Chapter 150 [ Cat Lover ]

"I don't feel much different…" Houki said as she looked around and noticed that they were in what seemed to be a tropical jungle.

"I guess they are the new ones" - said a female voice with a slightly cheerful tone.

"?" - The girls looked in the direction the voice came from and saw a woman who was not only beautiful, but what...

"Her breasts are just as big as Maya-san's…" the girls murmured, even Maya looked at the woman and then at her breasts in her surprise.

"Welcome"-Saeko said as she looked at the newcomers.

The other girls walked over curiously as they looked at the group that had accompanied their 'Leader'.

". . ." - The girls from [Infinite Stratos], looked at the girls who had appeared and noticed a common factor.

"Her breasts are huge..."-the newly denied ones thought.

"Cloud!" -Shizuka exclaimed as she hugged the blonde with emotion- "Wow! Your eyes are beautiful!"

"!" - The girls were surprised to notice the big change. The boy's eyes now had a more reptilian appearance.

"He was faster than I thought, although I'm not complaining"- said Olga as she walked in front of the blonde, surprising the [Infinite Stratos] girls even more.

"Her breasts are even bigger!" - The girls exclaimed but their expressions changed when they noticed the difference with the other women - "Elfa!"

"More human... you should improve your choice of company, Cloud Strife... even more so now that you're a Dragon"-said Olga as she narrowed her eyes.

"Come on, Olga... you don't have to be so bitter"-Celestine said as she approached where the now friend of hers was.

The week that had passed had caused the two women who arrived from Eostia to find that they had more in common than they thought.

"Don't try to make me change my mind, Celestine... I still can't relate well to humans" - snorted The Queen of the Dark Elves.

"What about Shizuka-san and the others?" - asked the Reincarnated Goddess.

"They are not so bad, at least for human beings"- answered Olga while she looked away.

"It's good to see that they have gotten used to this place"-Cloud said as he looked at the two women.

"Hey?" - The girls widened their eyes when they noticed how Cloud's appearance had changed. He was now much taller and stockier than before, displaying the appearance of a boy around 18 years old.

"Wow....not bad," Tabane nodded as she began to watch the blonde carefully, "Is this your real age?"

"Yes" - agreed the blonde.

"So how does it work?" Tabane asked curiously.

"When I enter a world, there are different factors that tell me at what time or age I am going to enter and although my mental capacities and experiences are maintained, my emotional level, emotions, instincts, among other things, is proportional to my 'current' age in that world" - Cloud replied calmly - "That means that even though I am hundreds or thousands of years old, my emotional age will be 14 years old if my body in that world is 14..."

"I see... the fact of the age difference must be a big contradiction" - Tabane agreed as a virtual screen next to a keyboard appeared in front of her and she began to type - "What about us?"

"You will go through the same process and as a bonus, you will maintain the appearance when you reach your maximum point, in other words you will develop until you reach your 20" - Cloud replied while looking at the inventor.

"Does that mean we're immortal?" Tabane asked in surprise. If that was true, then she could keep researching for quite a while, as well as spending time with her beloved Houki-chan.

"Ha! Immortals!" - Olga said with disdain - "Listen, little human... you are not immortal, you are only invulnerable to the passage of time because you can still be killed"

". . ." - A great silence appeared in the place while the Dark Elf began to laugh uncontrollably.

"Excuse her, she's not very nice to humans because of some bad experiences from her past" - Celestine said while looking at the girls - "Oh... right... sorry for being rude, my name is Celestine Lucross and as You can see, I'm a Divine Elf"

"G-Divine?!" The girls exclaimed in surprise.

"That's right" - nodded the blonde Elf - "I may not show it but I am the reincarnation of the goddess of my world"

". . ." - The girls could only feel how their worlds trembled with each situation that happened in front of them.

"Interesting...what is the level of technology in her world?" Tabane asked with a great gleam in her eyes.

"Sorry to disappoint you but the technological level of Eostia is at the same level as that of the Middle Ages of this world" - answered Celestine while scratching her cheek with pity - "But unlike in this world, we do almost everything with Magic"

"Magic?!" - The [Infinite Stratos] girls exclaimed as they gulped as they saw how the blonde elf's hands shone and the trees around her began to bloom.

