Chapter 237 [Royal Seal]

"Good job, Shizuka-san" - said Chifuyu as she saw how the Blonde Nurse had appeared next to her with a familiar object - "I still can't believe that this object is important..."

"If it wasn't because we are connected to the System, we wouldn't have discovered the slight peculiarity of this thing" - Shizuka replied as she tilted her head to one side and looked closely at the golden dragon-shaped Seal.


[Royal Seal (Unique)]

Sample of the Nangokuren Dragon Domain of the world [Dragons Rioting].

Effect 1: +20 all Stats.

Effect 2 [Tyranny]: Reduces the Will of enemies around the User (10 meters).

Effect 3 [Dominance]: 10% Damage Reduction to all Allies within 50 meters of the User.

Effect 4 [Resonance]: +50 Affinity with Bloodline Beings [Draconian].

Effect 5 [Gift]: If you gift this item to a being with Bloodline [Draconian] you may choose one of the Recruit requirements and consider it as 'Completed'.


"Who knew this thing would be this useful?" - Chifuyu asked in surprise as she narrowed her eyes - "But why does it have this level of rarity?"

Chifuyu was indeed confused when she heard this because she didn't make much sense to her that an item that was easy to get, would be so useful.

"We'd better hide it before someone sees us" - Shizuka replied while hiding it between her breasts - "There, no one will find it anymore."

". . ." - Chifuyu stared at her for a few seconds before deciding that it was better to stay out of the matter, after all, it wasn't a bad place to hide it with the fact that as Cloud's girlfriend, no one would try to take advantage of the blonde - "We'd better move... so we'll have an alibi"

"Alibi for what?" - Ren asked as she appeared in front of the two women.

"Alibi so we don't get in trouble when we escape from the high school" - Shizuka replied with a smile - "Cloud-chan left us in here while he went out to the city to enjoy a little vacation"

Ren was silent for a few seconds before she frowned because she didn't expect that answer.

"Did I say something wrong?" - Shizuka asked as she cocked her head to the side.

"No... it's nothing" - answered Ren as she squinted her eyes then looked carefully at the black haired girl - "Was what she said true?"

"Do you really think someone like Shizuka-san can lie?" - Chifuyu asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Hey!" - Shizuka exclaimed in annoyance.

"Right... she doesn't seem like someone who has the ability to lie" - nodded Ren.

"Hey!" - Shizuka exclaimed again as she puffed out her cheeks in annoyance.

"Ok, sorry for interrupting you guys" - said Ren before disappearing from the place.

". . ." - the two recruits were silent for a few seconds before shaking their heads.

"That girl should worry less about us" - said Chifuyu while shaking her head - "Although you have to admit that she needs to relax a bit."

"That's ironic coming from you" - Shizuka replied while rolling her eyes at her - "Cloud-chan told me that you were the least flexible person that existed in [Infinite Stratos]."

". . ." - Chifuyu was silent as she narrowed her eyes - "I guess I'm going to have to have a thorough talk with Cloud about that..."

* * * * *

". . ." - Cloud frowned as he felt the little niggle on his nose - "I don't know who it was that's talking about me, but I hope it's nothing bad because if it is I'm going to have to give him a little punishment."

"Finally I find you!" - A blonde girl exclaimed as she appeared in front of Cloud.

"?" - Cloud narrowed his eyes when he saw the girl because she was the same one who had tried to help him when he was bloody - "If I remember correctly, your name is Ema-san..."

"Ema... san..." - Ema said as her gaze changed to an excited one - "Oh~ Fantastic~!Japanese idioms are great~!"

". . ." - Cloud was silent as he watched the girl's expression change so quickly.

"Oh, my bad" - smiled Ema with her face red from embarrassment as she shook her head - "Allow me to introduce myself again, my name is Ema Brooks, the heiress of Brooks Corporation USA, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Cloud Strife."

". . ." - Cloud was silent as he raised an eyebrow in surprise at the girl's attitude, but quickly decided to put it aside.

"Ahem! Sorry about that..." - Ema said while scratching her cheek - "It's just that I'm excited about coming to Japan..."

