Chapter 149 ( Returning )

"What do you think, Onee-chan?" Houki asked as she looked at her older sister.

"Follow your heart, Houki-chan... I'll support your decision" - answered the inventor with a smile.

"You should think more about yourself and less about me..." - the younger sister sighed.

"Houki-chan... I'm thinking about myself..." - Tabane sighed as she shook her head - "You're the person who can keep me stable... if it wasn't for you, I probably would have gone crazy from all the pressure." that I have resisted..."

"What are you talking about?" Houki asked in surprise before quickly frowning.

"I'm sorry, Houki-chan...there are things I can't tell you, not even you"-the inventor sighed as she shook her head-"You just have to know that I will always be there for you, even if I don't. hate"

". . ." -Houki was silent for a few seconds, then looked at her sister with a smile- "Come on, I already have my answer"

* * * * *

"What should I do?" Cecilia murmured as she frowned.

"I ask myself the same question"-said Tatenashi as she looked at the girl with a smile, although she could tell that she was overwhelmed with the same question.

"What do you have in mind?" Cecilia asked as she looked at her senpai.

"I don't know..." - the girl sighed - "I finally managed to be honest with my feelings but now I discover that it is only the first step..."

"The same thing happened to me..." - the girl from the UK sighed.

"You know? I have a younger sister who is a bit introverted"- Tatenashi sighed- "I was thinking of asking Orimura-kun for 'help'...but..."

"You ended up taking an interest in Cloud…" Cecilia said as she looked at the blue-haired girl.

"Little by little I began to lose sight of my goal of helping my sister..." - Tatenashi sighed as she shook her head - "I guess I'm not as good a sister as I thought. I'm even looking for excuses so I can agree to go with him." boy I love... things like 'I'm doing it because if I accompany him I'll become stronger and I'll be able to protect her'..."

"Tatenashi-san...I'm just going to give you some advice"-said Cecilia as she gave the girl a firm look-"Talk to your sister sincerely and follow your heart...I'm sure you'll get the answer you seek"

". . ." - Tatenashi gave the girl a smile and nodded - "Thank you... by the way, I give you the same advice... follow your heart, Cecilia-san... because there are opportunities that only happen once in a lifetime And if you don't take them, you may regret it later."

"I know…" Cecilia nodded firmly as she ran into her room.

"Thank you…" Tatenashi murmured as she walked towards her younger sister Kanzashi's room.

* * * * *

A new day had come and Cloud was waking up from a good night's sleep, although this time he was alone.

"Let's see what kind of answer they will give me... if they accept, everything will go on as if nothing" - murmured the blonde - "But if not... then I wouldn't know about our destiny..."

He couldn't say something like distance or time doesn't matter, because people change over the years. Days, weeks, months, none of that mattered when a person can change from one moment to the next.

"I better not think about such depressing things" -sighed the blonde as he got dressed, today he would receive the answer from the girls and would accept whatever his decision was.

* * * * *

A tense atmosphere originated in the meeting point as the girls looked at each other, with the clear exception of Charlotte and Maya who were calm, which was not much of a surprise knowing that they had already made their decision.

"I guess it's time..." Cloud said as he looked at the girls present.

"Can I ask a question before I answer?" Chifuyu asked seriously.

"Of course" - agreed the blonde.

"If we accept... will we end up being slaves or something?" Chifuyu asked as she narrowed her eyes.

"No... we will keep our free will and Cloud will not be able to force us to do anything improper either" - Charlotte replied calmly - "He will be able to ask us to do missions and we will be able to decide how to do it, yes, if we refuse to accept the orders only because yes, then something bad will happen to us and that punishment will depend on the person"

". . ." -Chifuyu nodded when she heard this- "Ok, I agree to join your journey... although I'm not sure if I'll be like the others... at least not for now"

"I don't have to be my lover to be a recruit...look at Tabane"-Cloud said as he shrugged.

