Chapter 231 ( Karyū no Hōkō )

"I-I wanted to be strong so I could defend you like you did when I was a child..." - Iori said as she continued to cry - "I-I wanted to be just as strong as you..."

"You haven't changed at all..." - Ayane muttered as a smile appeared on her face - "You're still the same old cry baby..."

"D-Don't call me a crybaby!" - Iori exclaimed as she stopped crying and shot her an annoyed look.

"I'm just telling the truth" - Ayane replied.

"Mou!" - Iori quickly puffed out her cheeks in irritation as the red-haired girl let out a laugh.

"I missed you, Iori..." - Ayane said with a smile.

"And I you, Ayane-chan..." - Iori replied while giving her a happy smile.

"This shouldn't be happening!" - Saizō's expression couldn't have been more horrible seeing how things had taken a 180° turn.

"You better be quiet, drama queen" - Cloud said as he looked coldly at the Asahinata clan boy - "I can read you like a book and the moment you do that, I'm going to shove a fist up your ass!"

"You think I'm afraid of you, you bastard!" - Saizō exclaimed as his gaze went wild - "I've been putting up with you for a long time, Cloud Strife, and I think it's time I gave you the punishment you deserve!"

"Heh ~" - Cloud just smirked as he blocked the boy's attack with utmost ease - "That was it?"

"I'm just getting started!" - Saizō roared as he disappeared into the shadows and appeared behind the blond - "Let's see if you're still going to laugh when I launch an attack to your windpipe!"

Cloud quickly gave him a bored look along with a hard punch to the chest.

"Ugh..." - Saizō's eyes widened in surprise because he couldn't see the blond's attack. The moment he had noticed that Cloud had moved his arm, the fist was already impacting his chest - "H-How..."

"Base speed" - Cloud replied as he kicked him in the face and sent him flying.

"Ack!" - Saizō could only spit out blood as he felt the tree trunk on his back while gritting his teeth to resist the pain.

"Come on... Didn't you want to give me what I deserved?" - Cloud asked with boredom - "Seriously... you're much more boring than Kyōka ... Even fighting with Rino is more fun..."

". . ." - Saizō roared angrily as he saw the blond was belittling him - "I won't let you keep looking down on me! I'll be the god of martial arts! That's my destiny!"

"Destiny... a mere filthy worm who doesn't know who he's fighting.... You say your destiny is to be the best in the world?" - Cloud asked disdainfully as he thundered his knuckles - "I guess I'm going to give you a lesson in humility along with a small dose of reality..."

"Shouldn't we stop them from fighting?" - Iori asked with concern - "Cloud Strife is making Saizō Nii-san too enraged."

"Relax... Sensei will be fine..." - Ayane said with a smile - "After all, he hasn't shown his full power yet..."

"Easy, girl..." - Meru said calmly - "If there's anyone you have to worry about, it's that psycho kid... because Cloud doesn't seem to be in a good mood."

"Weak..." - Ren replied with a frown as she looked at the Asahinata clan boy - "Much bark, little bite..."

"Hey, he's our clan's most talented prospect!" - Iori exclaimed with annoyance. While she didn't love her clan, she had lived there for over 14 years, so it was obvious that she would have to have some level of respect.

"But that doesn't change that he's weak" - Meru replied with disdain - "Maybe not on the physical side, but on the psychological side... just watch, Cloud only said a few words and he was already furious..."

"Feeble minded" - nodded Ren as she watched with boredom the battle if it could be called that in any way - "I think I'm going to join in... that jerk interrupted my battle with Cloud... I guess I'll pay him back with the same coin..."

"I recommend you don't" - Ayane said seriously as she earned a glare from the graduated Dragoness.

"Speak..." - Ren said neutrally, but to her annoyance, she received no response.

"Just let him have some fun, Ren" - said Meru calmly - "Then you can fight him all you want... I know very well that you are eager to face him to check the result of your hellish training..."

"Revenge..." - replied Ren, who had been using short sentences because she was a bit uncomfortable with the presence of the 3 men.

