Chapter 212 ( Vs Dragoness - I )

"Can you let go of me?" - Cloud asked while frowning.

"Ok, I think that's enough" - answered Kyōka as he shook his head and let go of the boy but not before giving him one last kiss - "Mine!"

". . ." - Ayane and Ren frowned as they shook their heads.

"Didn't we have to go fight?" - Cloud asked as he sighed with regret at how everything had changed so quickly.

* * * * *

"It was faster than I thought" - smiled Ryōko, the sexy headmistress of Nangokuren as she looked at Okina - "I guess I underestimated the dragons' efforts to capture their target."

"Yes... but that leaves us with the question of what to do with him" - answered Okina seriously - "I know it's possible that that wasn't his intention but that doesn't change the fact that he not only left one girl in bad shape, but hurts a dozen more and almost raped another one"

"Hmm... that a very difficult decision..." - Ryōko muttered while frowning - "Not to mention that we'll have to announce about his.... guilt..."

"Let's wait a little longer..." - Ryōko said while narrowing her eyes - "Let's wait for the boy to wake up before giving our verdict."

"As you command, Ryōko-sama" - replied Okina with a smile....

"Now... I would like you to call my daughter and her boyfriend" - said Ryōko as a small smile appeared on her face.

"Ok" - nodded Okina as she retreated.

"Hmm..." - Ryōko stared at her for a few seconds before shaking her head.

* * * * *

Okina walked silently through the halls of Nangokuren as she bit her lip as if she was trying to decide something.

"What should I do?" - she asked herself as she shook her head - "No... it's better I don't think about it..."

The teacher could only sigh as she remembered a certain scene she had seen by chance, one that still replayed over and over again in her mind.

"I still can't believe those two really did it..." - Okina muttered as she shook her head again. She couldn't get the sight of Cloud having sex with Shizuka a few days ago out of her mind.

She had coincidentally passed by the infirmary when she heard a noise coming from it, only to when she opened the door, hear the moans of the poor girl who was at the mercy of the blonde boy.

"Though I have to admit she seemed to be enjoying it..." - Okina muttered as she again shook her head - "Ugh... I wonder if that big thing could fit inside me.... Ugh..."

She didn't want to admit it but she was a virgin, yes, as you heard, the perverted teacher who had been talking about how they should make the most of their youth, was a virgin, and that was exactly why she was telling the girls to follow her advice so they could have a youth they could remember, since in the future it was quite possible they wouldn't even have time to go on a date.

"I'd better get on with my work..." - Okina muttered as she again shook her head to get rid of the crazy ideas running through her mind - "I guess today will be another freezing shower day..."

* * * * *

". . ." - Cloud just watched neutrally as Ren, Ayane and Kyōka were fighting with each other - "Wasn't that supposed to be my fight?"

The group had reached the courtyard and the first thing that happened was that the girls stood facing each other as their auras grew.

"What can I say, Kyōka is someone passionate..." - Chiyoko replied as she shook her head and handed him a bag of popcorn - "Do you want some?"

"Since" - sighed Cloud as he shook his head and took the bag of popcorn - "Want to make a bet?"

"That-That's not right, Cloud-san!" - Misa exclaimed as she looked the boy straight in the eyes - "Betting is a bad thing!"

"Isn't she cute?" - Chiyoko asked as she hugged her little friend.

"D-don't treat me like a child, Chiyoko-chan!" - Misa exclaimed with a red face.

"Hmm... I have to admit, she sure is cute..." - nodded Cloud as he looked at the girl - "Don't you want to be my honorary younger sister?"

"H-Little sister?" - Misa asked in confusion as she cocked her head to the side.

"Exactly, you'll be my adopted little sister" - nodded Cloud as he looked at the little third year student - "Tell me when someone bothers you and I promise I'll give them the beating of their life."

"What are you planning with our Misa-chan?" - Honori asked as he narrowed his eyes - "Are you one of those lolicons, by any chance?"

"What?" - Cloud just shot him a surprised look - "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"That you're trying to corrupt our little Misa-chan" - Chiyoko replied this time.

