Chapter 164 ( Aftermath )

"Kyoka-sama!" - exclaimed the subordinates of the third year dragon with terror. Seeing the magnitude of the damage that Cloud's attack had caused had been left behind, now they just wanted to see the status of their leader.

Kako quickly pulled the sword from waist and lunged at the blond, who stopped the sword with two fingers, "Bastard!"

"Before jumping to conclusions... I recommend you see Kyōka's state"-Cloud said as he frowned, only to feel his heart begin to beat strongly-"..."

"Kako-san...Kyoka-sama is in perfect condition...she's just a little hurt and tired but nothing that a good rest won't fix"-said Misa as she tried to calm her partner.

". . ." -Kako was silent when she heard this and then gave the blond a complicated look. The power level of that attack was something even Kyōka couldn't get out of safely, so it was obvious that Cloud had shown mercy.

"If that's all, it's better that I leave"-Cloud said while trying to calm his heart because he could feel how his blood boiled with each passing second.

"Wait! I would like to apologize" - Kako said sadly.

"It's not's good that you're that loyal to your leader"-answered Cloud as he prepared to leave the place because he knew that if he stayed for much longer, things would get ugly.

"Cloud-chan!" Shizuka exclaimed as she ran to her side. "Let's go."

"Thank you..." Cloud mumbled as he grabbed Shizuka by the waist and disappeared from the place because he couldn't resist it anymore.

"If you still have guilt, I recommend that we take Kyōka-sama to the infirmary first to rest and then you can think about how to apologize" - Chiyoko said seriously.

"Ok" - Kako agreed as she and the others took Kyōka to rest.

* * * * *

"I can't believe we tried to attack that monster..." - murmured one of the girls who had attacked Cloud out of jealousy.

". . ." - The others fell silent as a shiver ran down their backs. They never thought that the rumors of a new dragon were correct because the appearance of a dragon was something almost impossible, not for nothing there were only 3 dragons in all of Nangokuren.

"What do we do now?" - Asked one of the few boys in the group.

"I don't know..." - none of them knew how to continue. They had attacked Cloud because they had let jealousy cloud their judgement, but now that they were calm and had seen the fight between the two dragons, they could only curse their stupidity and be thankful that Cloud had had the humanity not to leave them with permanent damage.

* * * * *

". . ." -Rino was completely silent after seeing the battle, much more so when she noticed that last attack from Cloud-"Karyū no Tekken...does anyone know what kind of martial art is that?"

"I'm sorry, Rino-sama, but we don't know anything like that"-said a Shū as she adjusted her glasses with a trembling hand.

"I want you to find out where it comes from" - ordered Rino seriously - "If we can't get information about that technique, then I want you to find out where Cloud Strife comes from, I want it as soon as possible"

"What about Asuna?" Megu asked with disinterest.

"She is no longer useful to us" - answered Rino with disdain - "I didn't consider her part of the group either"

"A pity... I liked to see her like a sad puppy behind us" - Ryōko said with amusement - "Although I feel a little sorry for her... I'm sure she would have given her body just to carry out her orders Rino- sama so that I can be recognized..."

Rino just kept silent as she listened to how the others in the group laughed at these words, not realizing that the aforementioned was outside with a neutral expression-"..."

"That's enough..."-Rino said as she looked at the others-"She may not have been helpful but that doesn't mean you have to insult her so much..."

"Sorry... Rino-sama" - said the girls.

"Now I want you to carry out my orders, as for Asuna, I myself will inform her that her services are no longer necessary for our cause"-added Rino coldly. She may be someone who wishes to have everything under her control but that didn't mean they would insult another person just for the sake of it, at least that was the least she could do for someone who had tried to be useful to her cause.

"I see…" Asuna thought neutrally as she walked back to her office, "It's a devastating blow to hear those words from Rino-sama… but at least this makes my decision a lot easier… ."

