Chapter 238 ( Desire for Revenge )

"Can the weak surprise me?" - asked Ema while cocking her head to one side - "What are you trying to say?"

"You'll find that out for yourself" - answered Cloud with a smile - "But let's leave that for another time, now we have to have a little fight."

"Are we really going to fight?" - Ema asked excitedly.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" - Cloud asked as he cocked his head to the side.

"Of Course!" - Ema exclaimed excitedly as she looked around - "But not here... I don't want to destroy such a wonderful city!"

"As you wish" - Cloud replied as he rolled his eyes at her.

* * * * *

"That I don't have the fucking Royal Seal anymore!" - Rintarō exclaimed as he felt his back start to feel cold with sweat as he saw who was chasing him.

"Just hand over the Seal and you can go" - said Rino neutrally as her eyes flashed coldly.

"Hahaha~!I don't care if you have it or not, I just want to fight you now that Cloud isn't in Nangokuren!" - Kyōka exclaimed while smiling fiercely.

"You're not going to leave me alone, are you!" - Rintarō exclaimed as he scowled at the two Dragons.

"Exactly!" - The two girls exclaimed as they watched the boy stop and prepare to fight.

"You know, I always wanted to fight you after watching you fight Cloud" - said Kyōka as she narrowed her eyes - "And now I'm going to enjoy this."

"You better back off, Kyōka" - said Rino while looking at the blue-haired girl - "This fight is mine, just like the Seal."

"You can keep the Seal, I want a good fight" - replied Kyōka as she looked seriously at the second year dragon.

"Then you shall have it" - Rino replied as she pulled out her two katanas.

"I see... sounds perfect to me" - nodded Kyōka as she thundered her neck fiercely and pulled out her knuckles - "I always wanted to see how much you've improved".

"I hope you're ready" - snorted Rino as she lunged at Kyōka.

"I was born ready!" - Kyōka exclaimed as she punched the blonde with all her might.

". . ." - Rintarō could only remain silent as he felt everything change so quickly. He was sure that the two girls would fight him first, but now he noticed how wrong he was - "I better go..."

"There she is!" - A second year girl exclaimed.

"Shit!" - Rintarō exclaimed as he started running again.

"Hand over the Seal!" - Asuna shouted as she appeared in front of the boy.

"For the thousandth time! I don't have the fucking Seal!" - Rintarō roared as he dodged the black-haired second-year girl's attack - "That thing disappeared long before Kyōka and Rino started chasing me!"

"This is kind of pathetic..." - Meru muttered while shaking her head at the reaction of the boy who was interested - "He doesn't seem to want to strike back..."

"I don't know if he's too nice, or too stupid" - replied Ren while looking boredly at the black-haired boy - "If it was one of us, we would have already annihilated at least half of those girls and the rest would have disappeared like the wind after seeing the chaos we caused."

"True... maybe that's what makes it special" - Meru muttered as she tilted her head, not noticing that Ren was shaking his head.

"Love has got you blind, Meru" - replied Ren with boredom - "You really should go talk to that guy and tell him to settle his balls because he looks like a princess with how much he's running around..."

"Hmm... I guess you're right... I guess I'm going to have to talk to him" - sighed Meru as she shook her head.

"It better be soon, I'm starting to think things will be a bit monotonous if you don't get him to react fast" - sighed Ren as she watched Chifuyu and Shizuka walk out of Nangokuren's entrance - "That confirms they weren't lying."

"What are you talking about?" - Meru asked as she looked in the direction where her friend was resting her gaze and notice how Cloud's two subordinates were sneaking out.

"I went to see if they had anything to do with the disappearance of the seal" - replied Ren calmly - "But after confronting them I didn't discover anything..."

"And how do you know they didn't lie?" - Meru asked with a frown. She really didn't trust the words of those two very much, mostly because Chifuyu seemed like someone who could control her emotions and reactions very well, making her hard to read.

"It was Shizuka who confessed that they wanted to go see what Cloud Strife was up to" - Ren replied calmly.

"That may be true... but that doesn't mean it's the whole truth" - Meru said as she shook her head, only to see Ren's eyes widen in surprise as he didn't think about it.

"I think we got played" - Ren said with a frown as she stood up and ran after the two girls who had left Nangokuren.

"Good luck, I guess" - muttered Meru as she shrugged her shoulders and ran in the direction where Rintarō was to make him react, but not before observing the battle between Rino and Kyōka, after all, not every day you can observe a battle between two Nangokuren Dragons.

* * * * *

"Let's see... Where could Cloud-chan be?" - Shizuka asked as she tilted her head in confusion.

"You don't know, less I'm going to know" - replied Chifuyu as she shrugged - "Remember we were together all this time... not to mention that this City is huge..."

"Maybe he's at the arcade?" - Shizuka asked as she looked at her friend and colleague.

"It's possible... but it's quite unlikely" - replied Chifuyu while squinting her eyes - "Hmm.... we'd better look for it directly..."

The two women quickly walked in the direction of the station hoping that someone might have seen in which direction the blond boy had disappeared, not noticing that Ren was following them from a distance.

"If what I think is true, then the Seal has to be with them" - Ren muttered neutrally - "If I get it, it's possible that Rino could have a better position in Nangokuren..."

As much as she had promised to help Meru with Rintarō, it didn't mean she would ignore her younger sister, after all, the affection she felt for Rino was far greater than the feeling of promise she had for Meru.

"Let's see where you take us..." - Ren muttered as she continued to follow the girls.

"Those three..." - Said a male voice coolly - "Perfect..."

"This is a very bad idea" - said Rena with a frown - "I think the desire for revenge is messing with your sense of survival, Saizō."

"Just follow my instructions, little green bitch" - Saizō said coldly as he looked at his teammate.

". . ." - Isami just kept silent while shaking her head as she listened to her leader. She really didn't want to continue with this stupid mission, but after listening to the clan elders, she had no choice, after all, Saizō was the next leader of the Asahinata clan.

"I'm just saying that it's not a good idea, leader" - Rena said seriously - "After seeing that guy for the first time, I can tell you for sure that we better not do anything against him unless it's a direct attack..."

"I agree with Rena" - nodded Isami as she looked at her leader - "If we do something rash, we will only suffer the unbridled anger of our opponent..."


". . ." - Rena and Isami were only silent as they nodded weakly.

"Now then... I expect us to meet our fourth member before carrying out the second phase of my plan" - Saizō said as he looked at the girls - "And this time, I hope you won't try to contradict my orders or I'll find myself in the painful necessity of hurting you girls..."

"As you command, Saizō-sama" - said the two girls while kneeling in front of the black-haired boy.

"Perfect... now we'll go after those three women and wait for the opportunity to capture them... with them in our hands, Cloud Strife won't be able to do anything against us" - said Saizō as he let out a laugh full of madness and desire for revenge.

". . ." - the two girls were silent as they quickly analyzed their current situation, only to throw a glance at their companion and come to the same decision.

"If we continue this... we'll die along with this jerk..." - thought the two girls as she squinted her eyes for a few seconds before relaxing.

"Come on girls" - Saizō said as he slowly advanced through the shadows while feeling a lunatic smile appear on his lips - "Soon... very soon..."

"As you command, Saizō-sama" - said the girls as they followed the black-haired boy silently.

* * * * *

"This is my family's personal building in Japan" - said Ema with a huge smile on her face - "Inside this place there is a Ring fully equipped for my personal training."

"Interesting..." - Cloud nodded as he looked at the girl from America before entering the building.

"Wait for me, Cloud Strife!" - Ema exclaimed as she chased the boy into the facility.


Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 47k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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