Chapter 214 ( Vs Dragoness - III )

"That monster..." - Kako said as she narrowed her eyes.

While Ayane's technique couldn't compare to Cloud's original Technique, her power was obvious, but she only managed to cause a small cut to the boy before being defeated.

". . ." - Makoto on your part, only narrowed her eyes because she managed to see something before the smokescreen appeared - "He... he really is a sword prodigy...2.

"What do you mean?" - Kako asked as she frowned.

"By any chance didn't you notice?" - Makoto asked in surprise because she honestly thought that if anyone could have seen what had happened, it was Kako herself who was an expert in swordplay, but it seems she was wrong - "What a disgrace."

"Hey!" - Kako exclaimed angrily as she grabbed her weapon, only to notice how Chiyoko grabbed her shoulder - "What?"

"Let her speak, I want to know what she's trying to say" - Chiyoko answered seriously.

"It's simple the truth" - replied Makoto as she looked at the blond who was smiling - "What he did, was a movement so fast that it made it look like his silhouette split into 4 images, only to reunite again when he appeared behind Ayane with his sword sheathed..."

"There's nothing impressive about that, many can do that" - Kako replied as she frowned even more.

"But not in 0.2 seconds" - replied Makoto seriously - "By the time he finished speaking, he was already behind Ayane with his sword 'sheathed' "

Makoto remarked the sheathed part because it was the best expression she could give to see how the sword was unflamed around its edge and resting next to the blond boy's hip.

"!" - Kako's eyes widened in surprise - "Ok, I admit it, that was indeed impressive..."

". . ." - Chiyoko frowned because such it seemed that Cloud hadn't shown his full power against Kyōka during their confrontations, and for that very reason it was noticeable how angry this one was.

"I think that far from worrying about how Cloud is, we should go see how Ayane is" - Keiko said seriously.

"True... although from the sound of her breathing, I can tell that she's just unconscious" - replied Honori - "What?"

The cheerleading squad leader just looked around noticing how they were all looking at her.

"It's a surprise that you can hear her from so far away" - Kako said with surprise.

"What can I say, I need a good sense of hearing to be able to correct my teammates" - replied Honori as she shrugged - "Not to mention that the place is in complete silence, making things much easier."

". . ." - the girls just looked more intensely at the cheerleader leader because they never thought that this screaming girl would have a talent like that. Even her friends didn't know about that particularity.

"We'd better save that for later" - said Makoto while gaining everyone's attention - "The fight is about to resume and from the looks of it, Kyōka-san and Ren senpai are about to fight with everything they have."

* * * * *

"I see you never took me seriously, Cloud" - Kyōka said as she frowned and released her Ki.

"I wouldn't put it that way" - Cloud replied as he shrugged - "I always fought with everything I had, though I only used my Martial Art so I could continue to improve."

He had decided that he would use this world to break his limit over and over again with his [Hand to Hand Combat] because it was the best place to do so, though now things had changed because he had to give his opponents the minimum respect.

"Stop talking and let's continue our battle" - Ren said neutrally as she concentrated her body's energy from the sword she held in her hands.

Cloud narrowed his eyes as he again made flames appear around [Amidamaru] - "You can come whenever you want..."

"I'll take your word for it" - Ren replied as she ran over with her weapon in her hands.

Kyōka narrowed her eyes as she ran towards the blond from another direction.

"Ha!" - Ren released all her Ki at once as the silhouette of her dragon materialized her double-sided sword - "Kiryū!"

* ROAR! *

Cloud's smile grew as he saw Ren's speed increase so he could in draw pose.

* * * * *

"!" - Kako's eyes widened in surprise as she felt her breathing increase considerably.

"What's wrong, Kako?" - Chiyoko asked as she noticed her friend's sudden change.

"Ren senpai is in trouble" - said Kako in surprise - "If he's about to do what I think he will do, then things won't go well at all for Ren senpai..."

"Battōjutsu" - Makoto answered seriously while watching the blond's actions - "An ancient art that was said to have disappeared..."

"A vanished art?" - Chiyoko asked as she frowned - "As far as I know, there are many people using Battōjutsu."

"They are just imitations" - replied Kako with seriousness - "You could say that they only use empty techniques where they only concentrate on the speed of the cut."

"They may think that Battōjutsu is just that, unsheathing the sword and throwing a fast cut, but they are very wrong" - Makoto added neutrally - "Every fighting style or techniques have a different aura, in the case of Battōjutsu the goal is simple... it's..."

* * * * *

"To kill..." - Ren muttered as she felt the intensi��n behind the blond's sword. She could feel her body trembling the closer she got to her enemy's position - "Battōjutsu."

She couldn't not recognize the style Cloud was using, after all, her family is an ancestral clan that has lived generation after generation with swords in hand.

"This is dangerous..." - Ren thought as she watched the blond's cold eyes closely. It was as if she was walking into a frozen hell.

". . ." - Kyōka for her part kept silent as she narrowed her eyes because she never thought she would see such ancient and dangerous techniques, though far from scaring her, it only made her even more excited.

"It doesn't matter if you know Battōjutsu or not!" - Ren exclaimed fiercely as the dragon on his sword grew considerably.

"Let's see how you measure up against the technique I just discovered..." - Cloud said as he squinted his eyes for a second only for his aura to disappear like nothing.

"Huh?" - Ren was surprised at this because it was obvious that she hadn't given up, not when her sword aura was holding steady.

"Harusame," Cloud muttered as the flames surrounding [Amidamaru] grew more intense.

This was one of [Shaman King] Amidamaru Samurai Spirit Amidamaru's original techniques that Cloud can only access when he is using the [Amidamaru] weapon and is using the Skill Battōjutsu of it, or at least that was what he discovered while finding ways to increase its power while staying at its maximum level.

Cloud quickly slid his foot 90° and disappeared from his location, only to appear behind the girl silently.

". . ." - Ren remained static for a few seconds before countless flames appeared around her, as well as multiple cuts around her clothing

"Amidaryū Gokōjin (Amida-Style: Halo Blade)" - Cloud muttered as his [Amidamaru] sword disappeared, only to have Ren let out a cry of pain after another few seconds as she was consumed by an explosion of flames that disappeared almost immediately.

"That's my most powerful Battōjutsu technique for now" - Cloud said as he felt his hand become paralyzed for a second before returning to normal. To use that technique, he had to concentrate all his energy in his hand before performing the battō, to then make the sword flow in a specific pattern, because if he didn't, he would suffer damage to the joints of his hand, that's why his hand had been paralyzed for a few seconds, because he still couldn't use that technique properly.

". . ." - Ren didn't answer him, she just fell to the ground unconscious against the ground just like Ayane.

"I have to admit though, you're good..." - Cloud said as the upper clothing on his body disappeared, revealing a small cut running all over his chest - "Even during my full speed attack, you managed to do all this damage to me."

Kyōka stayed where she was for a few seconds before opening her mouth so she could speak - "What happened to your sword?"

"Let's just say that using it too much makes it lose its power" - Cloud answered calmly while looking at the blue-haired girl - "But don't worry, I haven't diminished my power at all so you can come over anytime you want"

Kyōka smiled when she heard this as she approached where the blonde calmly - "Two dragons down... now tell me.... do you think you can bring me down too?"

"You make it sound like I'm at a disadvantage right now, Kyōka" - Cloud replied as he gave her a blank stare - "Just let me tell you one thing... if you really think I'm weak or have consumed too much energy..."

The blond quickly released his mana while looking at the girl - "Then you're very wrong..."


Read 14 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 40k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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