Chapter 156 ( will )

"You still don't answer me" - Cloud said coldly - "Why do you want to be stronger?"

"Because I want to protect my friends and this school!" - Ayane exclaimed loudly - "I can't let things continue like this!"

The girl slowly got up and gave him a firm look - "I need to be stronger to be able to face those two!"

Ayane was aware that her two opponents were much stronger than her and that was why she had to improve.

"That's why I'm begging you to let me be your apprentice!" the girl exclaimed as she fell to her knees in front of the blond boy, "Please..."

"I see…" Cloud muttered as the pressure lifted as if she had never been in the first place, "What do you guys think?"

"Hmm... her willpower is impressive" Chifuyu nodded.

"She has a good heart"-Shizuka smiled as she looked at the red haired girl.

"I think the same" - Cloud agreed as he looked at the three girls - "Not only is your willpower strong and you have a kind heart... but you also have a charisma that makes your friends give their physical stability for you ... Ok, you win, I'm going to help you"

"Seriously?!" Ayane exclaimed in surprise. She never thought it would be this easy.

"I'm not lying" - answered the blonde as he shook his head - "We start when the classes finish... by the way, your friends are also going to train with us"

The two sub-leaders looked at each other and nodded again. They had to admit that training under someone who was equal to or stronger than the most powerful girl in High School was something that wasn't often possible.

*ding dong ding dong*

"I guess we'll leave that for another time, now it's time for us to go back to class" - the blonde said as the girls nodded. Makoto and Keiko quickly apologized and walked towards her class while Ayane walked with a smile on her face seeing that she had managed to become the new boy's apprentice.

"Are? So you're the new guy" - Okina said seeing how the group approached her class - "Not bad"

"Same here" - Cloud replied with a small smile.

Okina was surprised at the compliment but quickly burst out laughing - "Ok, I guess you're not like other guys who blush when I give them a compliment"

"Is she our teacher?" Shizuka asked as she looked at her partner.

"That's right" - agreed Chifuyu.

"Hmm? I see I have competition" - Okina said as she looked at the blonde's breasts and noticed that although hers were bigger, the girl was much smaller than her and could still grow.

"I think this world will be fun"-thought Cloud as he shook his head. I had just entered and there was already chaos everywhere.

* * * * *

"What do you think of the new guy?" - Asked a beautiful blonde girl with green eyes framed by red glasses. She had an athletic body but above average breasts and wore a green vest over a white button down shirt, with a black bow with two yellow lines, a green skirt with two yellow lines, tights and black shoes.

"I don't think it's necessary to say it, Ransuiryū-sama (Emerald Storm Dragon)" - said a girl with blue hair combed in a ponytail and big breasts. She was wearing an outfit similar to that of the blonde girl- "He is strong if he can fight Kōgōryū head to head and come out unscathed"

"Shū is right, Rino-chan" - smiled a girl with long light brown hair that reached her neck. She was wearing the same uniform as the previous two girls, only she had her vest open, showing off her plunging cleavage- "Although if he can fight a dragon, that means only one thing."

"That he is also a dragon" - agreed Rino one of the three dragons of Nangokuren High - "That creates even more chaos in our weakly established balance"

"What do you plan to do, Rhino-sama?" -asked a girl with dark hair pulled into two pigtails, black glasses and a body a little slimmer than her leader's.

"I don't know Ryōko, I'll probably try it with our little pawn"-the blonde smiled as she took out her cell phone.

"Are you going to contact that girl?" - asked the brown-haired girl with disdain - "I don't think she can do much"

"We have to use everything we have in hand, Megu... not to mention that I don't expect much from her, I just want to know what kind of reaction our new nameless dragon will have" - ​​Rino replied neutrally as he looked out the window and noticed as the aforementioned blond boy was looking her straight in the eye - "... ."

"Is something wrong, Rhino-sama?" - Asked a blonde girl who was wearing a mask.

"No... it's nothing, Iyo"-Rino replied seriously as she looked again and noticed that he had disappeared-"Interesting..."

"I think we already have the identity of our new dragon..." -said Shū as she looked at her cell phone or rather the message that had come to him-"Kokuryū... a threatening name indeed"

"With what Kokuryū... huh?" - Rino's gaze moved to the third years' floor, only to see how Kyōka was looking out the window with a bored look on her face - "I want you to gather more information about Kokuryū... his name, blood group , where he comes from, if he has a family, the name of his dog, whatever... but I want him as soon as possible"

"Hai!" - The girls exclaimed as they left.

"No matter how many dragons join the war... I'll be the one to emerge victorious"-Rino slowly looked at her cell phone and pressed one of the many numbers-"I have a job for you..."

'Just tell me and I'll do it right away, Rino-sama~! No matter what it is, I'll carry out your orders even if it's the last thing I do~!'

"That's good to hear... now... I want you to cause trouble for our new freshman, the blond boy" - Rino said calmly, completely ignoring the girl's words.

'The boy who fought Kōgōryū?'

"The same"- Rino agreed as he noticed his cell phone was silent- "Is something wrong?"

'No, Rino-sama! There is no problem with his orders!'

"It's good to hear that, I want you to prepare everything and start tomorrow" - ordered the blonde girl.

'Your wishes are orders, Rino-sama~'

Saying that, Rino cut the flame immediately, she didn't want to talk to that girl anymore because she sincerely felt that she didn't deserve her time-"Let's see what kind of reaction you will show, Kokuryū"

* * * * *

"Asuna-sama"-said a blonde girl with long hair that reached her neck, combed in a fringe that covered the entire area of ​​her right eye. She was wearing her high school uniform but instead of the normal vest, she had some kind of ninja outfit along with a long white scarf.

"It's nothing Rurina, just orders from our superiors" - answered a beautiful girl of about 17 years. She had long black hair that reached her big butt, her breasts were huge to the point of being comparable to Shizuka's. The girl was wearing a standard high school uniform that could barely contain her curves along with glasses that made her Yamato Nadeshiko appearance perfect.

"What do we have to do?" asked a girl very similar to Rurina, only she had her bangs covering her left eye and was wearing a black scarf.

"We have to give trouble to the new boy who fought against Kōgōryū, Rumina"-Asuna sighed as she shook her head-"This is the most difficult mission that Rino-sama has given us"

"Should we test the water first?" Rumina asked.

"Of course…" Asuna agreed with a small smile on her face "He may be a dragon but he's still a boy"

"Ok, we'll try to get him to go to the auditorium tomorrow, Asuna-sama" - the two sisters agreed.

"Remember not to be so abrupt or we'll have even more problems with him" - Asuna said seriously.

"Hai!" - The twins exclaimed as they left the room.

"Wait! Remember to gather all the information you can!" -exclaimed the black-haired girl as her subordinates nodded and left-"I hope this is worth it...if this doesn't work...then I won't know what to do...Rino-sama..."

Asuna was aware that as long as she didn't show her true worth to Rino, she would never get what she had wanted so badly.

"Maybe…" the girl muttered as she shook her head, "No… if I do that, I might lose everything…"

"Maybe I can use the other guys to pressure him..." Asuna muttered as she began to think what to do in case things don't go the way she wanted - "A surprise attack is laughable if he's a dragon at the same level as Kōgōryū... my strength isn't bad but it still can't be considered that of a dragon despite how close I came to being named as one... that leaves me with only one option..."

Asuna slowly began to undress and see her body that although it sounded narcissistic but she knew that in the sensuality department, she was one of the girls, if not the sexiest in all of High School and she knew how to use it to her advantage - "If I can't hard, I try with charm, if I can't with charm, I try with stratagems, if I can't with stratagems... it's all for Rino-sama..."


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