Chapter 168 ( Healing )

"Moo!" - Shizuka could only puff out her cheeks in annoyance at the girls' reactions - "I feel like you'll are insulting me in some way"

"'s just that it's hard to believe that it's good...that you're a nurse"-Keiko said as she scratched her cheek.

"She may not look like it but she is a prodigy" Chifuyu answered.

"Not you too, Chi-chan~!" Shizuka exclaimed with annoyance.

"I think we're getting too far off topic…" the blonde sighed as he shook his head "Anyway, I'd like you to check Rintarō-san's condition, Shizuka-chan"

"Ok" - agreed the beautiful blonde girl with huge breasts - "But we have to go to the Infirmary because it is the only place that has the necessary equipment"

"I still can't believe she's a nurse" - Makoto muttered as the others nodded.

* * * * *

After a few minutes, the group arrived at the infirmary and as always, there was no one inside.

"I'm still wondering why there's never anyone in this place"-Keiko said as she shook her head.

"We can leave that for another time, now I want Rintarō-san to lie down on that table" - Shizuka said seriously.

"Ok"-nodded the black-haired boy as he leaned back, only to see how Shizuka's breasts were in all their glory in front of his eyes-"Clear the mind, calm and serene the heart!"

"Interesting...your pulse slowed to normal levels when you closed your eyes..." Shizuka said as she frowned as she noticed a small detail-"Do you have any heart problems?"

"How did you know if you haven't even checked on me?" Rintarō asked in surprise.

"Because I noticed how your heart was beating erratically..." - answered the blonde. Ever since she had discovered her [Skill], both she and the others had trained their bodies as well as their respective areas, and in Shizuka's case, she read a lot of books on medicine and other treatment methods in order to expand. his medical knowledge, which was easy thanks to how unfair the [Skills] were - "I could even detect a slight tremor in your heart... I've never seen such a thing before..."

"I... I suffer from a disease called Henisei Tashu Ijō Syndrome... or commonly known as Hentai Syndrome..." - Rintarō muttered sadly - "No one knows the reason for the disease, but it consists of When my level of arousal increases dramatically, great pressure builds up in my heart, to the point that it can cause me to go into terminal cardiac arrest..."

". . ." - Shizuka frowned at such a strange illness.

"That explains why you acted so strange..." - Keiko said with surprise - "And I thought you were homosexual"

"Why does everyone think the same?!" - Rintarō exclaimed with embarrassment - "It's not my fault that I can't have a normal relationship! I also want to have a family in the future but this disease prevents me!"

"Now I feel sorry for the guy…" Makoto said as she shook her head.

"Ahem!" -Shizuka coughed as she gained the attention of those present- "I have a theory, although I'm not completely sure if it's true"

"?" - Everyone looked at her with surprise and curiosity.

"I think the disease consists of a poor development and growth of the heart" -said the nurse while she frowned-"When one grows, the organs also do so in order to have optimal functioning according to the stage of development of the heart. patient"

"That doesn't make much sense... it would have happened to me when I started my training"-Rintarō said as he frowned.

"Tell me... how did you start your training?" - asked Shizuka - "Did you start with physical training or was it concentration and circulation?"

". . ." -Rintarō began to remember the past and discovered that the first thing he learned was to calm his mind and heart-"!"

"From your expression I can see that the first thing you learned was to regulate and calm your heart, that explains why you had no problem during your training" - Shizuka answered calmly - "I'm sure that during all these years, you had felt little pangs in the chest when you trained"

"Yes..." - replied the black-haired boy - "But after a little meditation, the pain disappeared"

"There you have your answer" - Shizuka nodded as she brought an x-ray screen - "To be sure, I want you to stand behind that screen so I can check your heart"

"Ok"-nodded the boy as he followed his instructions.

"Naked..." Shizuka said professionally as the girls blushed, at least Ayane and her subordinates.

"I recommend that you leave girls" - Cloud said as the girls nodded and left with Chifuyu - "Ok, you can do it"

". . ." -Rintarō shook his head as he took off his shirt but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw how Shizuka turned around- "I'm ready"

Shizuka looked at the x-ray screen again, and turned it on, only to notice that Rintarō's heart was indeed much smaller than average - "Ok, you can get dressed again"

"How are you?" Rintarō asked with concern.