"I see... I guess there really are people like you in the world" - said Cloud while shrugging his shoulders - "Anyway, what do you need me for?"

"Oh, right, I was looking for you to talk to you" - Ema said while shaking her head.

"I finally managed to catch up with you, Ema-sama!" - Kirihiko exclaimed as he tried to regulate his breathing because of how tired he was.

"Oh, sorry about that, Kirihiko" - smiled Ema as she stuck her tongue out at him - "It's just that I managed to spot Cloud Strife and came running."

"Hello, Cloud Strife-san" - Kirihiko said as he gave a small bow before starting to regulate his breathing, not noticing how Cloud frowned when he noticed a small peculiarity in the boy.

"He's not tired..." - Cloud thought as he watched the boy - "His muscles aren't spasming, I can't hear his heart pounding either... but.... Why on earth would he pretend to be tired?"

"Is there... something, Cloud Strife-san?" - Kirihiko asked as he looked up, or at least it seemed to be, since he had his eyes covered by his hair.

"No... it's nothing" - Cloud replied as he shook his head - "Though I'm still curious as to why you were looking for me."

"Oh, right, I haven't told you about the reason yet" - Ema answered while smiling happily - "The truth is that my daddy sent me to Japan so I could talk to you about something important, but we can leave that for another time, right now there's something much more important to do"

"Something more important?" - Cloud asked as he tilted his head in confusion.

"Exactly..." - nodded Ema firmly as her happy expression disappeared and now she had a serious one on her face - "And that's a fight."

". . ." - Cloud was silent for a few seconds before shooting a confused look at the girl. He never thought she would ask him for a fight like that out of the blue.

"As I said before, my name is Ema Brooks, heiress of the Brooks Corporation and champion of the U.S. Martial Arts Tournaments." - Ema replied as her gaze sharpened and her Ki began to grow - "I decided to accept my father's request because there was no one in America who could take me on, at least until I heard about you, Cloud Strife..."

"That doesn't change the fact that it is possible for me to refuse to fight you" - Cloud said as he looked at the girl.

"True... but..." - Ema nodded before disappearing and reappearing in front of the blond boy, only to feel herself crashing into a wall of steel - "I'm sure that won't happen."

". . ." - Cloud was silent for a few seconds before feeling how his right hand that he had used to block the girl's attack, was a bit numb - "Ok... you have my attention..."

"As you would expect from the one who will be My Best Friend" - Ema smiled as she felt her thirst for battle increase considerably - "That punch would have knocked out my opponent in America."

"Best Friend?" - Cloud asked as he cocked his head to the side.

"Exactly, my best friend" - replied Ema as her eyes lost their sparkle - "In America I've always been alone.... no one would come near me when I was a child because not only was I the heiress of one of the richest companies in my country, but I was also a Martial Arts prodigy..."

". . ." - Cloud was silent upon hearing this because it sounded like a backstory that a character from a Martial Arts Manga would have.

"No one wanted to join me or play with me... that's why when I discovered anime and Japanese games, it was love at first sight" - Ema said as her eyes returned to normal and a smile appeared on her beautiful face - "It was at that moment where I discovered how beautiful it is to have a best friend... one with whom you improve together while inciting each other to move forward."

"That sounds more like a rival than even a best friend, although technically it's not that far from reality" - Cloud replied as he closed his eyes - "But technicalities aside, I understand what you're trying to say... when someone is at the top alone, everything becomes monotonous."

"Exactly! How would you expect it from my best friend!" - Ema exclaimed excitedly as her eyes changed back to ones full of wildness - "That's why I want to fight with you..."

"You want someone strong" - Cloud answered simply.

"That's right" - nodded Ema as she looked at the blond boy - "Only someone strong can be qualified to be my best friend, the weak can stay under my expensive shoes like the worms they are..."

"Quite an elitist thought on your part, my dear" - Cloud said neutrally, though he honestly didn't mind that line of thought in the least - "But after hearing your little story, you're not so wrong... though I recommend you not to hold those thoughts too much."

"Why?" - Ema asked curiously.

"Because there are times when the weak can surprise you..." - Cloud replied calmly.


Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 47k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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