"Pervert..." - Kako muttered disdainfully while Misa trembled in fear of being devoured.

"Did Kyōka hit them on the head?" - Cloud asked while frowning - "Not to offend Misa-chan but I like girls with good attributes, I mean, look at Shizuka-chan."

"Uh..." - the girls' eyes widened as they remembered how Shizuka's breasts, were almost the size of Misa's head.

"Ugh..." - Misa could only feel an arrow pierce her heart at the blonde boy's words.

"I understand what you're trying to say but you could have been a little nicer to Misa-chan" - Chiyoko said seriously.

"Ok..." - Cloud nodded sarcastically as he looked at the girl - "I'm sorry, our thing can't be..."

"I didn't mean that kindness!" - Chiyoko exclaimed as Misa's expression became even more depressed - "And what the fuck with that rejection attempt!"

"I'm trying to be as nice as possible" - Cloud snorted as he shot them a look full of disdain - "Anyway, what I said, you can take it in the literal way... I want Misa-chan to be my honorary younger sister."

"This is strange... why do you want her to be your younger sister?" - Honori asked while frowning.

"First, because she seem too nice and it's possible for people to take advantage of her, or tease her until they make her cry" - Cloud answered calmly.

"Uh..." - the girls looked at Misa as they remembered all the times bad things had happened to her.

"Somehow it makes sense..." - Kako muttered as she nodded firmly.

"Now that you mention it... Misa-chan always gets into trouble..." - Chiyoko muttered.

"She's right what she says" - nodded Honori as Misa became even more depressed.

Cloud was about to say something else when he felt a fist headed in his direction - "What was that for?"

"We decided that instead of attacking each other... it's better that we fight against you" - Kyōka replied as her eyes glittered slightly - "Whoever manages to defeat you, will be the one to get the prize..."

"If I beat you, I'll be able to do whatever I want with you for an hour to punish you for what you did to my younger sister" - said Ren neutrally.

"If I win, then Kyōka won't be able to interfere for one day in my actions" - said Ayane seriously.

"And if I win..." - Kyōka said while licking her lips - "I think it better be a surprise."

". . ." - Cloud stared at them for a few seconds before releasing all his mana, as well as his two-handed sword that he hadn't used since he arrived in the world, although this one had no edge because it was designed for training.

"!" - Kyōka and Ayane's eyes widened in surprise because they had never seen the blond boy fight with a sword. Ren for his part, only smiled with even more excitement to see how the boy knew how to fight with a weapon even though it was only for training, proving that he wasn't taking them seriously.

"Do you really think that toy can take me?" - Ren asked with disdain.

". . ." - Cloud didn't answer him, just put away his mana so that it only surrounded his body, creating a layer of small blue flames that appeared and disappeared with each passing second.

"Ok, this is interesting..." - Makoto said while observing the blond boy seriously - "Though it seems Cloud is belittling our leaders."

"Hmm... though his expression and way of taking that weapon, tells me that he knows what he's doing" - replied Kako as he scowled at Cloud's weapon - "Though a Two-Handed Sword... a bit of an odd choice, though remembering his great physical strength, it's quite obvious that far from being a problem, it's a benefit for him to use such weaponry..."

"If you can get me to use my actual weapon... then I'll use it, Ren..." - Cloud said as he looked at the silver-haired, green-eyed girl - "As long as you don't, it will only mean that you're not good enough to pull it off..."

Ren's gaze sharpened as he gripped his spear tightly and the figure of his dragon materialized around his body.

Ayane and Kyōka were also able to stand on guard as they materialized their dragons, then giving the blond a serious look.

"Besides... I think you guys forgot one small detail..." - Cloud muttered as his eyes grew wilder and wilder - "You guys can never make a tyrant follow your orders... so now I'm going to show you that everything has a price, even the words you say..."

The energy around the blond, quickly began to focus even more as a smile appeared on his face - "Come at me, it's time for everyone to know why my group is called [Metsuryū]..."



Read 14 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 40k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform