Chapter 174 ( Bakugyaku Festival )

A week had passed in Nangokuren and the students were walking to their classes while still chatting about what had happened so many days ago, after all, as the Batsuzangaisei Ceremony ended, it was too epic for them.

At this moment, Cloud and the others were listening again to Okina talking about how they had to take advantage of her youth so as not to regret it later.

"At least it's better than a certain duo full of Youth…" Cloud muttered as a shiver ran down his spine as he remembered two green aliens from Naruto's world.

"I still think that what she promotes is not allowed in the curriculum as a teacher" - Chifuyu replied with an almost neutral look. Okina wasn't a bad teacher, in fact, she was extremely capable at her craft, but her perversion was bringing out the worst in her- "At least she's not a man...that would be disturbing..."

"Oh... I forgot, remember that the exams are just around the corner, so you have to prepare as best you can" - Okina said seriously.

"!" - The girls widened their eyes in surprise when they heard this because exams meant one thing.

"That's right, 'that' is about to start too" - Okina said as the girls looked at each other with flames in their eyes

"It's?" Shizuka asked as she cocked her head in confusion.

"Oh right, you are students who have entered mid-semester" - Okina said calmly - "You see, during the first exams of the second semester, Nangokuren celebrates one of its most important events, the Bakugyaku Festival"

"Bakugyaku Festival?" Chifuyu asked in surprise. She couldn't find a connection between a festival and exams.

"Exactly, the Bakugyaku Festival" - agreed Okina seriously - "It is an event that makes the first and third year boys get to know each other better, taking the best 6 of each year to pair up with the student who has the same Market Stall"

"Does that mean that the first place of the First Year will have to be paired with the first place of the Third Year?" Chifuyu asked curiously.

"Exactly" - agreed Okina - "Although this is not necessarily an advantage for those at the top, since the festival event is randomly chosen by our director through a... somewhat peculiar process"

"I see…" Chifuyu nodded as she nodded.

"Is there any incentive for the participants?" Shizuka asked excitedly.

"Sorry, I can't say" - replied the teacher - "Although the prize depends on what the two directors of Nangokuren decide"

"That's why I want them to give everything in the exams"-the teacher smiled as a blush appeared on her cheeks, and then she hugged herself-"Who knows? Maybe I'll give them an extra prize~! Hyan~!"

"I'll be first place, Okina-chan~!" Tamao exclaimed as Kousuke stared at the teacher like a dog in heat.

". . ." -Rintarō for his part, just shook his head. After a week of consuming Cloud's potion, his health was at 100%, though she still had the involuntary reflex to calm his mind and heart.

During this time, Rintarō taught Cloud the basics of Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu, though Cloud was surprised at how easily the boy had absorbed all the information. Cloud had managed to calm his mind and heart in just a few hours, although he still needed a lot of practice to be able to reach a state of total peace.

"Okina sensei-chan, you should open your cleavage a little more to show some more skin and your attack level would increase by at least 25%" - Cloud said when he saw the teacher. He had to admit that he was enjoying his classes with such a 'lively' tutor- "Maybe I could wear a black bra to increase the destructive power even more?"

"Don't give him ideas. Cloud"-said Chifuyu as she took the bridge of his nose

"I'll take your first advice" - Okina agreed with a smile - "And for the record, I always wear black underwear... do you want to see~?"

"Yes!" exclaimed the two perverted boys, or rather those who couldn't control his perversion.

"Sensei...I don't think that's appropriate" - Ayane said with a frown.

"Easy, Senseiryū, I'm just kidding"- Okina said as she looked at her student- "If I really wanted to show you my underwear, I would do it in private"

"That's not the problem!" Ayane exclaimed as she watched as the teacher let out a laugh.

Right now, no one in the class knew if the teacher was serious or just joking around with them.

* * * * *

"Is this true, Asuna-sama?" Rurina asked excitedly.

"Yes... he checked it out for me himself" - agreed the Leader of the Disciplinary Committee.

"Well, at least that explains why he always ran away from my sister"- Rumina nodded as she saw how her twin seemed to have ascended to heaven.

"Does that mean I have a chance?" Rurina asked excitedly.

