Chapter 213 ( Vs Dragoness - II )

Cloud just looked at the 3 girls as his dragon form materialized, roaring fiercely to the point of making the girls tremble with his pressure.

"What's wrong?" - Cloud asked as he gripped his sword firmly - "Didn't they want to fight me?"

Ayane swallowed saliva because it was the first time she felt Cloud's presence against her.

Kyōka smiled wildly as her body trembled with excitement, while Ren just firmly gripped her spear.

"Come..." - Cloud repeated as he watched the girls throw themselves against him, Ren being the first to come - "Hmm.... you're fast."

"Not just fast" - replied Ren in an emotionless voice as she attacked with her double-sided sword.


The sound of metal clashing with metal was not long in coming, only for those present to be shocked as Ren flew off at full speed.

"That's all the strength you can put into your attack?" - Cloud asked as he gave her a bored look.

His aura slowly grew as did the pressure he released, only to tilt his head to see a fist pass over his head.

"Really?" - Cloud asked neutrally - "You should stop attacking my face, Kyōka, it's stupidly predictable."

Kyōka didn't answer him, just continued to attack with a flurry of punches that the blond blocked almost immediately.

"Hmm... You've increased your physical strength..." - Cloud said as he stepped back a few millimeters with each punch he blocked - "Not bad..."

"Tch" - Kyōka clicked her tongue as she increased the frequency and power of her attacks while Cloud kept blocking everything that came at him, only to squint his eyes as he sensed Ayane's presence behind him - "You're not just fighting Kyōka-san, Sensei!"

"True" - Cloud replied while using his free hand to block the red-haired girl's kick - "But you have to understand that it's not good to announce your presence when you're about to perform an ambush... you should take a cue from Gentōryū."

With a quick movement, Cloud bent his body and blocked the sword coming at him with the toe of his shoes - "You see?"

". . ." - Ren could only widen her eyes in surprise because she never thought that her attack would end this way. With how focused he was fighting two dragons, she was sure her attack would be one with a 100% chance of success.

"You shouldn't be distracted, Ren-san" - Cloud said as he bent his body even more and swung a spinning kick at the girl.

"Kya!" - Ren flew off at high speed again as the blond settled his feet back on the ground.

"Hmm... That's a bit awkward... I guess I'm going to have to train my flexibility even more so I can perform more surprise attacks..." - Cloud muttered as Ayane and Kyōka's eyes widened in surprise because they too didn't think things would end up like this.

"Ugh..." - Ren slowly stood up as she squinted her eyes as she saw how she had been defeated again. Her Ki quickly began to grow, as well as her anger because it was obvious that the blond was focusing all of his attention on counterattacking her, after all, he had only defended himself against the other two girls, showing a clear difference.

"What's wrong?" - Cloud asked with a smirk as he took a swipe and a slash at the two girls who had him 'trapped' thus knocking them back.

". . ." - Kyōka and Ayane frowned as they prepared to fight again, only to notice how Ren's Ki increased considerably to the point of making her dragon grow.

"I see someone finally decided to finally decide to do some serious fighting... I was starting to get bored..." - Cloud said with an apathetic look - "Actually, I'd like you guys to do the same... of course... unless you wish..."


The sound of a firm thud echoed in the surroundings as Ren appeared in front of the blond with her spear, creating a huge smokescreen around her and her target.

"I admit it... that was pretty fast... I might even say that you're just as r���fast as me..." - Cloud said in a voice that showed that nothing had happened to him - "But... don't be rude and let me finish talking."


Ren again flew off but unlike the other times, she landed carefully this time - "I'm sure you'll have no choice but to use your real weapon now..."

*Crack Crack Crack*

"Hmm..." - the smokescreen quickly disappeared, revealing a blond looking at his sword, only for it to start turning into fragments - "Ok, I guess you're right..."