Asuna smiled slightly as tears streamed down her cheeks, "It was a pleasure being under your command, Rino-sama...but I guess we'll be enemies for the others...we'll see if they keep making fun of me." when I manage to become what they always dreamed of... but first... I have to make contact with Kokuryū and come to a mutual agreement..."

* * * * *

"Okay, I'm more than impressed" - Ryōko said with a twinkle in her eyes - "That boy is much better than I thought... and that technique is something that not many can possess, that means his background is impressive. .. my daughter found a good prospect for a husband"

". . ." -Okina for her part only kept silent when she saw the destruction that one of her students had caused. She wouldn't lie, that strength made her interested in the blonde, after all, she was also a Nangokuren Martial Artist- "Aren't you worried about your daughter?"

"Not at all"- Ryōko replied calmly- "Cloud Strife-kun held back his attack so he wouldn't hurt her too much"

"I see... that shows that he is not only strong, but that he also has absolute control in his technique and his Ki" Okina nodded seriously "Although I feel that there was something strange in that blow"

"I agree" - Ryōko agreed - "That technique seemed not to use Ki, but something else... something very different"

". . ." - The two women remained silent, not noticing that an older man, bald and practically malnourished, was observing the battlefield with interest.

* * * * *

"I have to admit that final technique was impressive..." - Keiko said excitedly - "I wonder if you can teach it to me~! Karyū no Tekken!"

"That technique seems to be a familiar one, so it's unlikely he'll teach it to you unless you marry him" Makoto answered normally, although she had to admit that she was impressed by that technique, more than anything by the control and creation of fire

". . ." -Ayane for her part, she could only walk in silence as she analyzed everything she had seen. She had the ability to analyze the movements of others in order to strengthen her own but to her surprise, she couldn't even begin her analysis of Cloud's latest technique.

"Is something wrong, Ayane?" Keiko asked with surprise noticing the change in her leader's expression.

"No…it's nothing…" Ayane denied with a smile "It's just that she was still shocked by what she had seen…sensei is much more powerful than she thought"

"Exactly... it seems that Kokuryū is much more dangerous than I thought... and now that he defeated Kōgōryū, everyone knows it..." - Makoto said seriously - "I don't know if it's good luck that you have a Sensei so strong, or you are unlucky because in the future it is quite possible that you will have to face him in order to have absolute control of Nangokuren"

"Not to mention that Kōgōryū said that he would be hers..." - Keiko added with a frown - "If the two of them manage to start a relationship, then we will be in trouble"

". . ." -Ayane was silent when she heard this as she imagined the scene, only to frown in irritation-"Let's leave that for another time, now we have to continue training"

"Whatever you say, boss"-Keiko said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Can we take a bath first?" Makoto asked.

"No, you will after training" – the red-haired girl huffed as Makoto sighed regretfully.

* * * * *

"Where am I?" Kyōka murmured as she slowly opened her eyes.

"In the infirmary, daughter... what a beating you received this time" - said a familiar voice.

"Okaasan?!" - Kyōka exclaimed in surprise as she opened her eyes and noticed how a woman very similar to her, only blonde, was in front of her.

"Who else would I be?" - asked Ryōko - "Although I'm surprised that you're alright..."

"It's because he held back in the end"-Kyoka snorted with annoyance. That the blonde didn't give everything in her final meeting was a blow to her pride, although this time she would forgive him because he had managed to show her the way to the future.

"Unless he didn't do something stupid" - snorted the girl's mother - "But if I'm honest, I'm glad you found a husband so soon"

"What are you talking about?!" Kyōka exclaimed in embarrassment.

"Do you not remember what you said?" -asked Ryōko with a teasing smile on her face-"You'll be mine~! What a conviction, Kyōka-chan~"

". . ." -Kyōka blushed when she heard these words as she cursed her mother. She knew that if there was one thing Ryōko enjoyed, it was teasing her.


Read 10 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 30k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead ( 20 )

I hope you guys join me on this platform