"I think so," Asuna nodded as she shrugged, "By the way, you'd better make your move as soon as possible because I've heard rumors that one of Senseiryū's subordinates has been hanging around him."

"Love Rival!" Rurina exclaimed as her eyes lit up.

"What about you, Rumina?" Asuna asked curiously.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about, Asuna-sama..." Rumina said with a red face.

"Oh, come on... you can't hide from me the fact that you've been spying on Rintarō-san" the black-haired girl answered as she noticed how Rurina looked at her sister seriously.

"I-It's not what it seems, Rurina!" Rumina exclaimed with a red face.

"No problem, Rumina!"-Rurina exclaimed as a smile appeared on her face-"You're the person I love the most, so I wouldn't mind sharing Rintarō-sama with you~!"

Rumina blushed again but slowly nodded. The two were identical twins, so their tastes were practically the same.

"As I told you, you better make your move as soon as possible" - Asuna said calmly - "Keiko-san has been clinging to Rintarō-san lately"

"Rival of Love!" Rurina exclaimed as her sister shook her head. Rumina knew very well that her twin sister was extremely jealous.

"What about you, Asuna-sama?" Rumina asked as she looked at her leader.

"?" Asuna gave her subordinate a confused look because she didn't understand what she was trying to say.

"When is he going to make his move?" - Rurina asked this time - "I mean, it's obvious that you're interested in Cloud-sama"

"Oh... you mean that..." Asuna said with a slightly red face, although she quickly calmed down "My body and soul belongs to Cloud-sama... so I just have to wait for the her instructions"

"If I remember correctly, he told us that he didn't need some lifeless puppets that can't make their own decisions" - Rurina said while looking at Asuna - "If you doesn't do things for yourself, then Cloud-sama will never accept you as you wish"

"I know... but I have no problems at the moment with my current situation" - Asuna answered while looking out the window - "For now I'm happy to feel the appreciation that Cloud-sama has for me... nothing else matters to me right now"

". . ." - The two twins just shook their heads when they heard this because they knew how much their leader wanted the attention of others and to be recognized.

"But changing the subject, go and take what you want so much"-Asuna said with a smile, one that hadn't appeared on her beautiful face in years. Since she had been working for Cloud, her attitude had changed 180°. Her cunning and manipulative personality was still hidden beneath her blissful smile, although it had to be said that at least now she had a bottom line that she didn't want to cross because it went against ideals. of her leader.

"Hai, Asuna-sama!" The twins exclaimed as they walked out the door.

"I never thought I'd end up changing so much having a person who recognizes me" – Asuna muttered as she shook her head - "I'd better continue with my training… too bad I can't turn into a dragon… though Cloud-" sama told me that a tiger was not far from reality..."

* * * * *

"Ouch!" Rintarō sneezed as he looked around, "Weird...maybe someone is talking about me?"

"Possibly" Cloud replied as he devoured the lunch Shizuka had made.

Right now it was lunchtime and the group was gathered together with Ayane and her girls. Asuna said that she couldn't have lunch with them today because she said that she was about to break through a barrier that she felt had trapped her for years.

"I wonder how strong Asuna will be when she's done with her training…" Makoto said as she looked at her trusty Japanese spear, "I never thought I'd say this, but I wish I could measure myself against that girl."

"You want?" Keiko asked as she pulled out a banana from her breasts and handed it to Rintarō.

"N-No, thanks!" - Rintarō said with embarrassment. Maybe now that he's healed, he can interact with women, but that didn't take away from the fact that it was still embarrassing to talk to a girl as sexy as Keiko.

"By the way...can anyone tell me where this little fella came from?" Shizuka asked as she watched as a small red hamster was eating on her huge breasts.

"If I remember correctly, this is Hatenko's hamster" - Ayane said with surprise - "But what is he doing here?"

(I can answer that) - Erin whispered.

"Kya!" Ayane exclaimed in surprise. She never thought that someone would speak to her so surprisingly.

Erin walked over to Shizuka and whispered to her.

"She says she's sorry"-Shizuka said while the others looked at the newly arrived girl with a drop of sweat running down the back of her neck.


Read 10 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 30k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead ( 20 )

I hope you guys join me on this platform