Chapter 167 ( Deal )

"Rintarō! You have to help us!" Tamao exclaimed in terror as he ran to his friend.

"Yes! You have to help us!" Kousuke exclaimed as he grabbed the boy's legs.

". . ." - Rintarō for his part, did not understand what was happening.

"I see you found protection..."-Cloud said as he appeared in the place. He could smell the scent of the two boys from miles away - "Too bad it doesn't change things."

". . ." - Tamao and Kousuke trembled when they saw the blonde in front of them.

"I'm sure they did something stupid... but I don't think it's that big of a deal" - Rintarō said seeing the annoyed expression of the new dragon.

Cloud didn't answer him, he just threw the newspaper at him for him to read.

". . ." -Rintarō gave him a look and was surprised when he read the content, then looked at his friends- "Really?"

". . ." - The two boys just looked away.

"Sorry guys but I'm not going to get into this…" Rintarō sighed as he shook his head, "What you did isn't right…"

"But Asuna-sama!" - The two boys exclaimed, only to notice how two similar girls appeared in the place.

"We're not going to let them say Tenkōfū-sama's name after what they did"-Rumina snorted as she glared at the boys. She wasn't happy with Asuna's situation but she would still support her decision.

Rintarō just kept silent as he watched as the two twins took away his two friends, who were screaming.

"They have no idea what they were saved from"-Cloud snorted as he shook his head, then looked at Rintarō-"I'm sorry about all that, see you later"

"Wait!" - Rintarō exclaimed when he saw how the blonde left.

"What do you need?" Cloud asked with a frown.

"I want to make a deal with you" - said the black-haired boy seriously - "But this is a personal matter, so I want us to go to a safe place because I don't want anyone to find out about this"

". . ." -Cloud stared at him for a few seconds and then nodded because he had a hunch. The quest related to the dragons said that there were 4 in Nangokuren, but not counting him, there were only three, Ayane, Rino and Kyōka, that's why Cloud had a hunch that the last dragon was this boy who was under him. radar - "ok... come on..."

* * * * *

"How true is this information?" Rino asked as she looked at her subordinates.

"Completely true, Ransuiryū-sama"-said Shū as whe adjusted her glasses-"It seems that our little pawn, she managed to gain a strong ally after we discarded her..."

"Maybe we can contact her again, Rino-sama"-Iyo said as she looked at her leader-"With her so close to Kokuryū, we can get a lot of information"

"I'm sorry to tell you that that won't be possible..." - said a voice that the girls knew quite well.

"Tenkōfū..." - the girls said as they looked at the newcomer.

"It's a surprise to see you in this place, Asuna"-Rino said as she looked at the black-haired girl-"Although now I'm curious to know the reason for your visit... do you want to make a deal with me?"

"You're wrong, Rino-san" - Asuna replied calmly.

"More respect to Ransuiryū-sama, Tenkōfū..." - Shū said coldly as the others prepared to attack.

"Stop..." - ordered the blonde-haired girl - "Remember that she is under the protection of Kokuryū and if you'll attack her, not only will we have to resist the wrath of a dragon, but also an attack by the other 2"

". . ." - The girls fell silent when they heard this. It was no secret that Kokuryū had a great relationship with Senseiryū, as well as Kōgōryū's interest.

"Tell us what you've come to say and get out" - ordered Rino coldly.

"Okay" - Asuna nodded calmly - "I have come as a show of goodwill to inform you about the formation of a new faction under the command of Kokuryū-sama. [Metsuryū]"

"Dragon Slayer... an interesting name coming from the Dragon of the Apocalypse" - Rino said sarcastically - "Although I still don't understand why you're telling me this"

"Consider it a payment for having given me a purpose until I can meet my new master" - Asuna replied calmly - "What you do with that information, is no longer my concern"

". . ." -Rino's subordinates just clenched their teeth furiously when they saw how the girl who was nothing more than a needy dog ​​before, was now speaking as an equal to their leader, one of the 4 dragons of Nangokuren.

"I see... you can leave"-Rino said normally as she watched as the girl followed instructions-"..."

"Rino… I say we beat the crap out of that little bitch" – Megu sneered.

