Chapter 247 ( Kamui )

"I'm sorry about that, but I recommend you not to do that" - Cloud said seriously - "Let's just say that my spear is... one of a kind..."

". . ." - Ren was silent as she looked closely at the spear to try to find the reason for the blond's words, only to frown as she didn't notice anything strange.

"I know it looks different, but it doesn't seem to be as unique as you say" - Meru replied as she tried to take the spear again, only this time Cloud didn't try to stop her.

When she put her hand on the spear, Meru felt how a huge silhouette opened its monstrous red eyes and looked at her silently with a huge toothy grin, only for after a few seconds a huge dark roar to echo in her ears - "Kya!"

"I warned you" - Cloud answered seriously as he looked at his spear coldly - "As I told you, my weapon is unique."

"That thing..." - Meru said as she shivered, only to remember the presence she had felt.

"Meru... What happened to you?" - Ren asked as she frowned seeing how her friend had taken a few steps backwards as if she unconsciously wanted to escape and get as far away from that spear as possible.

"It's scary... Ren..." - Meru muttered as she looked at the blond - "How come you can keep your cool with that thing in your hands?"

"Because only I can use it" - Cloud replied as he looked at [Incursio] in his second form.

"You should throw that thing as far away as possible, Cloud" - said Meru seriously - "That thing is not normal... it looks like it's cursed."

"And it's not far from reality" - Cloud replied calmly while looking at the two girls - "[Incursio] is cursed."

". . ." - the two girls were silent as they watched the blond go back to training.

"C���how come you can keep training with that thing?" - Meru asked as she frowned.

"Because it's only by training with this thing that I can prevent an accident" - Cloud muttered seriously while throwing thrusts again - "And as a tip, this is hard because this damn thing weighs too much..."

* * * * *

"Grandfather..." - said a hooded young man as he watched as in front of him stood a bald man who was only wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and boxers of the same color - "And from what I see, you're back to normal..."

"Yes... all thanks to me getting my dentures back that were in the huge sockets of the necklace I gave your training partner" - Yonemitsu replied as he looked fondly at his grandson.

"Oh, I forgot about that guy" - said the hooded boy while scratching his cheek - "Anyway, I'm back because I finally found the solution to my problem!"

"What solution?" - Yonemitsu asked curiously. He was aware of the problem his grandson had so to hear that he had a solution was something to celebrate.

"I have to find the anaconda" - replied the boy earnestly - "When I find my destined person my curse will end!"

"Kamui... Kamui... my dear grandson Kamui..." - Yonemitsu sighed as he shook his head - "If you say things like that, everyone will misunderstand you and think you're a homosexual!"

"Huh?" - the boy now called Kamui couldn't hide his surprise as he felt his face redden with embarrassment - "A-At least now I understand why everyone was looking at me funny when I said I came in search of my fated mate who had an anaconda like...,"

"Better leave it up to there, my grandson" - Yonemitsu said as he shook his head - "Anyway.... How did you come to that conclusion, Kamui?"

"You see, when I discovered that the last of the traditional doctors had no solution for my problem, I decided to take one last gamble and went to a Mysterious clan in the Sinep who say their predictions are 99% sure..." - Kamui said seriously.

"I'm not going to ask where you got that information from, but go ahead" - said Yonemitsu while shaking his head.

"Well, long story short, they said that when I found someone who had an anaconda in his crotch, my fate would change" - Kamui replied as he looked at his grandfather with excitement - "And the only way for my fate to change is for me to take this fucking curse off!"

"I-I see..." - Yonemitsu muttered as he looked at his grandson - "And how do you know he'll be the right one?"

"They said something about me following my heart" - Kamui replied as he cocked his head to the side.

". . ." - Yonemitsu was silent for a few seconds before nodding - "If that's what you think, I guess as a grandfather I'll give you my full support."

"Thank you, grandfather" - Kamui smiled, but his expression quickly changed - "But now I want to know one thing.... Why is it that you decided to go back to normal?"

"Because there is an interesting student in Nangokuren and I wish to fight him with all my power" - Yonemitsu replied as his eyes sharpened.

"Oh? For you to wish to fight him with everything you have, it only means that he is extremely strong" - said Kamui excitedly - "Tell me grandpa.... How strong is he? If I fight him, who would come out the winner?"

"That's hard to say, Kamui" - replied Yonemitsu while shaking his head - "Even I myself can't say what specific level he is."

". . ." - Kamui couldn't contain his excitement when he heard this because not only had he been traveling the world to solve his problem, but also to fight against strong opponents to prove that his martial art school was the best in the world - "Tell me who it is so I can go check it out right now."

"Hmm... Ok... if that's what you wish..." - Yonemitsu said as he looked at his grandson, after all, as the heir to the [Wild Flame Eruption] School, if not also a Master level Martial Artist - "His name is first year Cloud Strife."

"First year Cloud Strife... I understand... I'll go right away" - Kamui said as he ran off without further ado.

"That boy" - muttered Yonemitsu as his gaze changed - "It's rude to spy on people."

". . . . . . . . ."

"I know you have high expectations, but you have to understand I'm not going to just stand by and do nothing when there's a boy with so much potential" - Yonemitsu said seriously.

". . . ."

"Hmph! I know... I don't plan to make him join my Martial Arts School, in fact, I don't think I would even if the situation were different" - Yonemitsu replied neutrally although he honestly found it a waste that he didn't join.

"It's strange to see you react that way, Yonemitsu-san" - said a female voice.

"So you finally speak... and I thought you would only want to communicate with your aura" - Yonemitsu replied with a frown - "You'd better keep focusing on your prophecy, Ryōko-san."

"That's not very nice of you, Yonemitsu-san" - said Ryōko as she looked at the old man - "More so when we've been friends for so many years..."

"I know... that's why I haven't done anything to you even though you've eavesdropped on some of my conversations" - said Yonemitsu with disdain.

"Don't be hypocritical, Yonemitsu-san... you've done the same thing" - Ryōko replied with a frown - "Besides, I haven't done anything to meddle in your business or to harm Nangokuren."

"You'd better talk about why you came... we know very well that you don't come to my dwelling unless it's important" - Yonemitsu said seriously.

"Right... I came because of that dark presence" - said Ryōko seriously - "From what my sources tell me, that strange and terrifying presence comes from the weapon that Cloud-kun has, a silver spear and I wanted to know if you had information about it."

"Hmm... no... I have nothing"- Yonemitsu replied while frowning - "When I felt that dark presence a few days ago, I also went to investigate, but its appearance and presence doesn't resemble anything that has been recorded in my clan's records."

". . ." - Ryōko frowned when she heard this because if they gathered the documents and archives of the two families, they could practically have the complete history of Japan and its oldest families.

"If I'm honest with you, I find the situation interesting... a weapon that wasn't in any of our documents is something unexplainable" - Yonemitsu said with surprise and excitement - "That means one of two things... one, it's a new weapon, which is practically impossible, or two, it's a weapon that was never shown to the world... which is not so surprising seeing the clan that owns it."

"Please, Yonemitsu-san... I'm sure you know very well that that clan is fake" - Ryōko said seriously.

"Although there is a small chance that the clan actually exists, the probability is almost completely impossible" - nodded Yonemitsu in approval - "But that doesn't take away from the fact that the possibility actually exists."

"I understand" - nodded Ryōko as she shrugged - "Though it honestly doesn't affect my prophecy if he does or doesn't have a clan, after all, we only have to do one thing."

"Right... for you it's not the background that matters, but the person itself" - nodded Yonemitsu calmly though his expression quickly turned serious - "I just hope you don't bite off more than you can chew, I'm telling you this as a friend..."


Read 15 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 47k + words ahead...

and for source read 22 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform


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