Chapter 225 ( Kentarō )

"Not a bad place..." - Cloud said as he looked around and observed the large crystal clear lake.

"It's beautiful~!" - Shizuka exclaimed excitedly as she ran towards the lake.

"I recommend you not to run" - said Rintarō as he looked at the blonde nurse - "This place is much more dangerous than it looks, especially the animals that seem to be much stronger than normal."

"Really!" - Shizuka exclaimed excitedly as she looked at the blonde boy - "Cloud-chan! Can I keep a super strong rabbit!"

"Hmm... I guess" - Cloud replied as he shrugged his shoulders and looked around, only to disappear from the spot and reappear after a few seconds with a brown rabbit in his hands.

"Kyun!" - the rabbit tried to break free from the blond's grip to the point that it started kicking the boy's arm with all its might - "Kyun!"

"Hmm.... looks delicious..." - Keiko said as she licked her lips.

"Kyun!" - the little rabbit remained static as he trembled as he felt the blonde girl's hungry gaze.

"You're not going to eat it!" - Shizuka exclaimed as she took the rabbit gently and pressed it against her breasts - "Are you okay?"

"Kyun~" - the little bunny lay still as he enjoyed the softness of Shizuka's breasts, all under the gaze of the other boys - ". . ."

"Kinky rabbit..." - Rintarō said as his eyebrow twitched slightly.

"Maybe we can take Keiko-san's advice and eat the rabbit, after all, there are like a million more rabbits on this mountain, we might even find a white rabbit" - said Cloud while looking at the small animal with a smile on his face.

"Kyun!" - the rabbit trembled when it heard this, but calmed down when it felt the blonde stroking its fur - "You're bad, Cloud-chan..."

"Okay, let's save the banter for another time" - Rintarō said calmly, only for his expression to turn serious as he heard the bushes start to zander.

"ROAR!" - the roar of a bear echoed through the place as a huge black Bear showed itself to the group.

"It's huge!" - Keiko exclaimed as saliva began to run down her cheeks - "I've always wanted to eat Bear meat!"

"Rawr?" - the bear looked around in surprise at the situation because he never thought he would receive this level of muffled reactions.

"Cloud?" - Rintarō asked.

"Yes?" - replied the aforementioned as he gave the boy a look.

"Do you want to do the honor?" - Rintarō asked calmly.

"Oh, sure" - nodded Cloud as a wild grin appeared on his face - "I had also wanted to try the taste of bear meat."

"Rawr!" - Bear exclaimed as he ran off at high speed when he felt his instincts screaming at him to get out of the place at all costs.

". . ." - the others just shook their heads as they felt sorry for the poor bear.

"A pity" - Cloud sighed as he shook his head - "We'd better get on with our journey..."

"Relax, we just have to wait for my father to arrive" - replied Rintarō as he shrugged his shoulders.

"No need!" - A tall muscular man with black hair and a beard exclaimed. He was wearing a karate uniform with his chest exposed, showing off his firm muscles - "I'm here, son!"

"Tousan!" - Rintarō exclaimed excitedly as he hugged his father with tears in his eyes - "I thought I would never see you again after I found out that Nangokuren was a school where 99% of the students were girls!"

"I understand you, son!" - exclaimed the man as he cried - "I thought I'd never see you again too when you told me about the situation!"

"Tousan!" - Rintarō shouted.

"Son!" - The man exclaimed as the two continued to embrace.

"Okay, this is a little awkward..." - Keiko said awkwardly.

"Erin-chan says it's 'Cringe'..." - Shizuka added.

For his part, Cloud just gave the two Tachibana men a blank stare because this scene reminded him of a certain moment between a bowl hairstyle boy and his Sensei, which he sincerely preferred to forget.

"Gross..." - Asuna said as she hid behind her beloved Cloud-sama.

"It's a very particular form of affection..." - Chifuyu said as she decided not to get into the subject anymore.

As for the two twins, they just shook their heads to push away the 'Fujoshi' ideas they had as they saw how the two men seemed to be extremely close.

* * * * *

"I'm sorry about that" - said the man while scratching his cheek - "It had been quite a while since I had last seen my son and I couldn't contain my happiness when I heard he was finally cured..."

"Don't worry" - said the guests.

"Oh, how rude of me, I haven't introduced myself yet" - said the man - "My name is Tachibana Kentarō, current leader of the Tachibana clan, Master of the Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu Style, as well as the father of this boy."

