Chapter 224 ( Vacations )

A new day had arrived in Nangokuren and Cloud was starting to wake up, only to feel a familiar feeling pressing against his chest - "Hmm~"

"Ok, this sure is familiar" - Cloud thought as he opened his eyes, only to see how Asuna was hugging him with a smile on her face.

*knock knock knock*

"Who dares to interrupt my morning with Cloud-sama!" - Asuna exclaimed as she snapped her eyes open, only to go absolutely silent when she noticed how he had reacted.

". . ." - Cloud gave her a blank look because he never expected this development.

"Hehehehe~" - Asuna gave an awkward smile to her beloved leader as she looked around in search of her clothes - "I-I'll be back in a moment. Cloud-sama..."

Cloud shook his head when he saw this as he walked towards the door, only to see how Erin was silently watching him - "Is something wrong, Erin-san?"

Erin motioned for him to come a little closer so she could tell him what she had come for - (Sorry to interrupt your morning, Cloud-sama, but Meru-sama instructed me to come get you).

"Anything I need to know?" - Cloud asked as he looked at the beautiful silver-haired girl.

(Nothing important...) - replied Erin calmly as she looked at the blond with her cold eyes - (She just wants to talk to you about the events that happened yesterday...)

"I see... thank you very much, Erin" - nodded Cloud as he watched the girl disappear as if she had never been there before - "Hmm.... she should relate more to the others."

"Who are you talking about, Sensei?" - Ayane asked as she appeared next to Makoto.

"Erin's" - Cloud replied as he looked at the girls - "What happened with Keiko?"

"She went to visit Rintarō-san" - replied Makoto as she looked at the boy - "By the way... I never thought you were so skilled with the sword."

"You could say it's my main weapon" - Cloud replied while shrugging his shoulders.

"Why haven't you used it before?" - Ayane asked with a frown.

"Because one, as bad as it sounds, I hadn't had the need" - Cloud answered as he raised a finger, then raised a second - "And two, because I was training my Martial Art."

"It's you..." - Asuna muttered as she came out of the bathroom with a frown as she saw Ayane and Makoto - "What are you two doing here so early?"

"We came to talk to Sensei" - Ayane replied as she gave the second year girl an annoyed look.

"Uh... the atmosphere is a bit tense..." - Cloud sighed as he shook his head only to notice how Makoto was silently looking at him - "Is something wrong?"

"How come you know, Battōjutsu?" - Makoto asked curiously.

"I'd like to know too" - said Rintarō as he appeared next to a smiling Keiko.

"It's a technique I learned myself" - lied Cloud as he shook his head - "Though it's more accurate to say that I learned it from a scroll that was almost completely destroyed."

"I see..." - nodded Rintarō as he looked around and noticed how Asuna was inside the blond's room - "And I see that the headmistress didn't lie when she let Asuna-san sleep in your room."

"Best deal I ever made" - Asuna smiled proudly as Ayane and Makoto frowned.

"We'd better change the subject" - said Cloud as Rintarō nodded - "I feel like you want to ask me something, Rintarō-san."

"Indeed" - Rintarō replied as he looked at the blond - "I want to invite you to come to my home because my father wants to see you."

"Sorry, Rintarō-san, I don't play for that team" - Cloud replied while backing away at high speed.

"If you've stopped joking around, we'd better get serious" - said Rintarō as he rolled his eyes at him - "My father wants to thank you for curing me of this damn disease that's been tormenting me all my life."

"Oh... I have no problem with accompanying you" - Cloud replied as he nodded.

"Can we go?" - Ayane asked as she looked at the black-haired boy.

"Hmm... I have no problem" - replied Rintarō as he shrugged his shoulders. If it had been before he was healed, he would have gone to great lengths to keep the girls away but since that wasn't the case now, there was no problem with wanting to enjoy the scenery together with the girls who liked him.

"I guess it will be a week from now" - Asuna said while looking at the boy - "For the vacations".

"Exactly" - nodded Rintarō calmly - "That's why you'd better get ready."

"Ok, I guess I'll go tell Rumina and Rurina" - said Asuna as she retreated but not before throwing an annoyed look at her leader's 'disciple' - "Hmph!"

"I liked her better before..." - Ayane muttered with a frown - "I could at least beat her up..."

"Shared feeling" - replied Makoto with a clear irritation, although she wasn't the only one annoyed because Keiko was also frowning because Asuna was about to invite her love rivals.

"Well, I guess I'd better go let Shizuka and Chifuyu know about the trip" - Cloud said as he nodded in Rintarō's direction and went back into room to change clothes.

* * * * *

Time continued to move on and the vacations arrived.

The headmaster had already given his speech and now the boys were getting ready to take a long and very well deserved vacation.

"Too bad Kyōka and her girls couldn't come with us" - Shizuka said as she shook her head. She really felt sorry that they couldn't accompany them.

"By the way... why couldn't she come?" - Keiko asked curiously.

"She said something about having to make certain arrangements during the vacations" - Cloud replied as he shrugged - "I think it's one of the traditions of the Kagamiin clan or something like that."

"I see..." - Keiko nodded as she put the topic aside.

"By the way, I also find it a pity that Marokichi-kun couldn't come now that his illness is much more under control" - said Rintarō while shaking his head. Since the glasses boy had recovered and apologized to everyone, he and Rintarō became best friends, that's why he had also invited him even though seeing how his illness was improving at a great speed thanks to Shizuka's medical treatment (Administered by a male doctor to prevent accidents), he would soon be cured.

"What surprises me, is that Kokua decided to come with us" - said Rumina while looking at the stoic silver-haired girl who was wearing a sleeveless pink blouse and a purple skirt that showed her long slender legs.

"She says hello" - Shizuka said as she approached when Erin called out to her.

"Better ignore that, sis, now we have a rival to defeat" - said Rurina as she shook her head and focused on Keiko, who was looking at them seriously - "Heh~"

Keiko just smiled back at them as the three of them had a silent staring match.

"Okay, this is a bit awkward..." - Rintarō muttered while shaking his head - "Anyway, we'd better leave before the bus heading to my home."

"Sounds like a plan" - Cloud replied as the others nodded, not noticing how Erin's gaze glittered slightly.

"Is something wrong, Erin-chan?" - Shizuka asked as she noticed the slight change.

(It's nothing) - Erin replied.

'You almost made a mistake, Erin-chan!

". . ." - Erin only responded with silence as she ignored the voice in her ear that was being covered by her hair.

'Remember, you have to give us the information about where Rintarō's home is so that we can make our ambush.'

". . ." - Erin's eyebrow twitched slightly at the high-pitched sound of the voice that was speaking to her. It was obvious that the girl speaking was excited.

'Just ignore this idiot, Erin...'

'Who are you calling an idiot, Ren-chan!'

Erin again frowned as she heard the two girls arguing in her ear while resisting the urge to toss the communicator aside.

And it is not known if the girls sensed Erin's intentions through the microphone or simply understood the situation because after a few seconds they were completely silent.

'We're sorry about that, Erin-chan'

'Yes, we promise we won't repeat that'.

". . ." - Erin didn't say anything in response, although it was obvious that this would happen, as she didn't like to talk out loud.

'Anyway, keep up the good work, Erin-chan~'

(Ok) - Erin muttered as she cocked her head to the side as she noticed how everyone was looking at her.

She quickly walked up to Shizuka and asked her what was wrong.

"What's wrong, you just stood there frowning" - Shizuka replied with concern - "Are you okay?"

(Yeah... I just had some flies bothering me) - replied Erin as Shizuka explained the situation to them - (Sorry for worrying you).

"Don't worry, that's what friends are for" - smiled Shizuka.

". . ." - Erin was silent as a small smile appeared on her face, after all, Shizuka was the second girl who actually claimed to be her friend.

"Girls, hurry up!" - Rintarō exclaimed as he looked at Shizuka and Erin - "The bus is about to leave!"

"We're coming!" - exclaimed Shizuka as she grabbed the silver-haired girl's hand - "Let's go, Erin-chan!"

(Ok) - nodded Erin as she let herself be pulled along by the blonde nurse.

"Those two sure get along well" - said Chifuyu with a smile as she saw how her companion had managed to get another friend.

"You betcha" - nodded Cloud with a smile on his face - "Not to mention that maybe Shizuka-chan seems to be getting Erin to open up a little more with the others."


Read 14 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 40k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform