Chapter 209 ( Sorry, Ren sama! )

". . ." - Rintarō was silent while looking at the blond with neutrality - "But that doesn't change the fact that you controlled us to do what you wanted."

"True..." - Cloud nodded as Asuna smiled slightly. It was good that their leader wasn't black and white, but grey, it made it easier that she could be more useful because of the way she was.

"Aren't you going to say anything to excuse yourself?" - Rintarō asked in surprise.

"Why should I?" - Cloud asked while raising an eyebrow - "That would be hypocritical of me, don't you think?"

"True" - nodded Chifuyu - "That would make me see you in less, Cloud."

"Oh, that hurts, Chifuyu-san" - Cloud replied as he feigned pain, only to let out a laugh before looking back at the black-haired boy - "What I'm saying is true, Rintarō-san... while I did manipulate some things, I didn't use any kind of mind control or suggestive on you, it was you yourself who decided what to do, so even if I'm partly to blame, you don't have the right to be angry at me"

The blond's gaze quickly changed when he said this because he was being serious and Rintarō was feeling it.

"Not counting that I'm the Tyrant, I'm the Dragon of the Apocalypse... I guess my title has to come from somewhere, don't you think?"

Cloud smiled in a nonchalant manner as he shot a glance at Marokichi so he could see his sword - "Hmm.... it's not in danger but I guess we'd better hurry."

Rintarō remained silent as he shook his head. He wasn't getting anything out of continuing to argue with the blond so he might as well continue on his way to get to the infirmary and recover.

* * * * *

"And that's what happened, Kyōka-sama" - Kako said as she looked at her leader and friend.

"I see..." - Kyōka replied while looking out the window - "I never thought he was this manipulative..."

"I also thought he was someone who liked to settle his fists, just like you, Kyōka" - smiled Chiyoko.

"Just because I enjoys fighting, that doesn't mean I'm an idiot" - Kyōka snorted while squinting her eyes - "Though I have to admit it's impressive to see how she made Rino's strength diminish so much without even lifting a finger."

"Impressive I have to admit though the one affected was my precious little sister."

"What do you want me to say, Ren Senpai?" - Kyōka asked as she looked at Ren, who was sitting across from her with a frown on her face as she heard again what had happened, especially since she witnessed it all - "Do you want me to declare a war on him? Don't even think about it, he'll be my man when I finish this year and defeat him in the [Dragon Rioting]."

". . ." - Ren was silent as she looked at her kouhai - "I see you've changed a bit since I left Nangokuren."

"Love makes a girl change" - Kyōka replied as Ren blushed.

"I think we're getting off topic" - Honori said while looking at her leader - "What are we going to do now that the balance between our forces broke even more because of your boyfriend, Kyōka?"

"What else? Take advantage of the situation to devour as much of Rino's forces as we can" - Kyōka replied with a big smile while her eyes sparkled slightly.

Ren frowned when she heard this because she honestly wasn't enjoying her younger sister being attacked like this but she didn't do anything to stop it, after all, she wasn't a Nangokuren dragon anymore, not to mention that having outside help would be frowned upon by the other dragons because it would show that Rino can't take care of herself.

"You shouldn't frown so much, Ren senpai" - Kyōka said while looking at the former dragon - "You'll only make you get wrinkles much earlier than expected and then you won't be able to get a boyfriend."

"I-I can get a boyfriend anytime I want!" - Ren exclaimed as she stood up abruptly. She looked like a cat that had just had its tail stepped on.

"If you say so..." - Kyōka snorted as she rolled her eyes at him - "I'm pretty sure it's impossible as long as you keep that flaw of not being able to talk directly to guys, not to mention that you have the bad habit that you always think that when a guy talks to you, it's to flirt."

" that's narcissistic, Senpai."

"Don't call me a Narcissist, Honori!" - Ren exclaimed angrily as she glared at the Cheerleading corps leader.

"Come to think of it... she's right."

"Not you too, Chiyo-chan!" - Ren exclaimed in annoyance as she watched the carefree girl look at her with a smile.

"I-I think we better s-stop bothering Ren senpai" - said Misa as she looked around as if she was a scared little squirrel.

"At least one of you still respects me, thank you, Misa-chan" - smiled Ren while stroking the little third year girl's hair.

The others just rolled their eyes at her as they saw how the cold Dragon girl was now a bit friendlier.

"I guess I'm not the only one who changed this year..." - Kyōka said as she looked at her graduating friend - "I see your college life has been treating you well..."

"Of course"- replied the silver-haired girl as she looked at her kouhai - "That I met some interesting people in that place."

"Any boys?" - Kyōka asked with a half smile because she knew the answer as she saw Ren's expression shadowed - "I guess that's a no."

"I already said I can get a boyfriend anytime I want!" - Ren exclaimed as she blushed again in a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment - "I-I just haven't found the right one..."

"That doesn't sound very convincing" - replied Honori.

"Can we put my sentimental life aside and concentrate on what's going on!" - Ren exclaimed angrily - "As for you, Honori.... you don't seem to remember what happens when you annoy me more than you should..."

"I'm sorry, Ren-sama!" - Honori exclaimed as she was dragged out of the room to the amused looks of the other girls.

"Okay, I think that was more than enough" - Kyōka said as she looked around - "I may like Cloud but that doesn't mean I'm going to let my relationship with him get in the way of my goal, so we'll part ways with him for a bit."


The girls couldn't believe what they had heard, though they quickly understood that this was Kyōka's way of assuring them that she wouldn't let her heart get in the way.

"The first thing we'll do will be to make our stay on the subject clear" - Kyōka continued while her pupils were tearing - "Then we'll take advantage of the opportunity he gave us to consume as much as we can... by the way.... what's Cloud doing?"

"Nothing" - Kako answered while frowning - "It's strange because we still don't know the reason why he did all this because he's not taking advantage of the situation..."

Kyōka thought for a few seconds before frowning. She knew the blond very well so she knew he wouldn't do something just because - "Hmm..."

"What do you think, Kyōka?" - Chiyoko asked.

"That it's possible that he did it because he wanted Rintarō to join the chaos and thus have an even more exciting battle" - Kyōka answered while a small���a feral smile appeared on her face - "If it were me, I would do the same thing."

". . ." - the girls were silent for a few seconds before nodding because it seemed to make sense.

"Cloud not only made Rino lose part of her fangs, he also made a new variant enter the game... not bad" - Chiyoko said as she shrugged - "I guess he knows how to use his head."

"Thanks for helping me, girls..." - said Honori, who had all her clothes shredded by what seemed to be cuts - "You're the best friends I could have."

"You earned it yourself" - replied Kyōka as she roled her eyes at her - "You know very well that Ren senpai doesn't like to be teased... the only one who could get away with that is Meru."

"You don't have to remind me.... Ren senpai already cleared it up for me" - Honori muttered as she sat down awkwardly - "What were you guys talking about?"

"About why Cloud Strife did what he did" - replied Chiyoko as she shrugged - "By the way.... where is Ren senpai?"

"She said something about going to talk to Cloud... I think... I was more focused on dodging attacks than worrying about what she said" - replied Honori as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Hmm... what are the odds of those two fighting?" - Kyōka asked while looking around.

"Why are you asking such a stupid question, Kyōka?" - Chiyoko asked while shaking her head - "Asking it tells us how stupid you think we are."

"I agree, it's obvious that Ren will confront Cloud for what he did to Rino" - replied Honori as she stood up carefully and walked to one of the lockers that was the room to change clothes. They had left spare clothes because they soiled their clothes easily during fights or training.

"Right, sorry about that" - Kyōka answered while thinking - "I guess we'll go watch the fight since we missed the one Rino had with that Marokichi guy".


read 12 chapters ahead of marvel x dc and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe total 37k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 chapters ahead ( 20 )

i hope you guys join me on this platform