Chapter 166 ( Secret Discovered )

". . ." - Tamao and Kousuke fell silent upon hearing their idol's words.

"This is serious…" Tamao said seriously as he glared jealously at the blond through the crack in the door, "That bastard now has Asuna-sama under his control…"

"Not only that, she offered her body and her soul…" Kousuke replied, "Her body…"

"that sexy body of hers"-added Tamao.

"Her sensual, shapely body of hers…" Kousuke said as tears of blood ran down his cheeks.

"Why aren't we strong enough to have Asuna-sama as our slave?!" - The two boys exclaimed in their thoughts because they knew that if they screamed, they would be dead.

"What do we do now?" Tamao asked as he frowned.

"I think we should talk," replied his blonde friend, "If we do, it is possible that Asuna-sama will be freed from the dirty clutches of that pretty boy"

"Right...we have to tell everyone about this bulgarian relationship"- Tamao replied as she nodded firmly- "Asuna-sama doesn't deserve to be that guy's sex slave, if she is to be someone's slave, she has to be of us"

"Right. Right"-Kousuke nodded as he blushed at the idea of ​​seeing the black-haired girl completely naked, although he quickly shook his head-"We better get out of here"

"Ok" Tamao nodded as the two of them ran towards his room.

Cloud and Asuna meanwhile, were unaware that they had been discovered and would soon be revealed by the idiotic duo.

* * * * *

"It was a pleasure doing business with you, Cloud-sama"-said Asuna as she put on her glasses.

"Don't worry, I'm sure our alliance will be productive for both of us, although I would prefer you to go back to training because I'm sure you'll find more pleasure in destroying your enemies with your own hands" - answered the blonde with a smile as he took the girl's chin - "Think about it, use your brain to create the perfect web and slowly ensnare your prey, then use your strength like a poison that will kill slowly"

". . ." -Asuna fell silent as she felt her heart pounding, not because of the blonde's closeness, but because of the mental image of seeing those who belittled her at her feet looking at her in terror-"Ah~! "

". . ." -Cloud couldn't hide her surprise when he heard the moan come from the small lips of the girl who blushed- "I think it was too much encouragement for you..."

"S-Sorry…" Asuna muttered as she fake coughed to change the subject "I think I better back off"

"Ok"-the blonde agreed as he walked her towards the door, only to be surprised when he noticed how the girl turned around and kissed his on the lips-"..."

"That is the proof of my loyalty and that my words are serious" - Asuna said seriously - "My body and soul belong to you, Cloud-sama"

"I don't appreciate someone using their body to pay makes our deal feel empty"-Cloud said as he frowned.

Asuna didn't reply, she just gave him a small bow as she quietly backed away.

"I think that girl needs some psychological help…" the blond muttered as he shook his head.

* * * * *

". . ." Asuna looked up at the sky as she walked out of the boys' dorms as she sighed regretfully, "I guess those bastards were right…"

She only gave herself a scornful smile as she remembered how Rino's subordinates had said that she would sacrifice her body to fulfill her goal, and her current treatment of her with Cloud was more than enough proof to verify. that hypothesis.

"But it will be worth it..." - muttered the girl with conviction. She knew she would be looked down upon when this all came to light, but a stain on her reputation didn't compare to her desire to fulfill her wishes—"Let's see how long they're going to give me that condescending look. .."

Asuna resumed her steps as she raised her massive bust in pride. She was now the first member [Metsuryū], the group made by Kokuryū, the dragon who defeated Kyōka.

"Now I just have to make an effort..." - the girl murmured as she touched her lips as she remembered how she had given her first kiss - "If my performance is good, then Cloud-sama will appreciate me... he will pay me much more attention than the one that Rino could have given me..."

