Chapter - 162 ( Kokuryū )

"I didn't expect to see you so soon..." - Cloud said as he looked at the newcomer - "But I guess I can show you a little why they call me Kokuryū"

Cloud's aura grew even heavier in the process, making Kyōka barely able to resist the urge to jump into a fight.

Cloud's enemies for their part, were trembling in terror as they felt like a Dragon was with its jaws open.

"Shit..." Tamao and Kousuke muttered in terror.

Rintarō, who was hiding, could only clench his fist tightly because he felt that if he didn't hold back, he would go fight the blonde because despite everything, he was still a martial artist.

"Well... it's time to cause some destruction!" Cloud roared as his eyes gleamed with evil.

* * * * *

"!" Ayane opened her eyes when she felt Cloud's aura in the distance in silence.

"Is something wrong, Ayane?" Makoto asked curiously.

"Sensei... he's fighting..." Ayane said seriously.

"Don't worry... he must be having fun" - Shizuka replied with a smile.

"I think you forgot a slight detail, Shizuka-san..."-Chifuyu said seriously-"And it's the state that Cloud ends when he fights"

"Oh... we have to go!" Shizuka exclaimed as they all ran in the direction where Cloud's aura was felt.

* * * * *

"Kokuryū..." Rino muttered as he adjusted his glasses. She had to admit that the pressure she felt from afar was even greater than Kyōka's- "I think we have to modify our plans a bit..."

"Shall we warn Asuna not to do something stupid?" Shu asked.

"No…let's let her do what she wants" Rino answered calmly "Maybe she will be useful to us"

The girls just looked at each other in silence as they watched as Ayane and the others ran towards where Cloud was.

"Kokuryū and Senseiryū... they may not be on the same team but their relationship is clear..." - the Second year Dragon murmured.

"What do you have planned, Senseiryū-sama" - Iyo asked.

"Separate them..."-Rino replied as a small smile appeared on her face-"If he has that level of strength, then he is a worthy ally to my cause for total control of Nangokuren"

* * * * *

". . ." Asuna frowned as she watched everything unfold with Cloud's battle. She wouldn't lie, she was terrified and excited because she had found someone who could help her fulfill her dream.

"Asuna-sama..." - the twins said seriously.

"Leave... I want to be alone for a moment..." Asuna murmured as she looked at the sisters with an apathetic gaze.

"Hai!" Rumina and Rurina exclaimed as she left.

Asuna frowned as she shook her head in order to get those treacherous thoughts out of her head. She was loyal to Rino... but the desire for greater power was an unimaginable temptation, much more so for someone who had the potential and power to be a dragon - "Maybe... no... I'm still not going to take a decision..."

* * * * *

"That Cloud…" Okina muttered in surprise as she watched everything from the teachers' office.

"Is he the new student? The aforementioned new dragon who is on the same level as her?" - Asked a beautiful blonde woman who was wearing a white and pink kimono, but what would make people surprised, was the extreme resemblance that she had with a certain third year girl named Kyōka.

"That's right, Ryōko-sama"- Okina replied calmly as she looked at the main director of Nangokuren-"Cloud Strife is at the same level as your daughter, it is even possible that he is superior to her"

"Ho~?" -Ryōko couldn't hide her surprise when she heard this because she knew about the strength her daughter had- "Ok... he's interesting..."

* * * * *

"LOL!" Cloud couldn't contain his laughter as he launched himself at the group of attackers.

"Shit! Split up!" -exclaimed a girl with terror because it was obvious that the blonde would not hold back even if he faced a woman.

"Argh!" - Screams of pain began to sound in the place while dozens of bodies went flying.

"Come on! Entertain me!" Cloud exclaimed as he punched Tamao in the stomach.

"Ack!" -The poor fat boy could feel how his organs were destroyed with a single attack.

"Size!" - Kousuke exclaimed furiously as he threw a blow at him, only to notice how the blond disappeared and reappeared in front of him.

"Slow...I've seen turtles faster than you"-Cloud said disdainfully as he punched his opponent in the face, only to see the poor boy go flying into a wall.

"We have to fight or he will destroy us!" - exclaimed one of the few boys who was in the group.

"Exactly... fight with your lives in the middle"-smiled the blonde as he felt his blood begin to boil.

