Chapter 163 ( Dragon vs Dragon )

"Take this!" - Kyōka exclaimed excitedly as she punched the blond who went flying - "This is the best fight I've had in years! I've never had so much fun! Ugh..."

Before she could continue speaking, she was blown away by a kick Cloud had delivered.

"I have to admit... I'm having fun too"-Cloud said as he lunged at the girl.

"LOL!" -Kyōka laughed as if nothing had happened as she blocked her opponent's attack. Her slit-pupiled eyes were glued to each other's as her battle instinct increased with each passing second-"I hope you can keep having fun, Kokuryū"

"You took the words out of my mouth, Kōgōryū!" - Cloud roared as the two began to fight again.

* * * * *

"Those two insane..." - Okina muttered from the staff room - "Are neither of them planning to worry about the surroundings?"

"Kyōka has always been one of those people who doesn't care what happens around her as long as they have a good fight"-Ryoko replied as she shook her head-"I wonder where she got that unrefined attitude from. .."

Okina only kept silent because she knew that the woman who was by her side was just like her daughter when she was young, she only managed to calm down when she was 'tamed' by her husband in hand-to-hand combat (no sexual meaning), and it seems that Kyōka had taken out more than just her mother's appearance.

"By the way... don't worry, I'll pay for the damages"-replied the director calmly-"It's not every day I can see my little flower enjoying her life"

"Ok…if you say so" Okina said as she shrugged.

* * * * *

"Those two are insane..." Keiko muttered as she felt the ground tremble before the fight between the two dragons-"This is starting to get out of control"

". . ." -Ayane for her part could only watch all this seriously, only to sigh with regret as she remembered how pathetic her fight against Kyōka had been. Compared to what she was seeing, she had just been a clown doing her act in front of her audience- "I guess that means I have to try harder to get to the same level as sensei"

"That's a good mentality, Ayane-san"-Chifuyu said as she felt the emotion of training again from scratch, appearing in her mind-"I recommend you continue studying the bases because from them is where everything starts"

"Hai!" The red-haired girl exclaimed as her gaze returned to the battle between dragons.

"I think it's a good idea for us to go back"- Rintarō said seriously as he dragged the two beaten perverts away. They may have done something stupid but that didn't change that they were the only friends he had at the moment.

* * * * *

"So compassionate, Rintarō-sama..." Rurina murmured with a slight blush on her cheeks as she noticed how Rintarō dragged his friends.

"Are you alright Rurina?" Rumina asked as she frowned.

"Oh! I'm sorry, sister..." - replied the embarrassed twin.

". . ." -Rumina looked in the direction where her sister was looking, only to notice the boy who had defeated them-"I see..."

"Sister?!" Rurina exclaimed in surprise as her sister narrowed her eyes at Rintarō.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything to him..." - Rumina replied calmly - "But I'm going to make sure he's good enough for my sister"

". . ." -Rurina blushed when she heard this but she slowly nodded.

* * * * *

"HAHAHA!" - The lunatic laugh of the two dragons resounded in the place while the destruction spread slowly.

". . ." -Kako and the other subordinates of Kyōka could not believe the level of destruction that the two dragons had caused, nor could they see how Cloud had not only managed to make Kyōka show all her power, but also take her even further. They could see how Kyōka was starting to adapt and make Cloud's moves his own as he did the same.

"Those two..." - Chiyoko muttered with amusement seeing the expression of the two fighters - "At least Kyōka is enjoying the battle"

"Those two are so similar..." - Honori muttered as a small smile appeared on her face - "Do you understand that if by any chance, those two end up in a relationship, they would be the strongest couple in all of existence? Nangokuren?"

"D-Don't say such things!" - exclaimed Kako with a slight blush - "It's impossible for Kyōka-sama to start a relationship with that monkey!"

"I-I'm sorry, Kako-san... but I think what Honori-san says makes a lot of sense..." - Misa said with embarrassment - "Kyōka-sama is showing an expression that he has never shown before and that gives Kokuryū-san a lot of points...not to mention that they are both the same age"

"Then why isn't he in third year?" Honori asked curiously.

