Chapter 151 [ Dragon ]

". . ." - Those present fell silent again because despite being such a basic Skill, it had an impressive effect.

"I have to tell my subordinates to improve their cooking..." Olga muttered as she read the last notes.

"I don't think it works like that, Olga" Celestine sighed as she shook her head.

"I think this Skill will suit Cecilia"-muttered the blond boy while he remembered how she had improved since the incident with the poisonous food.

[Ok, now I can take a break…opening portals is hard work, even for a disembodied entity]

"Wait! I want to buy a [Dragon Slayer] Magic!" The blond exclaimed.

[Ok... 5,000,000 SP for a basic one... which one do you want?]

"Fire" - Cloud replied seriously.

[Ok... by the way, I recommend you also buy the Rocks one...]

"?" -Cloud frowned because there was no way he could buy a second Magic, not with his low SP.

[Don't worry, check the Magic section and you will notice that [Stone Dragon Slayer] Magic is extremely cheap compared to the others]

Cloud paid attention to him and noticed that it was true, that Magic had a value of only 1,000,000, but he did not understand why.

[It's because it could be said to be an Introductory Magic...]

Cloud frowned when he heard this as he went through the different Dragon Slayer Magics there were, only to notice one that cost 20,000,000 SP.

[Dragon Slayer Magic of the Mountains]

Magic created by the Dragon of the Briga Mountains

Effect 1: Immunity to Earth Element.

Effect 2: +100 STR, +100 VIT, -50 INT, -50 DEX

Effect 3 (Resistance): +50% Immunity to Physical Attacks, +25% vulnerability to Magical Attacks.

Effect 4 (Gaia): While in contact with the ground, increase the Regenerative factor by 1000%. Consume Earth Attacks, increases the power of your attacks by 50%

Effect 5 (Dragon Force): +300% STR, +25% Immunity to Physical Attacks, -99% DEX. Consumes 2 Magic per second.

Requirements: [Rock Dragon Slayer Magic] [Earth Dragon Slayer Magic] [VIT: +200] [STR: +300]

"Ok, that makes a bit more sense, although now I wonder why there isn't an [Introductory Magic] for the Fire Release" Olga muttered as she frowned.

[That's because there is no such thing as [Temperature Dragon Slayer Magic]...]

"Let's better leave that for another time, now I want to buy the [Fire and Rock Dragon Slayer] Magic, I also want to level up the [Apocalypse Dragon Slayer] Magic" - Cloud said seriously.

[Ok… grit your teeth because I'm sure this is going to hurt~]

". . ." -Cloud felt as if nothing like a great amount of knowledge invaded his mind, but his expression changed when he felt his blood begin to boil-"!"

"Oh... he feels the same when he was unconscious... that means one thing..." Tabane murmured as she saw how the blonde's body began to turn red.

"He's waking up..."-said Olga with surprise as a small smile appeared on her face. The stronger the blonde became, the better it would be for her because he could agree to make him her consort.

"Roooaaaarr -The roar of a dragon resounded on the Island as the girls ran towards Cloud to see what was happening, only to notice the drastic change in his current appearance.

"Onee-chan! What the hell is going on?!" Houki exclaimed as she ran to her sister.

"He is reawakening the Dragon blood of him"-Tabane replied seriously-"So you better back off"

". . ." - The girls frowned when they heard this but quickly followed his instructions. Saeko, Shizuka and the others from [Highschool of the Dead] were worried, but quickly calmed down when they heard the System's words.

"ROOOAAAR!" The blond's roar resounded again as his shadow changed shape into that of a huge dragon that made the whole place tremble.

"Ok... that was impressive"- Celestine said as her eyes sparkled- "As would be expected of an entity that has the potential to equal and even surpass a god"

"How long do you think he will be suffering like this?" Houki asked with concern.

"I don't know...maybe it will be a few minutes or even days..."- Olga answered calmly-"Remember that he is activating his bloodline and in the process, constantly destroying and recreating his body"

[I recommend that you go inside the mansion… this will take about two days…]

"So much?!" Shizuka exclaimed as she watched in terror as her beloved Cloud was suffering.