Cloud looked with interest at the former dragon's weapon, only to notice how it seemed to be as if it was like nothing after receiving the shock from his weapon - "What kind of metal is your weapon made of?"

"Dragon scales, a unique metal that can only be found in my family's mines" - Ren answered neutrally.

"Interesting... Is there any way I can get my hands on some of that metal?" - Cloud asked curiously, only to notice how Ren blushed at his question - "Did I say something wrong?"

". . ." - Ren shot an annoyed look at the blond, only to calm down after a few seconds.

Kyōka frowned as she saw how her senpai's attack had managed to cause damage before the blond while she only caused him to back up a few steps.

"Sensei... you're strong..." - Ayane muttered earnestly.

"Of course I am" - Cloud replied with a calm smile - "If I wasn't, you wouldn't have asked me to be your teacher, though honestly I haven't taught you many things..."

"I learn more by observing, sensei" - Ayane said while concentrating Ki in her fists.

"Oh~?" - Cloud's look changed to one of surprise when he noticed how Ayane was running towards him at full speed so with a quick movement, he summoned [Amidamaru] - "I didn't know you managed to learn that technique even though you can't use my unique energy."

"I know... that's why I decided to modify it!" - Ayane exclaimed as she noticed Kyōka's eyes widen in surprise - "Senseiryū no Tekken!"

Cloud's gaze deepened even more when he saw how Ayane's energy flowed in the same manner as his [Metsuryū Mahō's] - "Interesting! You're very interesting!"

Cloud couldn't hide the excitement he felt at seeing Ayane's talent, after all, not just anyone could not only learn from someone just by watching them, but also the fact e modify a technique to go along with the user's own energy.

"Haaaaa!" - Ayane shouted fiercely as she swung against her strength at the blond, only to notice how the blond's sword glowed with great intensity. Slowly flames began to cover the blade of the sword - "Harusame!"

A huge glow appeared in the area as if it were a flicker, only to disappear as if it had never been there before.

A deep silence spread over the place as the wind roared for a few seconds, completely covering the view of what had happened.

"That was a good move... Ayane..." - Cloud said as the smokescreen disappeared again, showing that he was behind Ayane with his sword sheathed - "Your last attack was not only wonderful, but also perfect... your power level, speed and reaction time also grew..."

". . ." - Ayane only answered him with silence as she fell to the ground, only for her clothes to practically explode, leaving the girl in only her underwear.

"But it's still too early..." - Cloud muttered as he looked up in the direction where Kyōka and Ren were standing.

Kyōka clenched her fist tightly as she noticed how a line of blood ran down the blond's cheek, proving that Ayane's attack wasn't ineffective and seeing the difference in power between the two opponents, it was obviously a great merit.

Cloud slowly touched his cheek and noticed the blood running down it, so he slowly gave the oblivious red-haired girl another look - "Who knew I belittled you twice in a row? You not only corrected me once, but twice... I guess I'm going to have to really teach you something or I won't deserve to call you my apprentice..."

"You can talk about that later..." - Ren said as she gripped her weapon firmly and grew her Ki - "Now we're fighting."

"Right... I'm sorry I didn't pay enough attention to you" - Cloud replied normally as the flames surrounding [Amidamaru], changed from blue to red, as well as increasing the temperature of the place - "Easy, I have enough control not to cause any kind of permanent or serious damage.... Though I make no promises against cuts or small burns..."

". . ." - Ren frowned, though she had to admit she was surprised with how quickly the blond had had the source of her power changed. She had managed to sense that those blue flames were a pure source of energy without any kind of change, as if this was the origin, unlike the red flames that now surrounded the blond's weapon that showed with the rise in temperature that it was fire in its most natural state.

"I'm ready for Round 2..." - Cloud said with a smile - "The question now is.... Which of you two will be my opponent, or do you both want to continue fighting me together? Either way, I have no problem."

". . ." - the two girls just frowned as they looked at each other. If they started fighting together, then they would finish what they started.


Read 14 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 40k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform