Chapter 157 [ Ignorant ]

"Hmm... they didn't do too bad" - Cloud said as he saw how the girls were completely tired on the ground.

"They use too many moves even though they have talent" - added Chifuyu.

"I had fun~" Shizuka smiled as she tilted her head.

"You'll're monsters, especially you blonde!" - Keiko exclaimed with pain. Of those present, she had to fight against Shizuka, who according to the three girls was the easiest to win, but to their surprise, Shizuka was not only fast, but slippery. Every time she was about to hit her, Shizuka would disappear like a ghost.

"All girls have a hidden talent, in Shizuka's case, it's her ability to ignore everything they throw at her and easily dodge it"-thought Cloud as he looked at the confused blonde who didn't know why Keiko was calling her a monster.

Cloud shook his head when he saw the new Skill that Shizuka had obtained, although deep inside her, he understood that this Skill fit her like a glove because acting like someone ignorant was something that she did very well.



I'm going to ignore that

Effect 1: 95% (Non-Stackable) chance to dodge attacks that are not faster than the user but increases damage taken by 50%.

Effect 2: Ignore the damage increase (+X%) of both active and passive enemy Skills.

Effect 3: Ignores the effects of Allied Support Skills that target the User (Haste, Heal, Armor, etc.). [Does not ignore the User's own Skills]

Effect 4: Ignores Secondary Effects of Allied and enemy Skills. [Does not ignore the User's own Skills]

Effect 5: Blocks the acquisition of Skills that have Concentration as a means (If you already have them, they are modified to work without Concentration).

Effect 6 (Visible Confusion): The user maintains a confused face that makes enemies take it lightly.

Effect 7: Doubles the amount of EXP needed to level up Skills and the Base level.

Effect 8 (Simple): The user can only focus on one thing (Mandatory, the change can only be made once every hour and this ability remains active until a change occurs):

1)Attack: Reduces Defense by 50% and increases Attack by 25%, can't use non-offensive Skills.

2)Defend: Reduces Attack by 50% and increases Defense by 25%, can't use non-defensive Skills.

3) Running: Reduces Attack and Defense by 50%, but increases Speed ​​by 100%, Can't use Support Skills.

4)Assist: Reduces all Stats by 25% but boosts Support Skills by 50%, Can only use Support Skills.

5)Nothing: Blocks all of [Ignorant]'s skills but increases the level of concentration, learning (Reduces by 50% the EXP required to level up in general) and training. [Not affected by Effect 5]


Shizuka's skill had a lot of positive points, but the negative ones were just as serious. First, she could receive the effects of allied support skills at critical moments, as well as [Heal], although this did not affect potions or other items. Second, she lost the ability to use Skill with Concentration, which was not only varied, but also extremely helpful. Third, the ability to focus on one thing seemed good but it had the big drawback of only being able to change after an hour, if by any chance she used [Nothing] and during that hour something happened, she would lose Effect 1 and level of danger would increase exponentially, that's why she used [Run] all the time.

"Is something wrong, Sensei?" Ayane asked.

"No...I was just thinking about her abilities"-the blonde replied as he looked at the girls who slowly got up.

" I'm going to have to take a shower twice" Makoto muttered as he stared at her body in terror. She was completely dirty and that made her barely able to resist the urge to run to the bathroom and take a nice long hot shower.

"I swear I'm going to get back at you, Big Breasted Blonde" - Keiko snorted with annoyance. She had never felt so powerless in a fight - "Typical idiotic woman stereotype"

"'re a big breasted blonde too" Ayane replied as a bead of sweat ran down the back of her neck.

"Oh… right…" the blonde girl muttered as she blushed "Ahem! Forget what I said"

"Leaving that aside, I recommend that you use weights to begin with" - Cloud said seriously - "With them your training will be much more productive"

"I was expecting something more…different…" Makoto said as she cocked her head.

"Believe me, I would help you in another way but it's better to start with the basics"- Cloud replied while he shrugged and took out 3 bracelets- "Take, use those and place the counter in number 0.2"

"Ok" - the girls agreed, only to feel how their bodies seemed to be being pressed against the ground.