"No... we would only be doing what she wants" - Ransuiryū replied seriously - "Remember that she has a level that is close to that of a dragon, that gives her a great chance of escaping if we attack her"

"I think I made a mistake…" Rino continued as a strange expression appeared on his face.

"What do you mean, Ransuiryū-sama?" Ryōko asked as she frowned.

"That Asuna was much more useful than I thought" Rino answered seriously "Or at least that makes me think with her actions..."

* * * * *

"I think this is a good place to talk"-Cloud said as he looked around and noticed that they were in the middle of what seemed to be a desert field with large rock peaks.

"Ok"- Rintarō agreed as he closed his eyes- "First let me tell you a little about myself so you understand my situation"

"Wouldn't that put you at a disadvantage in this negotiation?" Cloud asked curiously.

"I'm sure this won't change anything"- Rintarō replied as he shrugged-"I know how to read people well, so I can say for sure that I can trust you"

"There are people who can hide their true personalities quite well" - answered the blonde seriously - "Asuna is a good exponent in this"

"True... but my instincts tell me that you're not like that"-replied the black-haired boy as he began to talk about his life.

After a few minutes, Cloud was silent because he didn't know how to react to why Rintarō acted so strangely around women- "I don't know what to say..."

"I know... my situation is a joke" Rintarō sighed as he looked at the sky with regret.

"At least that settles the question that if you were homosexual"-Cloud sighed as he nodded-"It's not that you don't want to hang out with women, it's that if you hang out with women you could end up dead..."

"Yes...keep laughing at my misfortune" Rintarō snorted in annoyance as he looked at the blond.

"Although I have to admit that the basis of your martial art is interesting... now I understand why you wanted to negotiate with me" - agreed Cloud - "Ok, I accept the deal, if you help me by teaching me the basics of Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu, I promise that I will help you with your illness"

"Thank you" - agreed Rintarō - "Although I would first like to know how you will be able to help me"

"First, I want us to go to Shizuka-chan to make sure of something" - Cloud said seriously - "If my feeling is true, then it is possible that I will heal you in less than a day"

"Why to your fiancée?" Rintarō asked as he frowned.

"Believe it or not, she's a trained nurse"-the blonde replied as he shrugged.

". . ." -and as Cloud said, Rintarō couldn't believe what he had heard.

* * * * *

"I need to take another shower…" Makoto muttered as she sighed regretfully at the sight of her body. Her uniform was sticking to her body thanks to sweat and her bra was visible to anyone present-"This training is hell..."

"Although you have to admit that it's effective"-answered Keiko, who was lying on the floor with her shirt open, showing a large part of her breasts.

"I still don't understand how it is that you don't feel anything"-Ayane said as she looked at Chifuyu and surprisingly at Shizuka.

"You get used to it over time"- Chifuyu replied as he shrugged. She couldn't tell them that thanks to being part of the Source System, they had a faster regeneration speed than a normal person, as well as an increase in their training results.

"I see you're training" - Cloud said upon arriving at the place and seeing how they all looked unpresentable - "Not bad..."

"!" Ayane blushed when she noticed her sensei's gaze, so she quickly turned around.

"Clear mind and a quiet and serene heart"-Mumbled Rintarō as he closed his eyes.

"Do you want a closer look?" Keiko asked with a half smile.

"Keiko-chan?!" - exclaimed their leader with embarrassment.

"Easy Ayane, it was just a joke"-smiled the blonde girl as she gave her leader a smile.

"I think training is over, so I'll go clean up if it's not too inconvenient" - Makoto said calmly.

"I think I'm going to agree to follow you this time"-Keiko murmured as she looked at herself and noticed how sweaty she was.

"A bath would be nice" - Ayane agreed.

"What are you doing here?" - Chifuyu asked curiously seeing Cloud walking next to Rintarō.

"We came to see Shizuka-chan to check Rintarō-san's condition" - Cloud answered seriously.

"Check condition?" - the girls from [Ryōzenpaku] asked.

"Right, you don't know"- Chifuyu said as she looked at her students- "Shizuka-san is a registered nurse"

"A little more and I'm a doctor" - the big-breasted blonde said proudly.

"Hey?!" - Ayane and the others could only respond with surprise.


Read 10 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 30k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead ( 20 )

I hope you guys join me on this platform