"You're right...I still don't plan on having my threesome with Houki-chan...Ack!" - The girls shook their heads when they saw how the eldest of the Shinonono sisters hit the wall of the place.

"Ugh…" Chifuyu only groaned in pain as she clutched her head, though this was nothing compared to what she went through during her stay at the [Mosaic Project] facility.

"I also accept" - Houki said seriously - "I've already come far and I'm not going back"

"Ugh... I agree too..." - Tabane said as she got up, one had to admire her tenacity - "Wherever Houki-chan goes, I'll go... not to mention that I can't contain my excitement for new knowledge and worlds... it's even possible that I can build something that never in my wildest dreams was possible"

The Shinonono sisters fell to the ground as they clutched their heads in massive pain from so much information. Tabane suffered the most in this process because she seems to have gotten more than just basic information.

"I'm going with you..."-Tatenashi said seriously as she looked at the boy. She had put her playful demeanor aside in order to show a serious countenance, one that she had never shown before, even in her organization - "Firstly, because I want to become stronger... strong enough to protect my little sister and others." my organization that is currently fighting against Phantom Task... second, because according to our bet, everything of mine belongs to you, as well as myself... third... I don't plan to lose my first love because of cowardice... "

"I also accept..." - Cecilia said with a serious look - "I talked to my parents and they advised me to follow my heart... and don't worry, I didn't say anything out of place, I just asked them about their opinions..."

The two girls, like the others, fell to the ground as they felt their brains being filled with information.

[Recruitment completed...starting transfer]

"It really is like an RPG…" Tatenashi said as a small smile appeared on her face. She had to admit that she was right when she thought that things would not be boring around the blond boy, although there was one thing that had made her decision easier, and that was the fact that only one day would pass since her retirement, that it meant that no matter how hard or how much they changed, their world would stay the same as they remembered it.

[Transfer in 3... 2... 1...]

A blue portal appeared in front of the group, being the first to approach Tabane who had an excited look - "What kind of energy is this? Is it safe? What is the maximum capacity? Does it use a particle conversion system?" or is it just movement between dimensions? Do our bodies change when we enter? Are there any detrimental side effects?

Tabane continued with her barrage of questions while the System didn't know how to answer because this woman was very different from the others.

"Let's leave her alone... she will calm down when she sees that we left her behind"-Chifuyu said as she shook her head and entered the portal without thinking twice. She would not deny it, she was very curious to know what the other worlds would be like.

"Onee-chan…" Houki just sighed as she shook her head. If there was anything that could gain her sister's attention, it was knowledge or mysterious happenings to help her gain more knowledge.

"Come on, I promise I'll explain things in my world" - Cloud said as the girls nodded.

* * * * *

"At last!" - Saya exclaimed with emotion upon seeing the new portal that had appeared in front of the mansion's patio.

"A week…" Kyoko muttered as she felt that she had spent much more time.

"I guess this is due to the fact that we have lived those two months in our world just fighting to survive and now that we get so much free time, we feel that the days are much longer"-Saeko answered as she continued brandishing her sword.

"I just wonder how many women he'll bring this time"-said Yuriko as she shrugged-"And don't come with 'I don't think I'll do it' or 'It's quite unlikely', you know very well how that idiot is"

"We were late?!" Miku exclaimed as she looked at the portal.

" uses the same application as the two-way portals in our world"- Celestine said as she looked at the portal-"Don't you think so, Olga?"

"I would be interested if I didn't know that we will return to our world right at the time I was 'kidnapped'"-snorted the Dark Elf as she watched as a group of women left-"Heh, I see you didn't waste time"

"Remind me to talk to him when we find out who the new ones are" - Saya said coldly while the others nodded.

"Olga..." - Celestine said.

"Yes...I felt it too..."-said Olga seriously as a small smile appeared on her face-"I think our little 'Master' is taking his first steps in the right direction"

They, the women with the most experience (in the supernatural), detected the presence of a Predator, of an entity that caused terror with its sole presence, they detected the presence of a Dragon.


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