"At least it's a breakthrough.... Erin-chan said" - they all looked at Shizuka, who was receiving Erin's words - "She also said that at least now you can express yourself in front of other men..."

". . ." - Ren was silent when she heard this, but quickly shifted the direction of her gaze to where the blond was fighting.

* * * * *

"That's all you can do?" - Cloud asked as he gave the boy a neutral look - "I've seen invalids with greater mobility."

This wasn't just a taunt, after all, many people with disabilities were formidable in the Anime world.

"Urusai(Shut up)!" - Saizō roared as his expression changed to a more grotesque one - "Urusai urusai urusai urusai urusai urusai!"

"Je ~? You're a Tsundere now?" - Cloud asked sarcastically as his gaze sharpened for a few seconds as he blocked the punch to the heart that Saizō had thrown at him - "Really? I haven't even confessed and you already want to break my heart?"

"Take this seriously!" - Saizō roared fiercely as he saw that the blond was looking at him like he was a miserable clown.

"You want me to take you seriously?" - Cloud asked as his eyes twinkled slightly, then looked at Kentarō - "Do you think you'll be in trouble if I trash this place too much?"

"Hmm... this area isn't inhabited by anything, nor are there only weeds and trees that don't bear fruit" - replied Kentarō calmly - "Not to mention that these are dry and only good for firewood."

"Ok... I guess I'll release some smoke" - Cloud replied as he shrugged his shoulders and a wild grin appeared on his face - "Let's go a little crazy..."

* * * * *

"Uh-oh..." - Meru said in terror when she noticed that expression - "Rintarō-san... I recommend you tell your father that he better stop that lunatic... because he's about to cause chaos in this place."

"Tell me he won't use, what I think he's going to use" - said Rintarō as he started sweating - "Oh my god, this is not a good place for that!"

"That?" - Kentarō asked in surprise - "What's 'that'?"

"It doesn't matter right now - just tell him not to use that!" - Rintarō exclaimed in agitation.

"Normally I'm on Cloud-sama's side... but I think 'that' is too much for this place" - said Asuna while shaking her head.

"Now I'm curious as to what that is..." - Kentarō said while stroking her chin - "I guess I'll just let everything take its course..."

"Oh, that's a very bad idea...." - Meru said while shaking his head - "I guess we won't be able to stop things anymore... look..."

"!" Kentarō's eyes widened in surprise as he saw the blond's fist start to be surrounded by a large amount of fire and finally understood what they were referring to - "Oh, shit..."

"Exactly, Oh, shit" - replied the others.

"Wait, that's new!" - Meru exclaimed as she saw how the blond was inhaling a large amount of air.

"Don't you think he?" - Ren asked as a cold sweat ran down her back.

"I don't think so..." - muttered Asuna, who had a similar expression.

"Karyū... not Hōkō!" - Cloud exclaimed, and it was indeed an image that would remain imprinted in their minds.

* * * * *

"Karyū... not Hōkō!" - Cloud exclaimed as he released a great breath of fire that consumed everything in front of him.

"!" - Saizō quickly jumped up to try to dodge the blond's attack, only to see the heat increase, proving that this fire was not an illusion as he first thought - "How is it possible for a technique like that to exist in this world?"

The fire continued to spread, but to the surprise of many and the calm of others, when the fire reached a safe distance, it disappeared as if it had never been before.

"Hmm... Not bad for not using all your power..." - Cloud said as he nodded.

"You're a monster!" - Saizō exclaimed in terror as he trembled. He never thought he would almost get a fucking fire breath, and what made it worse was that he had said it wasn't his full power, which wasn't hard to believe after seeing how relaxed he was.

"Why do they always tell me the same thing?" - Cloud asked as he shot a glare at Meru, who at least had the decency to look away.

"You have to admit it's pretty true... I mean, what person can throw a fireball out of their mouth?" - Chifuyu asked as she rolled her eyes at the blond in the distance.


Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 47k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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