Chapter 175 ( Byakko - I )

"I still can't believe that Sensei managed to get first place even though he spent the entire Golden Week training with Asuna-san..." Ayane said as she checked the Exam Rankings.

It had been two weeks since Okina had said that the exams were just around the corner and the girls had given everything they had to get first place.

Cloud had told them that he was going to use the 'holiday' week to help Asuna break the barrier that bothered him so much, so she would be absent from the general study session.

"Is that what surprises you?" - Keiko asked angrily - "Look, Shizuka-san is in 6th place!"

"Right…" Ayane muttered as she looked at the Ranking.

1- Cloud Strife: 500

2- Tachibana Rintarō: 490

3- Orimura Chifuyu 489

4- Ayane: 489

5- Makoto: 488

6- Marikawa Shizuka: 488

7- Shiryū Chō: 487

8- Keiko: 487

"?" Shizuka gave the girls a confused look, who only sighed regretfully.

"How come she can be smarter than me?!" Keiko exclaimed as she fell to her knees on the floor.

"In her defense, Shizuka-san is smarter than she lets on, it's just that she gets distracted easily"- Chifuyu replied as she frowned. It was so humiliating that she got third place when she should have had a perfect score, after all, she had the knowledge of a trained instructor.

"I guess I'm going to have to keep improving" - Rintarō said.

"It's a good attitude you have aru" - said a girl with brown hair combed in a long and thin ponytail.

"Shiryu?" - Ayane asked with surprise - "It's good to see that you're finally back"

"Same here, Ayane"- Shiryū nodded while looking at her leader- "Although it is a surprise to hear that not only is there a new dragon, but that you took it as aru master"

"W-what can I say? He's strong enough to be" Ayane said sadly as she looked away.

"I guess I'm going to have to try it" -said Shiryū as she narrowed her eyes- "Not just anyone can be the teacher of my leader aru"

"To all this... where is Cloud?" Rintarō asked as he looked around.

"He said that he had one last thing to do before coming to see the Ranking"-Shizuka answered with a smile.

The group fell silent but were surprised when they heard the second year girls start to speak louder and louder.

"Did you hear that Tenkōfū seems to have changed even more?" - asked a girl with surprise.

"It was just her clothing"-another girl answered with disdain-"Now she is wearing a black and white uniform, I can even say that she dresses similar to Kōgōryū"

". . ." - The group did not know how to react to the news of the change in the appearance of the girl they knew.

"Breaking News!" - a girl exclaimed in terror - "Tenkōfū challenged Ransuiryū-sama to a fight!"

"What?!" - The second year girls weren't the only ones surprised, even Chifuyu and the others were the same.

"What is that idiot doing?!" Keiko exclaimed in surprise "Does she think that by training for a week, she is at the same level as a dragon?!"

". . ." Ayane frowned when she heard the news because she knew that Asuna wasn't stupid enough to do something she wasn't entirely sure of.

"We'd better go see... I'm sure Cloud has to be in that place" - Chifuyu sighed while the others nodded.

* * * * *

"I guess that means that my partner is Cloud..."-Kyoka smiled seeing the tip of her-"498...not bad..."

"I have news for you, Kyōka-sama!" -Misa exclaimed as she ran towards her friends- "Tenkōfū challenged Ransuiryū-sama to a fight!"

"Hey?" Chiyoko felt as if she had misheard, so she asked him to repeat what she had said again.

"Like I said! Tenkōfū challenged Ransuiryū-sama to a fight!" Misa exclaimed as she looked around waiting for a reaction.

"Heh! Hahaha!" -Kyōka couldn't hold back her laughter anymore when she heard this- "I she did it much sooner than I thought"

"What do you mean, Kyōka-sama?" Kako asked as he looked at their leader.

"I knew that girl would challenge Rino but I never thought it would be so soon" - replied Kyōka calmly - "You could see in her eyes that she wanted to rise even higher in Nangokuren and there is only one way to do it if you are not a dragon ..."

"A tiger?" Honori asked as she looked at her friend, "You say that Tenkōfū gained enough strength to be a Tiger?"

"I'm not sure about that" - replied Kyōka - "Although I feel like the fight will be interesting, why don't we go see what happens?"

* * * * *

"I never thought you would challenge me, Tenkōfū"-Rino said as she looked at the girl in front of her.

Asuna wasn't wearing her normal uniform anymore, but a shirt like Kyōka, only instead of being white, it had little black lines. Her hair was now slightly shorter and she was wearing black and white pants that couldn't hold her big firm buttocks.

"I didn't think it would be so soon either, Ransuiryū-san"-Asuna said as she took off her glasses and threw them on the floor-"But I need to do this"

"I think you let being with Kokuryū go to your head, bitch" - Ryōko said coldly - "If you really want to fight Rino-sama, then you'll have to go through us first"

Shū and the others were on their guard when her partner's words ended, because they found it disrespectful for an extra to try something against her leader.

"I was looking forward to hearing that"-Asuna said as a wild smile appeared on her face and she charged at Rino's subordinates.

"Asuna... deactivate your body's gravity before continuing fighting"-Cloud said seeing that her subordinate had started her fight.

"Are you sure, Cloud-sama?" Asuna asked as she stopped her footsteps and looked at her leader.

"When a beast hunts..." - Cloud said seriously.

"He does it with all his might" - replied the leader of the disciplinary squad as she dodged her opponents' attacks and pressed the button of the device on her wrist, only to feel how her body was free of all ties - "I'm not going to let you down, Cloud-sama... I'm going to show everyone how strong I've become thanks to your attention and training"

". . ." -Rino frowned when she saw the change in the aura of her former subordinate, only to look at Cloud, who was observing everything from his location- "Shū, Megu, girls... use all your strength and end this farce"

"As you order, Rino-sama"-said Shū as she took her two swords and launched herself against her opponent.

"And I wanted to put our little ex-colleague in her place" - Megu said with disdain.

"Don't worry, it's possible that she'll last a while so we can have fun" - Ryōko added sarcastically.

Rino's other subordinates didn't say anything, they just glared at her former colleague seeing the continuous actions against her beloved leader while attacking her with all her might.

"Arashi no Kiba (Fang of the Storm)" Asuna muttered as she concentrated Ki into her fists, creating a large amount of wind.

"Kya!" - The girls went flying when touched by Asuna's fists while their clothes were torn into hundreds of pieces along with countless cuts appearing on their skins.

"Enough!" Ryōko roared as she drew her swords from her.

"Kōga (Fang of Light)" Asuna exclaimed as she took a step so fast that she left an afterimage, only to land a well-aimed blow to her opponent's pit of the stomach.

"Argh!" Ryōko exclaimed as she felt the air escape from her lungs, a pity that Asuna's attack hadn't finished yet because with a strong blow to her face, the girl with glasses went flying.

"Ryoko!" -exclaimed her companions in surprise while the girls' gazes changed to one full of fury and surprise when they saw how Asuna was much more dangerous than she was before.

"Come..."-Asuna said seriously as she looked at her opponents-"I still haven't introduced you to all the techniques I've created after my hellish training with Cloud-sama"

". . ." -Megu didn't hesitate anymore, she launched herself against Asuna while she concentrated Ki in her fists.

"Ame Tsume (Rain Claw)" Asuna said as she focused Ki on her fingers "I'm going to enjoy tearing at your flesh..."

The girl from the disciplinary committee quickly disappeared and reappeared behind the orange haired girl - "Huh?"

"Too late!" Asuna exclaimed as she gave him a double scratch.

"Oh!" Megu could only scream in pain as she felt Asuna's fingernails rip into her back as her blood splattered.

". . ." -Shū's expression turned horrible upon seeing the state of her partner while she analyzed all the moves Asuna had made. She knew that if she didn't carefully observe everything that had happened, then she would end up just like the others- "That speed..."

"I call that technique, Kaminari Dan (Lightning Step)"-Asuna said coldly as she saw how the others trembled at her gaze. She had never felt so good in her life and now she was thankful for the hellish training she had been through.


Read 10 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 30k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead ( 20 )

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