She wouldn't deny it, she wanted someone to value her, need her, pay attention to her, that's why she had done so much for Rino, but it all resulted in her being discarded. Asuna was broken inside, or at least on the verge of insanity and just needed a little push, although from her point of view, sanity was overrated, after all, everyone was insane one way or the other, and that was the reason why he understood the human mind so well and could manipulate it with such ease.

"I guess I'll have to start training together with Cloud-sama... maybe so I can gain a little more recognition~" Asuna now had a smile on her face. She had already accepted her new situation, something that someone completely healthy would not do at least in a good time.

* * * * *

"I feel like I got into something I shouldn't have..." Cloud mumbled as he felt a bad feeling, "I just hope it's nothing I can't handle..."

* * * * *

A new day she had arrived in Nangokuren and to Cloud's annoyance, the door to her room was broken by Ayane- "Sensei! Tell me this isn't true!"

"Ayane… today is Sunday and there are no classes…" Cloud said as he frowned and gave his student a look, "Can't you come later?"

"I'm sorry, sensei... but this is important" - Ayane said seriously as she handed him a newspaper - "That's the special edition of Nangokuren... the journalism club publishes one every Sunday so that all students can be informed of important events

"Great... I'm on the cover"-Cloud agreed as he saw the headline of his victory against Kyōka-"But I guess that's not why they came"

"Read page 8" Makoto replied as she looked away because Cloud was wearing only blue shorts.

". . ." - Cloud followed the girl's instructions while ignoring the looks on his bare chest, only to read about how Asuna had come last night to have a night of pleasure - "The Idol and the Tyrant... ok, this nickname gives me going to go on for life or what?"

"Is it true that you had se-se-sex with Tenkōfū?!" Ayane exclaimed, her face red as an apple.

"No..." - denied the blonde - "And even if it happened, it's not like they should care... I don't have to be answering their questions either, but I feel like they won't stop bothering me until I answer them "

The girls didn't say anything but still nodded.

Cloud had to admit that when a girl was curious, there was no one to stop them until they got the answer from her, no matter if it was positive, negative, or just plain neutral.

"She came to talk to me about an alliance, since Ransuiryū rejected her" - answered the blonde calmly - "And before they say anything, I can feel when someone lies to me so I knew immediately that they were telling the truth"

"What about her deciding to be your slave?" Keiko asked curiously.

"She said that if she accepted her terms, she would give me her loyalty, her body and soul" -the blonde replied- "Now if you stopped playing detective, I need to go talk to two idiots"

". . ." - The girls moved because they noticed how upset the blonde was.

"At least he had the decency and kindness to answer our questions even though he didn't have to," Makoto said calmly as she looked at her classmates, "By the way, I feel sorry for those two perverted idiots."

* * * * *

"Is this news true, Asuna-sama?" Rumina asked as she looked at her leader.

"Completely true…although the part about being his slave is a bit exaggerated" Asuna said calmly as she shook her head.

"What will we do with our activities?" - Rurina asked - "Will you continue with your idol life, Asuna-sama?"

"No... it doesn't make sense anymore" - replied the leader of the disciplinary squad - "I chose to be an Idol in order to satisfy my desire for recognition, but now that I'm in Cloud-sama's team, it's no longer necessary... just I need to make an effort"

". . ." - The two twins looked at each other and nodded. They had decided that they would follow their leader no matter what she did.

"But for now... we have to stop two little rascals" - Asuna smiled coldly - "They have been very bad children and revealed a secret that should not be discovered yet..."

"Hai!" - The twins exclaimed as they left the office.

Asuna silently looked out the window when she was left alone. Her reputation had been tarnished but she didn't seem to care in the slightest, in fact, it benefited her because now everyone knew that she was under Kokuryū's protection-"It's a good starting point to help Cloud-sama "

* * * * *

"Shit! They said no one would find out about us!" Tamao exclaimed when he saw the newspaper.

"This shit is not face censorship!" Kousuke replied as he looked at the photos of their as informants.


Read 10 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 30k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead ( 20 )

I hope you guys join me on this platform