"That is one of the inventions of a friend of mine, it has the ability to create a gravity field around the user, although it can only reach 1" - continued the blond boy - "And with 1 I mean that it doubles the gravity around yours"

"0.2…" Ayane muttered as she looked at her Sensei.

"It means 20% more gravity" - Cloud replied calmly - "Seeing how trained their bodies are, skipping 10% is a good thing"

"If we carry things…" Keiko said as she gritted her teeth and fell to the ground.

"The weight of these also increases by 20%" - nodded the blonde - "Not bad, huh?"

"How do we disable it?" Makoto asked as sweat trickled down her massive breasts.

"You just have to change the counter to 0" - Chifuyu answered while he shrugged. She was also in awe of the inventions that Tabane had managed to build in just a few days.

Cloud kept explaining to the girls about the training but his expression changed when he noticed something peculiar in the surroundings- "Who's there?"

"!" - Those present were surprised when they heard this because they had not felt the presence of anyone.

"Not bad..." - said a blonde girl.

"As expected of a Dragon" - added a girl who was similar to the first.

"Disciplinary squad..." Ayane said with a frown "What are you doing here?"

"We heard that a boy was accompanied by 5 girls and we decided to come to prevent something perverted from happening" - Rumina replied calmly - "You know that with the small percentage of men, there are those who have dark desires with the other girls and not all Nangokuren students are as strong as you, Senseiryū"

"Don't talk about Sensei like that!" - Ayane exclaimed angrily - "He would never do something like that!"

"Sensei? Is he a role play guy?" - Rurina asked with disdain.

"!" -Ayane blushed when she heard this because she never had an idea like this with her sensei.

"I can feel that they don't like me..." Cloud said as he looked at the girls. With the increase in his [Bloodline], he could better detect others' intentions against him.

"What can we say? Since the boys entered last semester, the rate of sexual harassment complaints has increased critically" - Rumina replied calmly - "As members of the Disciplinary Squad, we cannot allow something like that to happen"

"Your words would be convincing if only their leader wasn't a girl with an idol complex who sells merchandise to poor students" - Keiko said with disdain.

"Watch your words Gōhien, we won't allow you to insult Asuna-sama's honor" - Rurina murmured coldly.

"You know very well about the actions of Tenkōfū (Heaven controls the Wind)" -snorted Makoto- "Especially about the actions he does under the orders of Ransuiryū"

The atmosphere of the place became tense as those words came out of the mouth of the beautiful girl with the spear.

"We won't allow you to continue insulting Tenkōfū-sama" Rumina exclaimed as she took out a black sword shaped like a knife.

"We've heard too much from you, Gōhien... I guess it's time to exercise discipline" - added Rurina.

"I hope you're ready for me to kick your butt twins, Jinkōfū (People control Wind), Chikōfū (Earth controls Wind)" Keiko smiled as she deactivated the gravity around her.

"I guess since I'm dirty, getting a little more dirty won't hurt me"-Makoto muttered as she walked beside her friend-"Now it's 2 vs 2"

"Numbers won't make a difference Tōretsutei" - Rumina snorted, but before they could continue, a girl from the disciplinary squad appeared in the area.

"Rumina-sama, Rurina-sama! Asuna-sama is calling you!" - exclaimed the girl.

"Looks like you were saved... at least for now"-Rurina sneered disdainfully as she walked away.

"Yes, run like the girls you are"-Keiko smiled as she accentuated the bulge in front of her and in the process, making the twins feel like a pulsing vein appeared on her forehead. They were aware that their bodies didn't have as many curves compared to many girls in the academy and that was more apparent when they walked next to Asuna, the girl who had one of the largest breasts in Nangokuren.

"That was cruel Keiko-chan" Ayane said as she shook her head "Making fun of a girl's body is not good"

"I know... but you have to admit that those two are annoying"-Keiko snorted with irritation, and then took a sandwich from between her breasts, one of those that were bought in the cafeteria-"What?"

"How did that?" Chifuyu asked in surprise. She had seen people take things out from between her breasts, but never something like that, much less in such perfect condition.

"Natural talent"-Keiko replied as she devoured her sandwich.


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