"Interesting…" Tabane's eyes sparkled again, only this time with greater intensity as she thought of different applications. If the Magic of the Elf in front of her was similar to Cloud's, then she could create an IS advanced enough to be able to work with Mana. The more she thought about it, the more excited she was with her future in this place-"Cloud... do you think you can set me up a room so I can transform it into my personal laboratory?"

"Give me a moment"-replied the boy-"I still haven't received my reward for overcoming his world"

[I was starting to think that you had forgotten about me... well, let's just get this over with...]

["Infinite Stratos" world has been completed]

[Total Completion Percentage: 25%... Initial Grade... B+]

[Main Quest, has been completed: Initial Note... A]

[Analyzing Side Missions... analysis completed... Raising Grade to S+]

[Optional Mission Completed... upgrading SS]

[Max Level (World Lvl 1) reached... Transforming Gained Experience into SP...]

[Starting Rewards... Starting...]

[Stat Point +50]

[Skill Point +30]


[Gold Stat Point + 5]

[Random Skill x2]

Gold Stat Point: +1 to a Stat ignoring the amount of Stat Point to raise it, can be used within worlds.

". . ." - Cloud was surprised to see this last because these Gold Stat Point could save his life - "Random Skill?"

[It's a normal award when you complete the worlds with a good grade]

"I want to try it" - agreed the blonde as he watched as Shizuka and the other girls from [Highschool of the Dead], talked to the girls from [Infinite Stratos] and explained about the situation, leaving only Tabane, who was waiting for Cloud you will finish with your 'Rewards' and be able to start your investigation.


[Congratulations! You have achieved Skill "Cat Lover" and "Cooking"]

". . ." -Cloud just stayed silent while he listened as Olga, Celestine and Tabane let out a laugh-"This is a joke..."

[No...I may have a sense of humor, but I'm not kidding when it comes to the the way, these Skills aren't locked, so they can be transferred to your Recruits]

"Just give me the descriptions of the Skills…" the blond boy sighed as he shook his head. Maybe the skills just had ridiculous names because they honestly couldn't be that bad.

[Cat Lover (Rare)]

Come~ Kitty, Kitty, Kitty~

Effect 1: +100 Affinity with Beings with Feline characteristics

Effect 2: +50% Increased Damage when fighting alongside a being with Feline characteristics.

Effect 3: +100% compatibility with the Bloodline Nekomata.

". . ." - Both Cloud and the women were silent when they read the description because far from having a ridiculous name, the Skill was impressive. +100 Affinity, it was practically starting as friends with a species, not to mention that there were a lot of powerful beings with animal characteristics, including cats, such as the Sacred beast Byakko.

"Hmm... I think this Skill could suit Shizuka-san" - Celestine said as she tilted her head - "With her abilities and with a possible Nekomata transformation, she could be not only a good Medic, but also a good Assassin." ... not to mention that the Nekomata have a great connection with nature"

Cloud nodded at the blonde elf's words as he continued reading the next skill. If [Cat Lover] was good, he didn't want to think what it would be like to cook.


This dish not only attacks the sense of taste, but also that of touch.

Effect 1: +1 Knife Mastery.

Effect 2: +50% Damage against Fish, Animals, plant beings.

Effect 3: +25% hand speed.

Effect 4: +500% increase in the deliciousness of the dishes you cook.

Effect 5 (Locked): 90% chance to increase the level of the saucer by 1 level, 9.9% to increase the level of the saucer by 2 levels, 0.1% chance to increase the level of the saucer by 4 levels.

Effect 6 (Locked): ???

Effect 7 (Locked) Golden Hands: Saucers created have a minimum level of 7.

[Note: To unlock the options, you have to practice your cooking and make 500 level 5 dishes, 200 level 6 dishes, 100 level 7 dishes, 10 level 8 dishes, 5 level 9 dishes, and 1 level 10 dish]

[Note 2: The level of the dish is calculated depending on the cooking method, the utensils used, the custom that the cook has with the dish and the ingredients used]

[Note 3: Level 9 Meals have a small chance to increase Stats Permanently, while Level 10 Meals have a 100% chance to increase Stats]


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