Chapter 226 ( Visitors )

"Sorry for the delay" - said Kentarō as he looked at the group - "Welcome to our humble abode."

The group stood in front of an old mansion in the middle of the mountain.

"I hope your stay will be as comfortable as possible" - smiled Kentarō as he showed the group around - "It may look a bit rustic compared to other mansions, but let me tell you that this dwelling has all the capabilities that a normal mansion has, as well as communication methods such as telephony and internet.... we also have cable."

". . ." - those present just kept silent because honestly they weren't much for watching television.

"We also have an outdoor bath in case you want to enjoy a relaxing shower under the starlight, I just ask that you don't do anything kinky" - Kentarō continued while Shizuka, Ayane and Asuna blushed as they shot glances at the blond, as well as Keiko and the twins looked at the black-haired boy.

"And finally, the rooms, here you can choose the one you want" - Kentarō said calmly while looking at the boys - "Inside you can do whatever you want, since they are soundproof, I only ask that if you do something, clean up afterwards... there are cleaning implements in all the rooms"

The girls again blushed when they heard this as they shook their heads to put those kinds of thoughts aside.

Kentarō was about to continue, but was surprised to hear someone knocking on the door of their mansion - "Strange... we hardly ever have visitors..."

"Does anyone else feel like things are about to get crazy?" - Ayane asked as the girls looked at each other.

"This smell..." - Cloud muttered as he narrowed his eyes and looked at Erin, who upon feeling his gaze nodded - "I see..."

"What's wrong, Cloud-chan?" - Shizuka asked as she stroked the fur of the rabbit that was still in her arms.

"You'll see in a few seconds" - replied the blond as he watched Kentarō walk next to two girls that the group immediately recognized.

"Hello everyone~!" - Meru said with a huge smile while Ren just looked at Cloud neutrally.

"Meru-san!!! Ren-san!" - Rintarō exclaimed in surprise because he never thought of seeing the two girls in his house.

"Are they friends of yours, son?" - Kentarō asked as he looked at the two newcomers with appreciation. He could feel the power these girls had within them, especially the silver-haired girl.

"Allow me to introduce myself" - said Meru before Rintarō could speak - "My name is Meru and I am a Nangokuren graduate who is currently working as a game programmer abroad and who met your son by chance when he was still in high school."

"My name is Ren... a pleasure..." - Ren replied neutrally as she refocused her gaze on the blond.

"I see..." - Kentarō nodded as he looked at the light blue-haired girl. He hadn't been fooled by the girl's childish appearance because he could feel the power in every muscle she had in her small body - "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Not to sound rude or anything but.... What are you guys doing here?" - Rintarō asked as he looked at the two graduates.

"I wanted to get to know your home before going back to America" - Meru replied with a smile.

"I just came to settle a score with Cloud Strife"- replied Ren neutrally - "I'm not going to let him defeat me just like that."

"Oh? An interesting motivation" - nodded Kentarō as he looked appreciatively at the girl, only to notice how she started to tremble with discomfort - "Is something wrong?"

"I'm too young for you, so I ask you to stop looking at me with those lustful eyes" - Ren said neutrally while hiding behind Meru's small body.

". . ." - Kentarō could only throw an apologetic glance at the girl because he wasn't looking at her with desire or anything like that, nor did he want his guests to think that he was an old pervert - "I'm not looking at you like that!"

"We know, you don't have to worry" - Cloud said while shaking his head - "Ren-san has the flaw of not being able to relate well with men and every time a man looks at her for a while or tries to talk to her, she jumps to hasty conclusions."

"She also can't talk to other men while looking them in the eyes" - Meru added as Ren shot her an annoyed look.

"Really? But I noticed that she can look at Cloud-san with no problem" - said Kentarō while tilting his head in confusion.

"He's the only case" - Meru replied calmly as she cried out in pain as she felt her friend pinch her hard.

"Oh, I see..." - Kentarō nodded as he looked at the girl and then at the blonde boy - "Hmm.... interesting..."

". . ." - Ren just snorted in annoyance as dhe continued to stare at the blond with a menacing aura.

"By any chance do you want me to use your ass as a mop to help with the cleaning?" - Cloud asked with a frown as he began to release his mana.

"Oh~ Now that's a strong aura!" - Kentarō exclaimed excitedly because it had been quite a while since he had felt an aura that could compare to his or his acquaintances'.

"Pervert..." - Ren muttered with a slight blush.

"Okay, you're weird," Cloud said as he retracted his energy. He never thought to see that reaction in his opponent - "I feel like the last battle we had caused you to have a serious problem in your head..."

Ren's expression quickly changed to one of annoyance as she began to release her Ki - "If you wanted to experience the results of my training so badly, all you had to do was say so."

"I did say it, but you thought I was trying to play with your ass" - Cloud replied disdainfully as the two Dragons walked out of the mansion because it would be rude to destroy someone else's living.

"Those two are interesting..." - Kentarō said as he followed the two boys.

"And that's because you haven't seen Kyōka-san" - replied Rintarō - "She's practically a female Cloud..."

"They're so alike that it's no surprise they ended up together" - Meru added while looking around - "Where's Kito?"

A small red hamster appeared on the girl's shoulder as she finished speaking while nuzzling her furry cheek against the girl's.

"Oh, my little Kito, it's been so long..." - Meru said with a smile - "I'm sorry I didn't get to see you sooner."

Kito just smiled with a carefree expression as he pointed towards Rintarō.

"So he's yours" - nodded Rintarō as he saw how comfortable the little hamster was next to the girl - "At least now I know where the little guy came from."

"Exactly... although it's a surprise that he's with you when I gave him to Erin-chan to take care of" - said Meru in confusion.

(I tried, but Kito disappeared the same day you left) - replied Erin calmly.

"Oh, I see..." - Meru nodded as she heard her friend's whispers. She slowly looked at the little red animal with an annoyed expression - "You've been bad, Kito..."

". . ." - Kito tried to make some signs to communicate and from the looks of it, it was working because Meru was nodding every now and then.

"Ok, this is much stranger than I thought it would be" - Chifuyu said as she shook her head.

* * * * *

"If our information is correct, our target should be in this place..." - said a boy with a thin build, black hair and closed eyes - "Can you feel anything, Iori?"

"Nothing, Saizō Nii-san..." - replied a girl with long blue hair that reached the end of her back. She was wearing a blue school uniform along with a yellow plaid skirt.

"Hmm... I guess we're still nowhere near where Ayane is" - Saizō said while thinking - "That's a problem because we don't know where Tachibana-san's house is..."


". . ." - Iori was silent for a few seconds as she pointed in the direction where the explosion had been heard.

"Yeah... I think we found our location..." - Saizō said as he opened his eyes, showing his pupils slightly slitted like Kyōka's - "I guess our 'good' deeds have their rewards."

". . ." - Iori just kept silent as she looked in the direction where her target supposedly was.

"Are you excited, Iori-chan~?" - Saizō asked as he looked at the young blue-haired girl with his cold eyes now wide - "Do you feel butterflies in your stomach?"

". . ." - Iori didn't answer him, just clenched her fist with all her might as she listened as another explosion echoed through the forest.

"Hmm... I'm talking to you, Iori-chan..." said Saizō coldly.

"I-I'm sorry, Saizō Nii-san!" - Iori exclaimed in terror as she shook her head - "And answering your question, I am..."

"Are you that eager to see your best friend?" - Saizō asked as a grim smile appeared on his face.

"She's not my best friend!" - Iori exclaimed coldly - "She's just a traitor!"

"True... she's just a traitor... and as such..." - Saizō said as he gave the blue-haired girl a sadistic look.

"And as such, she has to be eliminated..." - Iori replied while ducking her gaze.

"Exactly!" - Saizō exclaimed while spreading his arms - "You've learned well.... Iori-chan..."

Iori didn't say anything else, she just looked earnestly towards where the explosions could still be heard.


Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 47k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform


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