Chapter 215 ( Vs Dragoness - IV )

"Because I have energy to waste" - Cloud continued while pounding his fists and in the process producing a large amount of flames that surrounded his silhouette - "So I hope you're ready because you're the last one left..."

Kyōka didn't say anything else, she just lunged at high speed while using her Ki to create air currents to block the damage caused by the blond's flames.

The smile on Cloud's lips grew when he saw this - "I see you've been looking for some ways to counter my flames... but you have to understand that it won't be that easy..."

Cloud's flames began to burn with greater intensity as he ran against Kyōka.

"Haaaaaaa!" - Kyōka's Ki grew exponentially as her fist glowed - "Fū Ryūken (Fist of the Wind Dragon)!"

"Karyū no Tekken!" - Cloud exclaimed fiercely as the two fists impacted against each other's fist.

*Crack Crack Crack*

The floor of the place began to shatter as stones flew out in all directions at the impact of the two fists.

"Ok, not bad" - Cloud thought, but his expression changed almost immediately when he heard how his System was starting to beep.

[Warning! Warning! Character "Kyōka Kagamiin" is starting to wake up thanks to resonance!]

[Warning! Warning! Character "Kyōka Kagamiin" is starting to awaken thanks to resonance!]

"Resonance!" - Cloud exclaimed in his thoughts as another message appeared in front of his eyes.

[Draconic Resonance: Only applicable to dragon-blooded characters. Depending on the level of the relationship between the User and the character (It doesn't matter if they are allies or enemies, any kind of relationship will do), it is possible that this can help awaken traits of that Bloodline (The stronger the relationship, the higher the probability)]

"!" - Kyōka's eyes widened slightly as she felt her power level grow considerably - "ROAR!"

"Shit!" - Cloud exclaimed as his pupils shrank and he flew away.

"I don't know how my strength grew, but I'm going to enjoy it like you can't imagine!" - Kyōka exclaimed as she chased after the blond.

"Do you really think it'll be that easy!" - Cloud asked as his Mana exploded - "If so, then you're going to have a bad time!"

"Huh?" - Kyōka was surprised to see the blond slam on the brakes and appear in front of her, only to punch her in the stomach - "Ugh!"

Cloud's eyes had changed slightly. As he felt the draconic aura within Kyōka, the instinct within him began to be released.

Kyōka gritted her teeth and hit him back with all her might, to the point that the blond felt his intestines being hit by a steel ball.

[Warning! Warning! Resonance is causing Kyōka's skills to increase considerably. Skill [Hand-to-Hand Combat] of character "Kyōka Kagamiin," has risen to Lvl 13!]

". . ." - Cloud's expression distorted when he heard this as Kyōka's gaze grew increasingly wild.


"What now!" - Cloud exclaimed in his thoughts with a frown. He never thought something like this would happen, let alone the blue-haired girl getting stronger in this critical way.

[Warning!Character "Kyōka Kagamiin", have increased STR by 5%!]

Cloud's eyes narrowed before he struck back.

* * * * *

"What was that!" - Makoto exclaimed in surprise as she saw how Kyōka's aura had grown so abruptly.

"I don't know..." - Kako replied as she frowned because she never thought that her leader would experience such a massive change.

"Don't you feel a familiar presence coming from her?" - Chiyoko asked as she narrowed her eyes.

"Now that you mention it, she does feel a bit like Cloud-san..." - Misa replied in surprise.

Cloud and Kyōka began to fight with increasing savagery as blood spurted from their lips.

"I think things are starting to get out of hand..." - Keiko said seriously as she walked over to where Ayane was, only to notice how Ayane was awake - "Ayane!"

"Don't scream..." - Ayane muttered as she struggled to her feet - "My body still hurts a little."

"Are you okay?" - Keiko asked with concern.

"Yes" - replied Ayane as she groaned from the pain - "None of that matters now though".

Kyōka again had flown away while Cloud was squinting his eyes from the pain.

"I don't know what happened... but Kyōka-san is much stronger than she was before the fight..." - Ayane said awkwardly.

* * * * *

"If that's all you've got... you're going to be missing more years of training" - said Cloud as he watched Kyōka look at him with her beautiful golden eyes that showed that she still didn't lose her desire to fight.

"A lot of talk" - replied Kyōka as she lunged at the blond - "We still didn't fight enough!"