"Nice to meet you, my name is Cloud Strife, and this is Marikawa Shizuka, Orimura Chifuyu and Asuna" - Cloud said as he pointed at each of the girls, then continued with the others - "And this is Ayane, Makoto-san and..."

"My name is Keiko!" - Keiko exclaimed as she hugged Rintarō with all her might - "It's a pleasure."

"Huh?" - Kentarō couldn't believe his eyes, but his surprise only grew when he saw the twins prostrate themselves in front of him.

"Nice to meet you, Otou-sama, my name is Rurina and this is my twin sister Rumina" - Rurina said while looking at the father of the boy she liked - "It's a pleasure to be in front of you."

". . ." - Kentarō tried to say something but no words came out of his mouth, showing how surprised he was of the situation - "Son..."

"Don't look at me, as far as I know, I didn't do anything" - Rintarō replied with embarrassment.

"I'm so proud!" - Kentarō exclaimed as he began to cry like a waterfall - "Not only are you cured, but you also managed to gain the affections of three beautiful ladies! With you, the Tachibana clan won't die!"

"Does that mean?" - Keiko asked excitedly.

"Welcome to the Tachibana clan!" - Kentarō replied as he hugged the girls and cried even harder - "Please take care of my idiot son!"

"Hai, Otou-sama!" - exclaimed the girls as they nodded firmly.

"I don't think they're taking my opinion on this..." - Rintarō muttered as she sighed regretfully.

* * * * *

"Ahem! Sorry about that again" - said Kentarō as he looked around regretfully - "It's just that I couldn't be happier to have this possibly still growing family, and here I thought I'd have to get you out of Nangokuren, but now that I see how happy you are, I have no fear."

"Tousan..." - Rintarō murmured - "Thank you..."

"You don't have to thank me, son" - said Kentarō while shaking his head - "I didn't do anything, but let's leave that for another time, now let's go to our home so we can give them a Tachibana-style welcome"

"Tousan... there's something else I want to tell you" - said Rintarō seriously - "I want us to continue with the training."

Kentarō's smile quickly disappeared as a serious look appeared on his face - "Are you sure about this, son?"

"After going to Nangokuren.... I discovered how much I need to improve" - Rintarō said seriously - "My weakness not only almost made me lose a friend, but I couldn't defend the people around me..."

The image of the battle against the mad Marokichi kept popping up in his mind, especially the image of Megu being devastated by the pressure radiating from the boy who was out of control.

"I see..." - Kentarō muttered while looking at his son - "Ok, let's continue with your training, but this time it will be much worse.... you may even end up with permanent damage if you don't perform it correctly according to my instructions."

"I know... but I don't plan to back down" - said Rintarō seriously.

"That's my son!" - Kentarō exclaimed with a huge smile on his face - "I couldn't expect anything less from you, Rintarō."

"By the way... What was the Forest Demon Leader doing in this area?" - Rintarō asked as he looked at his father with narrowed eyes.

"T-The truth is that I challenged him to a battle and ended up defeating him, that's why he's been roaming around the area to try to regain his honor" - replied Kentarō while scratching his cheek - "And now that I think about it, I never imagined that animal would run away just by sensing someone's aura."

"What can I say? I really wanted to enjoy the taste of Bear's meat" - Cloud replied while shrugging his shoulders.

The others just shook their heads when they heard this.

"Hello, Erin-chan?"

(What do you guys want?) - whispered Erin with a frown though her expression quickly returned to normal.

"We just wanted to know if you've reached the target yet?"

(Not yet... just a little longer and I'll have the information you need) - replied Erin neutrally.

"Oh... sorry about that... I guess you will inform us when it is time..."

"Please don't take into account what that idiot Meru said.... keep up the good work, Erin-chan."

"Who are you calling an idiot, you idiot!"

"Who else but you, Idiot?!"

"Grr!" (x2)

". . ." - Erin's expression could barely keep up as she resisted the urge to go to the girls and give them a taste of what she was thinking.

"Oh, sorry about that... I forgot, being around this idiot too much, it brings out the worst in me."

"That's for me to say, Ren-chan..."

"Is something wrong, Erin-chan?" - Shizuka asked while carrying her rabbit as she noticed how the silver-haired girl's eyebrow, seemed to be twitching with increasing intensity.


Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 47k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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