Chapter 208 ( Ransuiryū - II )

"Ransuiryū no Mai!" - The blonde girl exclaimed as she ran against Marokichi with her twin swords in hand.

"Roar!" - Marokichi roared as he felt his skin begin to break as he felt the girl get closer and closer.

Rino continued to advance as her eyes flashed coldly while a feral grin appeared on her face.

Marokichi quickly disappeared from her location and appeared in front of the girl, only to notice how she seemed to not even care about the situation, which made him even more enraged - "Bitch!"

"So predictable" - muttered the girl as her blades seemed to distort.

"!" - the boy's eyes widened in surprise as he watched the girl seem to vibrate for a few seconds before completely disappearing from her current location.

"Good luck..." - Rino said from behind his back as he stowed his swords in their sheaths.

"ARGH!" - Marokichi exclaimed as a large amount of blood gushed out of his body along with the appearance of hundreds of cuts that went all the way to the bone. The poor boy slowly fell to his knees as he felt as if all the blood in his body seemed to be about to explode, causing him to feel indescribable pain - "AOW!"

"Rino-sama..." - Megu muttered while Shū was completely speechless because she hadn't been able to observe how their leader's attack went.

"Marokichi-kun!" - Rintarō exclaimed in terror as he felt his friend's aura fall to the bottom.

"Relax, he's still alive" - replied the blond boy as he looked at Rino seriously. He had clearly seen the execution of Rino's attack.

She first built up her Ki in her blades and in the process used it to generate tornadoes around her weapons, and at the same time increase the damage and penetrating power of her attack. Then she ran against the target while maintaining a constant flow of Ki to keep the tornadoes in her swords, without paying attention to the fact that her opponent had appeared in front of her, in fact, that made it much easier for her to execute because he could ensure the consumption of concentration it took to maintain that level of Ki in a specific point. Finally she performed a double cross slash while concentrating the rest of her Ki on her feet in order to 'glide' and pass through her opponent's blind spot, gradually increasing the range of her slash and in the process, increasing the rotational power of her tornadoes to further extend the damage area of her attack, all that while using her maximum speed to further elude her opponent's senses.

"An impressive technique, Ransuiryū Rino, as you'd expect from one who has the same title as me" - said Cloud proudly - "Ok, now I see you're right... I guess I'm going to need to relax a bit or I'm really going to end up acting like a generic villain..."

"Told you so" - Chifuyu replied as a small smile appeared on het face.

"You can always apply to be the number one villain in the world, Cloud-sama" - Asuna replied as she gave him a small laugh - "I wouldn't mind taking over some country... I don't know, France maybe?"

Chifuyu and Cloud looked at the girl for a few seconds before rolling their eyes at her.

". . ." - Rino was silent for a few seconds as she watched the blond carefully and felt him connect some dots.

"Is something wrong, Ransuiryū?" - Cloud asked curiously as he saw how the blonde girl seemed to have come to a conclusion.

"No... it's nothing important..." - Rino replied as she stood up normally and looked at Marokichi who slowly started to return to normal - ". . ."

"If you don't mind, I want to take him to the infirmary to heal... then we'll see what we do with him" - Cloud said calmly.

". . ." - Rhino frowned because she felt that after doing all the work and sacrificing so much, Cloud was the one earning his credit, though after thinking about it for a few seconds he nodded. This he did for two reasons, one, because it was because of his actions that things ended up this way, and two, because he didn't have the energy to stop his opponent in case he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"I don't know what's going through your mind, Ransuiryū but I guess you moved forward... although I'm not sure in which direction" - said Cloud as he picked up the bloodied Marokichi and carried him like a sack of potatoes, not caring that his clothes were getting dirty with his blood that was starting to run - "I guess it's time for us to leave..."

"Wait" - Rino said seriously - "You told me about Marokichi because you knew he would react this way?"

"Hmm... you could say yes" - Cloud answered normally - "I knew you would react hastily, although I didn't know what kind of actions you would take... after all I'm not a psychic who can read other people's minds..."

". . ." - Rino frowned when she heard this because it was obvious that she had played in the palm of the blond boy in front of her but what made it worse, was that he had warned her when she told him the information about Marokichi - "I see..."

"Tell me, Ransuiryū... are you satisfied with how the situation ended?" - Cloud asked as he looked at the girl with a slight smile on his face that got on the nerves of the two subordinates who were still conscious because Iyo was now 'resting'.

"No... I lost more than I supposedly gained..." - Rino said as she looked at the boy who was unconscious on his fellow dragon's man.

"That's the price to pay, Rino," Cloud replied as he walked back towards the infirmary, "What you're paying... that's for you to decide..."

". . ." - Rino was silent thinking about his words as her eyes twinkled slightly before returning to her neutral expression.

"Don't think too much about his words" - Chifuyu said as she shook her head before following the blond - "He likes to play mysterious."

Asuna glanced at Rino before following her leader out of the place.

"I-I think I better go to the infirmary too..." - Rintarō said as he followed Cloud's group with a frown as he too had been played by the blond.

"Rino-sama..." - Megu muttered wearily as she looked at Iyo with concern.

"Shū... carry Iyo, we have to go back to our base to take her to the medical wing."- Rino said seriously. She had her own infirmary with trained staff, a small 'gift' left to her by her older sister.

"As you command, Rino-sama" - Shū said as she carefully took Iyo.

"Megu, go with her.... I need some time alone so I can do some thinking..." - Rino said as she closed her eyes.

"Rino-sama... you should come with us to make sure nothing happened to her during her fight" - Megu said with concern.

"Don't worry about me, Megu"- replied the blonde dragoness - "I know myself well enough to know if my body is in good or bad shape... now go".

"Come on Megu"- said Shū as she looked at her friend.

"Ok..." - nodded the orange-haired girl as she followed her companions, leaving Rino completely alone.

"You can come out now..." - said the sophomore girl - "I know very well that you've been spying on me, Onee-sama..."

"Rino-chan..." - Ren said as she appeared in front of her younger sister.

"I've disappointed you... haven't I?" - Rino asked as she looked at her older sister neutrally - "I guess so, after all, you saw how I made a fool of myself, as well as lost at least 50% of my strength..."

". . ." - Ren kept silent when she heard this question because she didn't know how to answer. Was she really disappointed in her younger sister?

"I see..." - Rino muttered as she walked out of the place silently.

"Wait, Rino-chan!" - Ren exclaimed in surprise - "I'm not disappointed in you or anything!"

". . ." - Rino glanced at her sister to look for the answer to her question, only to find confusion on her sister's face - "When you come up with an answer... we'll talk... I'm about to come up with mine, so don't make me wait..."

". . ." - Ren stayed in place as she watched her younger sister leave with a frown present on her beautiful face - "Ok, that didn't go as well as I had hoped..."

She really was disappointed in Rino, if not in herself for not realizing the changes her younger sister was going through - "I guess I need to think things through a bit too before I talk to her . Although..."

Ren narrowed her eyes as she looked in the direction where Cloud had gone because it was obvious that part of the blame for what had happened was on the blond - "I guess I'll have to talk to him first..."

* * * * *

"Cloud..." - Rintarō said with a frown.

"I know what you're trying to say but let me tell you that I wasn't the one who orchestrated all this" - Cloud replied normally - "Yes, I was the one who told Rino about Marokichi because he was the alleged culprit but at the same time I wasn't the one who told him how to perform his blissful operation."

"Second, yes, I was the one who told you about your friend's situation so you could help him but I wasn't the one who made you not use all your power and end up in bad shape" - the blond added while looking at the boy - "So before treating me as the bad guy and you as the victim, think about your decisions".


read 12 chapters ahead of marvel x dc and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 37k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 chapters ahead ( 20 )

i hope you guys join me on this platform