Cloud parried Kyōka's attack with difficulty as he counterattacked with his free hand, though it had the same result - ". . ."

"See?" - smiled Kyōka while narrowing her eyes - "Now we're on equal footing."

". . ." - Cloud gave her a silent look as his mana began to surround his body.

"Heh~" - Kyōka smiled when she saw this as her Ki surrounded her body in the same manner as Cloud.

THE blond's aura began to grow wildly as he saw how Kyōka was beginning to act condescending.

"Did I say something wrong?" - Kyōka asked disdainfully.

"No dragon can outdo me!" - roared a voice inside Cloud's mind - "Analogia will not be defeated!"

[Warning!Primordial Entity is about to influence your decisions!]

[Warning!Rage levels are rising, activating innate Skill [Berserk]!"]

"Huh?" - Cloud felt everything distort before everything turned white - ". . ."

"Cloud?" - Kyōka asked in surprise before noticing how the blond's aura disappeared, only to feel it explode.

"ROAR!" - Cloud roared with all his might as the surroundings began to vibrate.

"!" - Kyōka's eyes widened in surprise as she noticed how Cloud's eyes were now completely white as he appeared in front of her - "Shit!"

"Roar!" - Cloud roared again as he punched Kyōka with all his might.

"Ack!" - Kyōka could only groan in pain as she felt how the blond was hitting her with all his might.

"Kyōka-sama!" - Kako and the others in their group exclaimed as they lunged at Cloud.

"Don't come!" - Kyōka shouted in terror as she noticed Cloud turn around to look at the 3 girls coming towards him and the small girl with her bow in hand.

"We're sorry, Kyōka-sama! But we can't accept that order!" - Kako exclaimed, only to see her two friends flying away - "Eh?"

"Hehehe~" - Cloud's cold smile echoed in the surroundings as he watched the girl with his white eyes.

". . ." - Kako looked at Cloud in terror as she never thought she would see him act so wildly.

"React, sensei!" - Ayane exclaimed as she lunged at her master while painfully ignoring.

". . ." - Ren appeared at the blond's side with her sword as she concentrated all her Ki.

"ROAR!" - Cloud answered them with a roar as he disappeared from the spot and reappeared a few meters back.

"Thank you..." - Kyōka said as she sighed - "Kako! Get back!"

"O-Ok!" - Kako nodded as she looked at her companions and took them carefully.

"Are you okay?" - Ayane asked as she looked at the blue-haired girl.

"Yeah..." - Kyōka nodded as she frowned because the blonde was still watching them with his completely white eyes.

"How did you get so strong?" - Ren asked neutrally as she looked at the third year girl.

"I don't know..." - Kyōka said while shaking her head - "What I can say, is that during my fight against Cloud, I felt a resonance with his power and my strength started to grow considerably."

". . ." - the two girls only frowned when they heard this, only to notice how Cloud was walking towards where they were.

"Do you think we can bring Sensei to his senses?" - Ayane asked as she looked at her two companions.

"I don't think so..." - Ren replied as she frowned as she felt her skin freeze at how dark the blond's aura felt.

"I think the only way to make him come to his senses, is to defeat him..." replied Kyōka as she frowned.

"Hahaha!" - Cloud smiled when he heard this because it seemed as if he was still partially conscious.

"I guess it'll be the hard way" - Ayane muttered as she sighed regretfully.

"I have no problem with defeating Cloud Strife" - replied Ren neutrally as she stood at attention - "In fact, it's what I'm looking forward to the most right now after he practically wiped the floor with me..."

"Do you think we can defeat him?" - Kyōka asked while squinting her eyes for a few seconds.

"Then I think it was a good idea to come," said a familiar voice.

"Meru-chan/Hatenko-san!" - exclaimed the girls in surprise as a young girl with light blue hair combed in double pigtails appeared on the spot.

"Hmm... what happened to Cloud Strife?" - Meru asked in surprise as she saw the blond acting like a wild caveman.

"I don't know" - Ren replied neutrally as she narrowed her eyes.

"I also have no idea why Sensei is acting so strange..." - Ayane replied while frowning - "I can only assure you that it was during the battle against Kyōka-san."

"Anything to say?" - Meru asked curiously.

"I don't have the day of the reason either" - Kyōka replied while shaking her head.


Read 14 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 40k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform