almost immediately.

"Competition?" Maya asked in surprise.

"What are they trying to do?" Chifuyu asked seriously.

"W-Well..." - the girls recoiled when they noticed their teacher's neutral look so they confessed almost immediately.

After hearing what it was about, Chifuyu looked at the girls seriously and said - "As a teacher, I can't let something like this go by, after all, the IS Academy is not a place for such situations... but at the same time I am aware that many of the girls have broken those same rules even with teachers"

Maya blushed when she heard this so she quickly looked away.

"Anyway, I'm going to accept your game but you have to promise me that you won't try to exceed a certain limit" - Chifuyu said as she saw how the girls nodded firmly - "Fine, you can continue"

"Question…if I participate…do I have to sleep with C-chan if I win, or can I just pick Houki-chan to sleep together?" Tabane asked curiously.

"We hadn't thought about it but we can modify the rules if you wish" - Charlotte said while the others nodded, of course, all except Houki who was a little annoyed.

"Then I'm in" - Tabane said firmly - "I hope you give me a good reaction, C-chan because my special moment with Houki-chan depends on you"

"I don't promise you anything" - Cloud replied calmly.

"I'm in too"-Maya said firmly as the girls looked at her with lightning in her eyes.

"What are you planning to do, Orimura sensei?" Cecilia asked as she looked at the black-haired teacher.

"Hmm... I'm not sure" Chifuyu replied as she began to think.


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