Chapter 251 ( Alliance - II )

"It's a pleasure to have you all gathered in this place" - said Rino while looking around at her guests.

"I only came because it's more fun this way" - answered Kyōka as she looked at the second year girl - "Both me, and all of us here know that it's impossible to beat Cloud in a one on one battle."

"It's a surprise to hear you confess your weakness, Kyōka-san" - said Ayane with surprise because it was obvious the third year dragoness was someone proud who was resoundingly confident in her power.

"I'm just telling the truth" - replied Kyōka disdainfully as she looked at the first year girl - "I'm not going to be jealous of my man's power."

Ayane frowned as she listened to Kyōka refer to the boy she liked as she felt her Ki grow with each passing second.

"Oh~? I see someone is ready to be devoured..." - Kyōka smiled as her eyes flashed fiercely.

". . ." - Rintarō frowned as he saw how the meeting was starting to go off in a direction that was honestly not productive for their discussion.

"Something you want to say, Rintarō-san?" - Rino asked as she looked at the only boy in the room, and in the process, causing the other dragons to stop fighting.

"Honestly, I don't know what to say regarding the topic..." - Rintarō replied while narrowing her eyes - "Cloud-san is strong, very strong, so strong that he made us meet in this place."

"True... if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have called them because I honestly don't feel like allying with my enemies" - nodded Rino while squinting as she felt the door open.

"Sorry for the interruption, but I feel that we have the right to be here too" - said Meru as she entered next to Ren.

". . ." - Rino was silent as she watched her older sister enter the room, but did nothing to make them leave, after all, Ren was an ancient dragon and Meru was a Tiger, an entity that could directly fight a dragon.

The two girls quickly walked behind Rintarō and observed the surroundings in curiosity.

"I honestly don't know what to say" - Meru said while looking at Kyōka, then Rino, and finally Ayane - "Three dragons, four if you count Rintarō-kun, gathered together so they could strategize to take on just one person... if you had mentioned this situation to me in the past, I wouldn't have believed it."

"That just goes to show how critical our situation is" - Rino replied neutrally - "Cloud Strife is a force of nature for us right now, whatever our plan alone will only cause us to lose, no, to be humiliated by that blonde guy"

"Right, Cloud was able to take on and defeat four dragons so to speak" - Meru added as Rino's expression changed because this was information she didn't have before - "What do you mean?"

"That Cloud defeated us in combat, although during that time he was a bit strange" - replied Ren calmly while Ayane nodded - "Sensei wasn't acting like usual"

"From my point of view, it's more of a draw" - answered Kyōka as everyone rolled their eyes at her, at least those who fought.

". . ." - Rino was silent as she tried to think of a few things. If what her guests said was true, then the odds of victory were much lower than she thought, something she honestly didn't like in the slightest.

"Do you think he'll hold back during the battle?" - Shū asked as she looked at the other dragons who were arguing with their leader.

"Not in the least" - they all answered at the same time and without even thinking about it for a second.

"Cloud is a wild beast in battle, he won't last to attack even if his opponent is someone important to him because that would be an insult to the others" - answered Kyōka seriously while Ayane and Ren nodded. Meru was silent, but still nodded after a few seconds.

"Can't they give me some good news?" - Rino asked as she narrowed her eyes as she couldn't find an answer to her present problem - "Every time they talk, they only make things more complicated."

"At least our honesty is giving you the information you need to know what you're up against, Rino" - replied Kyōka neutrally - "In fact, you should be thanking us for informing you so much in just a few minutes..."

". . ." - Rino remained silent because what the blue-haired girl said wasn't wrong, if it wasn't because they were informing her about all this, she would still be under the illusion that everything was still manageable - "But that doesn't change the fact that we're in a bad position."

"Yes, you're right" - nodded Kyōka while looking at the girl - "But doesn't that make it more fun?"

"I'm not like you, Kyōka" - said Rino while looking neutrally at the third year girl - "What I seek is absolute control, that things move as I wish".

"Too bad things don't work that way when Cloud Strife is in the way" - Meru replied while shaking her head - "But let's leave that for another time, now I have something to inform you"

"?" - those present looked at Meru in curiosity because they didn't think she would have anything else to inform them.

"The truth is that after a month of intense searching, I found that there are 7 supreme martial arts" - Meru said seriously.

"I hope you're not thinking about us going to look for them so that we can practice to have a sliver of hope" - snorted Rino with disdain.

"Let me finish, Rino" - replied Meru with a frown while seeing how the girl's eyebrow trembled - "These 7 supreme arts are so called because they have the particularity of being able to control certain elements, or rather to make the communication between Ki and the power of the elements accessible to the user."

"!" - those present widened their eyes when they heard this.

"The first one is able to control ice, Ryūha Koei Sōgetsu" - said Meru while looking at Rintarō who had opened his eyes in surprise.

"The second one is Ryūha Kokumu Anten" - continued Meru while looking at Ayane - "He controls water."

"Wait a second!water?!" - Ayane exclaimed in surprise because it was not possible for the martial art of the Asahinata clan to be water, in fact, it was much more obvious for the element to be darkness.

"It is water, even though it sounds surprising" - replied Meru calmly as she explained the reason - "Ryūha Kokumu Anten uses the water in the environment in order to reflect light so he can use his assassination techniques... the illusion of using shadows is the effect of simulating the deepest of abysmal pits."

"I guess that also explains why the ability to be able to copy other martial arts" - Ren replied while squinting - "Water is a moldable element so it is not illogical for users to achieve these qualities..."

". . ." - Ayane was silent as she thought about the deductions her companions had said.

* * * * *

"Interesting..." - Cloud said as he looked at Shizuka, or rather Erin who was standing next to the blonde - "So they are gathered together so they can think of how to defeat me..."

"That's right... or at least that's what Erin-chan said" - Shizuka replied while tilting her head in confusion.

"I understand, thank you very much, Erin-san" - Cloud said as he watched the girl nodded blankly before whispering something in the blonde woman's ear - "What was it she said?"

"She asked why you weren't worried" - Shizuka replied as she looked at her boyfriend.

"You might think that pride went to my head, but it's because I have full confidence that I will defeat them just like that" - Cloud answered simply.

". . ." - Erin stared at him for a few seconds before nodding because she knew he wasn't lying.

"What are we going to do, Cloud-sama?" - Isami asked as she gave her leader a cold stare, though this was due more to his manner than anything else - "Will you send us to spy on that meeting so as to ensure your victory?"

"Where would be the fun in that?" - Cloud replied as he shook his head.

"Cloud-sama, you should take this seriously" - Asuna said seriously. She had changed her enamored and submissive attitude to a serious and firm one now that her leader's supremacy was at stake - "It may not be a battle to the death, but you should do everything in your power to be able to have a perfect victory, one that demonstrates all your power and splendor."

". . ." - those present only kept silent because they never thought to hear Asuna take Cloud to task, after all they knew what the second year girl was like.

"Huh? Did I say something wrong?" - Asuna asked as she looked around and notice how everyone was looking at him in surprise.

"Hahaha~!" - Cloud couldn't contain himself anymore when he saw this so he let out a firm laugh as he looked at the black-haired girl - "Come, Asuna!"

"Huh? O-Ok!" - Asuna exclaimed as she walked to her leader in fear because she thought she had said something wrong, only to feel the blonde lovingly stroking her hair - "Cloud-sama?"

"Good job, Asuna" - smiled Cloud as he looked around - "I guess I got too carried away with my pride and let this detail pass by that could have cost us the victory."


Read 15 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 47k + words ahead...

and for source read 22 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform


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