[Don't worry, although the process is painful, his life is not in danger and when his change is over, everything will return to normal]

". . ." - The girls looked at each other and nodded weakly. They knew there was nothing they could do to help him.

"If it makes you feel better, me and Olga will stay and watch him in case something goes wrong" - added Celestine.

"Ok…thank you, Celestine-san"-Shizuka said as she nodded.

The Blonde Elf nodded with a smile as she watched the women enter the mansion, but not before giving a few words of encouragement to the blonde who had most likely ignored - "I never get tired of seeing how different these humans are compared to those of our world..."

". . ." -Olga didn't say anything, although even she had to admit the great difference that these 'inferior beings' had with their Eostian counterparts that she considered as lifeless Worms that only serve to increase the number of her troops.

* * * * *

Two days had passed and Cloud's Roars had ended.

The girls were leaving to check on his current state, only to notice how he was sweating uncontrollably.

His appearance hadn't changed much, only his clothes seemed to fit a bit tight because his muscles had grown slightly. His pale blond hair was a little longer now, but he was still styled the same way as before and his blue eyes still had their Serpentine Slit pupils.

"Cloud?" Shizuka asked as she approached the blond boy.

"I'm fine…just a little tired…" Cloud sighed as he looked at the blonde, who blushed upon feeling the blonde's aura. If he felt attracted to her before, now she felt her heart pounding-"W-What's happening to me?"

[It's a secondary effect of the Aura of Dragons. Normally this species has always had good luck regarding females because of his Royal Aura]

". . ." - Cloud looked around with discomfort because with how weak he was, he could only see how the women around him were looking at him with eyes full of passion, even the women with whom he had not had intimate contact, were breathing irregularly - " Is there any way to counter this?"

[Training... is the only way to control your aura]

"Oh… I don't think that's an option…" Cloud muttered as he noticed how Shizuka was breathing heavily.

"A-Ahem! I think it's time we talk to Cloud"-Saeko said with a big blush on her face-"We haven't seen him in a while and we have a lot to talk about"

"Crap!" -Cecilia exclaimed with annoyance but she calmed down when she felt the hand of her friend from Japan on her- "Houki?"

"Leave them..." - Houki said seriously - "Remember that they will be our partners and as such, we have to make the effort to have a harmonious relationship"

"You're someone interesting, Shinonono-san"-Saeko said as she looked at the girl-"Then I'd like to talk more with you and have a little fight between swordswomen by the way"

"I would appreciate it, Busujima-san" - agreed Houki.

"Call me Saeko, I don't like being called by my last name" - the purple-haired girl smiled.

"Ok, Saeko-san" - smiled the girl from the world of [Infinite Stratos] - "You can also call me Houki"

" if you'll excuse us, we have some things to do"-Saeko said as she motioned for Shizuka to take Cloud.

During this week, the girls had been training relentlessly and in the process they realized that they were getting stronger at a fast rate.

"Wait, I still don't get my lab!" Tabane exclaimed as he began to cry for the injustice of seeing how the Veterans took the blonde to do the obvious thing.

"And you are not going with them?" - Chifuyu asked as she watched as Rika, Olga and Celestine stayed.

"My relationship with Cloud is not what you think" - Rika replied calmly - "It's a bit difficult to explain, although now that I had the time to calm down, I understood that my words were a bit superficial"

"I do not plan to perform the act of copulation with Cloud Strife unless he gets stronger" - answered Olga while showing her pride as a sovereign - "If he is not strong enough, then he does not deserve to be the Consort of Olga Discordia, the Queen of the night"

"I have the same thoughts as Olga" - answered Celestine - "As a reincarnation of a goddess, I can't let anyone touch me because it would be a blasphemy to my divinity..."

Although the biggest motif was gold. They were scared, scared of ending up like their original counterparts. Both Celestine and Olga could only hide their fear of being reduced to nothing more than tools to please their master, that is why they had decided that they would not do anything until the time is right, and that would be none other than when Vult has his deserved end.

"I guess we just have to wait…" Tabane sighed as she looked around curiously, "Although that doesn't mean we can't investigate the surroundings…hehehe~"


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