* * * * *

". . ." -Rintarō frowned when he saw how the boy was lost in his emotions.

"I think we're late..." Chifuyu muttered seriously.

"Hello, Rintarō-san" - Ayane said kindly.

"Hello pervert" - said Keiko and Makoto.

". . ." Rintarō sighed ruefully as he listened to the two well-proportioned first-year girls.

"I don't think I can stop him that easily this time…" Shizuka said as she looked at her boyfriend.

"Is that the problem he has?" Rintarō asked seriously.

"Exactly...that's a big part of his problem, that he can't control himself well when he's excited" Chifuyu sighed as he shook his head.

"I think I can help you" - Rintarō said seriously - "Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu, that is the name of my Martial Way, and it aims to achieve a clear mind, and a quiet and serene heart"

Those present were silent as they watched the boy - Is something wrong?

"You won't have a problem if you teach someone your martial art?" Chifuyu asked seriously.

"Normally yes, but if he helps me with my problem I will consider it paid" - Rintarō replied calmly. His problem was extremely important because it not only meant solving his life, but also the fact that the Tachibana clan could continue to exist for much longer.

* * * * *

"LOL!" -Cloud only observed how everything around him was destroyed and how the students were on the ground completely defeated.

Trees, ground, walls, everything was destroyed as the blonde laughed madly, although his laughter quickly stopped-"..."

"I guess it's not what you expected... I get it..." - Kyōka said giving him a toothy smile - "The weak can't satiate a predator's hunger for battle"

". . ." Cloud gave her a silent look as the girl got into a combat stance.

"Well? Do you want to dance with me?" Kyōka asked coldly.

"I guess so" - agreed Cloud - "They didn't even manage to amuse me a little..."

"Then let's fight, Kokuryū"-exclaimed Kyōka excitedly as she lunged at Cloud-"It's time to prove that Kōgōryū have no equal!"

"Fight with everything you've got!" - Cloud exclaimed with emotion upon feeling the Ki that the girl released.

"You don't have to tell me!" - exclaimed Kyōka - "HAAAA!"

Kyōka quickly started with a punch to the face but Cloud dodged it easily as he countered with a kick to the stomach.

"It's not that easy!" -exclaimed the girl as she blocked the kick and grabbed the blonde's leg- "Now fall!"

Kyōka quickly slammed the blond to the ground but to her surprise, he stopped the impact with his hands and taking advantage of the momentum, used her legs as pincers to grab the girl's arms and slam her to the ground.

"Ack!" -Kyoka's yell was immediate, but before he could celebrate his attack, he felt Kyōka hit his leg- "AH!"

"Eat that, bastard"-Kyoka muttered as she stood up in pain.

"I have to admit that it hurt…" Cloud said as he looked at his foot and noticed that it was slightly dislocated.


"Ready, like new" - nodded the blonde as he calmly moved his leg - "Ready for Round 2"

Kyōka just smiled as the two charged at each other.

Their fists collided, the earth shattering as the two continued to face each other mercilessly.

Punch, kick, block, counter, kick, block, strike, sounds of bones colliding as the two fighters smiled with excitement.

"Keep on fighting!" Kyōka exclaimed as Cloud blocked the blow to his face and countered with a hook to the chin.

"You're starting to get predictable"-Cloud snorted as with a quick movement, he deflected the girl's blow and headbutted her. Kyōka didn't back down, she returned the head butt with a smile full of happiness.


* * * * *

"Shit... those two are insane..."-said Keiko as she rubbed her head seeing how the two fighters had their foreheads bloodied from the impact-"Although I have to admit they are impressive"

"Sensei and Kyōka-san are on the same level..." Ayane muttered seriously as she watched as the two opponents kept fighting with all their might.

"No... you're wrong" - Chifuyu said seriously - "You still can't say that when neither of them is showing all the power of him"

"Right...neither one of them is using Ki" - Makoto answered seriously as the blows of the two fighters seemed to be more and more lethal.

"Although I agree with Keiko on one thing... that girl is good" - Chifuyu said as she watched Kyōka in contemplation because in hand-to-hand combat, Kyōka was far superior to her, to the point that it made her look like a girl small.


Read 10 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 30k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead ( 20 )

I hope you guys join me on this platform