Chapter 232 ( Vacations are over )

". . ." - those present fell silent after watching the fire disappear.

"I think [Dragon], it fits him well.... in fact, he's the only one who deserves to be called a dragon..." - Meru said as she began to sweat.

"Do you think you can imitate that, Ayane?" - Keiko asked looking at her leader with surprise - "I mean, that was great!"

"I don't think I can imitate that" - muttered Ayane as she frowned.

"Hmm... it's also not possible if you try" - replied Chifuyu as she sighed seeing that the blond had done something that was hard to explain in this world - "That's Cloud's clan's special technique..."

Chifuyu shook her head as she thought that she would have to have a serious talk with Cloud afterwards to stop him from doing things that broke with the understanding of the world they were going in, that is, if he continued to do that kind of actions, it was possible that rather than benefits, he would only get trouble with the natives.

"Tousan..." - Rintarō said seriously.

"I'm sorry son, but I have no idea that was possible..." - replied Kentarō while frowning - "I mean, controlling the wind with our Ki, is in the range of acceptable, even creating shockwaves because you are applications that the human body can perform, releasing air through breath, creating waves with our movements, even releasing a burst of energy, since our bodies store it... but expelling fire through our mouth, is something unimaginable..."

". . ." - Rintarō was silent when he heard this while shaking his head. If his father didn't know the reason, then he wouldn't manage to find out either, at least not without the blond saying the secret.

* * * *

"Alright, I think I've had enough fun while destroying everything you think possible" - Cloud grinned as his eyes glittered with mischief - "Now I guess I'll finish you off ~"

". . ." - Saizō was silent as he began to swallow saliva in terror. He never thought that at some point in his life he would ever feel afraid of anyone, after all, he always thought it was his destiny to be the strongest man in the world but look at him now, squirming in front of a boy his age.

"Any last words before I send you to the dream world?" - Cloud asked as his arms began to burn with flames, but to his surprise, Saizō answered him quietly as he stepped back - "Oh ~? Did I scare you?"

The blond's eyes again flashed as he stomped his feet and a huge boulder appeared behind Saizō, preventing his escape - "!"

* * * * *

"Ok, I didn't know Cloud was the Avatar" - Meru said with surprise while earning the gaze of everyone present - "What? You have to admit that it's a good comparison, I mean, he can control fire and earth... I'm sure he can also with water and wind."

"Uh... no, it's not possible" - Shizuka answered while shaking her head although she quickly remembered a small detail - "At least for now..."

"And for the record, it's not dirt, but the rocks" - Chifuyu replied as the others again rolled their eyes at this answer because they were basically the same thing.

"Now all that's left is for you to say that he's a descendant of the true dragons" - said Meru with a sarcastic smile on his face, only to turn pale when she noticed how Chifuyu's expression didn't change - "Just kidding.... Right?"

"According to the ancient legends of Cloud's clan, they say that this clan was born thanks to a dragon falling in love with a human..." - Chifuyu replied calmly - "Although since it's just a simple legend, it's quite possible that it's false."

"I have a question related to Cloud's clan..." - Ren said seriously - "Can everyone in the clan use those techniques?"

". . ." - a deep silence pervaded the place as they looked at Chifuyu for an answer.

"No" - Chifuyu answered calmly - "Only the clan leader can learn those techniques... and this leader is chosen by a unique ceremony... it is fortunate that Cloud managed to become the clan leader being that he is the last descendant... if not for that, his only remaining function would be to find some worthy mates to leave offspring and thus get the clan to get its heir."

Chifuyu could only maintain a neutral expression as she cursed having to tell so many lies, though seeing as she had to lie, it was best to make it as logical as possible so as not to leave holes in her alibis.

"I see... it makes sense..." - Kentarō muttered as he nodded.

"Etto... I think Saizō Nii-san isn't going to be able to resist for much longer..." - Iori said as she noticed how his cold and sadistic teammate was now nothing more than a child begging for everything to end as soon as possible.

"I think he went over the limit..." - Rintarō said as he shook his head in surprise.

"Son... I know you're kind and that's a good thing... but you have to understand that being kind to your enemies, is being cruel to your loved ones..." - Kentarō said as he touched one of his multiple scars - "I know because I have experienced it and now I regret it... every day I do it..."

". . ." - Rintarō tried to say something, but his father's expression showed how much he was suffering - "Tousan..."

"Come with me in the evening.... I have something to show you..." - Kentarō said as he withdrew. His presence was no longer needed now that Cloud had taken care of the 'variable'.

". . ." - Rintarō tried to say something, but was interrupted by Keiko - "Leave him alone... he needs to think some things..."

"Let's better take care of Nii-san..." - Ayane said as she saw how her former big brother in all but blood, lay unconscious on the ground with an expression of absolute terror.

"I guess he'll never be able to fight again... not with the shadow Cloud left him..." - Chifuyu said as the others nodded.

"Though I honestly find that to be a good thing... that psycho enjoyed seriously hurting his opponents, even when they weren't his target..." - Makoto said seriously as she narrowed her eyes.

"We can continue that later, for now let's call an ambulance to come and get him" - said Rintarō while looking at the Asahinata clan boy.

"So what do I do now?" - Iori asked with concern.

"Saizō agreed that you could now come with Ayane until you find what you really want to do" - said Cloud as he walked in the direction of the group while shaking his head to shake off the boredom - "Honestly, I expected something more from that guy... I have more fun fighting with Ren and Kyōka..."

"What about me, sensei?" - Ayane asked with some clear jealousy seeing that she wasn't considered fun to fight and as a dragon that was a strong insult.

"Hmm... you're getting there, Ayane" - nodded Cloud as he looked at the red haired girl for a few seconds - "Maybe two weeks of hellish training and you'll be fun to fight..."

"And me?" - Asuna asked with a frown.

"Oh, you're a different case, my little Asuna" - said Cloud with a smile - "If you want to amuse me in battle, you're going to have to find your inner beast first... after that you can train all you want."

"Ok..." - Asuna snorted in annoyance at hearing that and noticing how far behind she was compared to the others.

". . ." - Chifuyu for her part, just frowned as she saw how she was also falling behind - "I guess I'll join the training too.... What about you, Shizuka-san?"

"Me?" - Shizuka asked as she cocked her head to the side - "I think I'm strong enough for now... first I'm going to learn some things about medicine to expand my repertoire..."

"I understand... doesn't sound like a bad plan" - nodded Chifuyu, after all, she didn't know what kind of diseases might be encountered in the future, so it was better to reinforce the basics with knowledge from other worlds.

* * * * *

The vacation continued to progress for the group, who continued to train.

Cloud kept talking to Kentarō about the basics of his martial art so he could control his instincts the moment his [Bloodline] again reactivated erratically while he told him some details about his techniques. This was not only good for Cloud because Kentarō was also learning many new things, helping him in the process to get closer and closer to the pinnacle of martial arts.

Rintarō kept training the basics he felt he had forgotten after going to Nangokuren.

Asuna, Ayane and Chifuyu, underwent the hellish training together with Ren while Meru was all the time together with Rintarō.

Makoto and Keiko also trained because they knew that of the group, they were the weakest.

Iori on the other hand, kept training with to everyone's surprise, Erin, although after a few days, she decided it was better to train with someone else because the silver haired girl was too sadistic.

"Now I feel a little sorry for Iori-chan" - Ayane said as she watched her childhood friend escape from Erin's hands.

"Could be but..." - Ren said as he rolled his eyes at her - "She could be in our place..."

"Oh, right..." - Ayane nodded as she continued to run because a huge Cougar was behind her - "By the way.... Where did this cougar come from!"

"Cloud-chan found him when he had gone to the river to fish" - Shizuka answered with a huge smile - "He befriended the cougar..."

"I think it's more correct to say that he scared it into submission" - Asuna replied while breathing heavily from her training.


Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 47k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform


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