"Based on the information I was able to obtain, their situation is special" - Misa answered seriously - "They received classes at home and for that reason they do not have their degrees certified, leaving them with the only option to start from the first year"

"It makes sense" - Chiyoko said while shrugging her shoulders - "By the way, I'm almost sure that those two will end up together seeing how they are next to each other, ironically that relationship will also be a battle because a dragon is not easy to tame ...just thinking about it makes me wish it would happen quickly to see what kind of scenes they'll show us, hahaha!"

". . ." Kako could only frown as she thought about the situation. It wasn't that she was a lesbian or something like that, but her loyalty to Kyōka was much higher than the others because she was always by her side- "As long as Kyōka-sama is happy... I guess we'll have to accept it..."

"That's the attitude, Kako-chan!" Chiyoko exclaimed as she patted the girl's shoulder, "Now let's continue watching the fight...I'm sure we won't see something like this for a while."

The others nodded seriously as they watched as the two dragons dodged everything they threw at each other.

* * * * *

". . ." - Kyōka and Cloud were sweating uncontrollably while looking directly into each other's eyes. They could feel their bodies starting to lose strength but far from bothering them, they had wild grins on their faces.

"My name is Kyōka, Kagamiin Kyōka"-said the girl as she gave him a toothy smile-"What's your name?"

"I thought you already knew" - answered the boy with surprise - "It doesn't matter... my name is Cloud Strife"

"Cloud Strife..."-Kyoka muttered as she closed her eyes for a moment-"Ok, it's decided"

"?" - Cloud gave the girl a look of confusion, who just smiled at him.

"You will be mine, Cloud Strife!" - added Kyōka seriously - "You are the only man who has managed to satisfy my hunger to fight, you are the only man who has pushed me to the limit and made me evolve! That is why from today, I declare you as Own!"

"Pff~! Hahaha!" -Cloud couldn't hold back his laughter when he heard this because it was hilarious- "I think you are not aware of a small detail... that a dragon is not easy to tame..."

"That's why I'm going to subdue you with my strength"-Kyoka replied savagely as he narrowed his beautiful golden eyes. She slowly relaxed his body and began to release her Ki-"HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

"I see you're serious at last..."-Cloud said as he began to release all his energy-"Let's see if you can back up your words or you'll just fall for me!"

". . ." - Kyōka clenched her teeth as she felt the energy that Cloud radiated. This one felt as hot as fire and hard as a rock, but far from all that, what struck her was the amount that seemed to have no limits. She understood that on a physical level, he was superior though not by much, in hand-to-hand combat, the two of them were on the same level, but in energy...the two seemed to be on very different levels, one being a child and the other a boy. martial artist at the pinnacle of what is humanly possible.

"What's wrong, Kyouka?!" Cloud exclaimed as he narrowed his eyes. "Are you afraid?"

"Fear?" Kyōka repeated as she felt herself trembling uncontrollably-"No...this isn't fear...THIS IS EMOTION! SO THIS IS HOW IT FEELS TO BE ON THE WEAK SIDE!"

Kyōka wasn't lying, she was excited because she had finally seen a path she could follow clearly.

Cloud smiled when he heard this as he felt his hand seem to be dancing around him. He slowly looked up and noticed how Kyōka seemed to have calmed down - "I see you finally came to your senses"

"I never got lost... it's just that I finally understood what I have to do now" - replied Kyōka seriously - "But let's leave that for another time... now it's time for us to end this fight"

Cloud nodded when he heard this, only to disappear and reappear in front of Kyōka with a large amount of energy in her fist- "Karyū no Tekken (Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon)!"

"!" Kyōka's eyes widened in terror as she saw Cloud's fist infused with flames, but still she didn't stop. She quickly concentrated her Ki into her fist so she could fight back.

The two fists collided sharply, only for at the moment of impact a sea of ​​flames appeared behind Kyōka.

"There was no need to show mercy..." were Kyōka's words before she fell unconscious.


Read 10 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 30k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead ( 20 )

I hope you guys join me on this platform