"It's as I thought…" Shizuka nodded as she gave the boy who had dressed at a high speed a look, "When was the last time you went to the doctor?"

"When I was 10..." - Rintarō replied with embarrassment.

"At that age it shouldn't have been so apparent..." - the nurse murmured as she shook her head - "Well, we already know the reason for this, so now we just have to find the solution, which I feel will be easy "

"What are you talking about?" Rintarō asked in surprise.

"I feel like we'll cure you in less than 4 days, at least if 'that' works..." - Shizuka smiled as the boy widened his eyes.

"Is seriously?!" - Rintarō exclaimed excitedly - "Wait... what is 'that'?"

"The unique potion of the Strife clan"- Shizuka said as she gave the blonde boy a wink- "If my reasoning is correct again, that potion could help you"

". . ." -Rintarō gave Cloud a surprised look, who nodded when he heard the blonde nurse's words- "I had the same idea, Shizuka-chan...although I felt that he needed a check-up before I risk giving him false hope"

"That potion... could you help me?" Rintarō asked as he looked at the two blondes.

"50% likely" - Shizuka replied seriously.

"It's more than enough to make a bet"- Rintarō muttered as he looked at Cloud, who took out a small bottle with a red liquid.

"Honestly, I'm not completely sure, since I've never used it to treat an illness" - Cloud said seriously - "After all, this potion is for recovering physical damage... and technically your problem is physical damage... "

"Even if it doesn't work, you guys have helped me more than you think" - Rintarō said as he thanked the two blondes - "With the problem, I can find a solution somehow if this potion doesn't work"

"It's good that you have that mentality"-nodded the blonde as he handed the bottle to the boy-"Good luck"

". . ." - Rintarō opened the small container and looked at the red liquid. He could feel his small heart pounding with anticipation- "Cheers..."

Rintarō didn't hesitate anymore, he took the potion in a single sip, only to feel his heart begin to pound.

"Shizuka-chan..." - Cloud said seriously.

"Don't worry, I'm checking his condition" - Shizuka agreed as she took the boy's pulse, only to feel how he seemed to be much more animated than before - "I think the bet turned out to be a winner, because I feel that the increase in the pulse of Rintarō-san, as well as the sound of his heartbeat, have slightly increased."

Rintarō slowly opened his eyes, only to notice a slight discomfort in his chest-"..."

"Don't worry, it's normal that it bothers you" - Shizuka said calmly - "But first, I want you to take off your shirt and go back behind the X-Ray screen"

"Ok"-nodded the boy as he followed the blonde's instructions.

"Excellent..." - Shizuka smiled excitedly - "You're on the right track, Rintarō-san! Your heart is a little bigger!"

Shizuka quickly moved to the computer and saved the X-Ray record, and showed it to the boy, who couldn't believe the comparison between the two images - "Thank you... thank you very much, Shizuka-san... Cloud- saint..."

Rintarō was on the verge of tears of happiness at the clear improvement. His heart was at least 10% bigger than before.

"This is the size of a normal person's heart" - Shizuka said as she showed another patient's x-ray - "I would say that you need your heart to grow by 25% to be in a healthy range and not have problems..."

"Well, that's really good news... a pity that creating that potion takes a whole day..." Cloud sighed as he shook his head.

"No... there's no need to hurry" - Rintarō said with a small smile on his face - "Now that I know I can heal, I can wait a little longer, now if you'll excuse me, I have to go call my father to give him the good news that the Tachibana clan will finally be able to live"

Saying that, Rintarō hurriedly retreated.

"It's good that everything worked out"-Shizuka said with a smile as she hugged her fiancé-"Now... I feel like I deserve an award"

"What do you wish?" Cloud asked as he hugged the nurse.

"Hmm... how about we take advantage of the fact that today is Sunday, and go on a date in the city?" Shizuka asked as she gave him a seductive smile.

"Count me in" - Cloud nodded firmly.


Read 10 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 30k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead ( 20 )

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