Chapter 250 ( Alliance - I )

After having talked to Asuna and made things clear, Cloud and the girl walked towards the Academy a bit closer together.

"I'm sorry that my hesitation bothered you so much, Cloud-sama" - Asuna said while averting her gaze, and now that she understood his situation better, she was much more relaxed.

"Don't worry" - Cloud replied as he shrugged his shoulders - "Now we'd better go back, I'm sure the others have to be worried."

"Ok" - nodded Asuna as her eyes twinkled slightly.

"Is something wrong?" - Cloud asked as he noticed the change in the girl.

"N-No! N-No, it's nothing!" - exclaimed the girl with a smile, although inside she was thinking about other things - "I guess it's time to make some things clear with the others... although honestly I have a hard time because among all the women around Cloud-sama, you could say I'm in the middle range!"

She was quite clear on what the ranks were like.

Shizuka and Kyōka, were at the top of the pyramid. The blonde because she was his first fiancée while Kyōka because of her straightforward attitude.

Then there was Okina, who honestly was a surprise, Chifuyu, who still didn't have a clear relationship, but at the same time was important to the blonde, and finally her, the most recent of the girls to enter into a relationship with Cloud.

Next were Ayane, Cloud's obviously smitten student, and Ema Brooks, the girl from the United States, who honestly seems to be a little puppy chasing after her owner. Asuna could sense that blonde bitch wanted something from her leader, and she was sure the others in the race could sense it too.

Finally there were those who had an odd relationship with the blond, the first to mention being Ren, the former dragon who graduated last year. She was the one who had the most sense of competition with Cloud, as well as the one who showed the most rivalry for the new dragon.

Next was Makoto, Ayane's subordinate and spear expert. Ever since Cloud got that strange and ominous spear, she had begun to show a deep appreciation for the blond, to the point that there were times when the two of them would talk for hours about how to get better with spear wielding.

Next, there was Rino and her subordinate Shū, two girls who have shown an antagonistic attitude against Cloud, even if it wasn't out of the morally correct. Rino was the staunchest enemy of her leader, as the Third Year Dragon was his girl, and the First Year Dragon was his student. Shū on the other hand, has been continuously watching their leader, which everyone knew why it was impossible not to sense her presence, though from what could be sensed in the girl's gaze, she was really curious of Cloud.

Finally there were Rena and Isami, the two subordinates that Cloud defeated and now follow him with utmost loyalty, honestly she didn't know what to think of those two girls. were they beautiful? The answer was yes, although she didn't know what was going through the minds of those two.

Honorable mention to Kyōka's mother, Kagamiin Ryōko, current headmistress of Nangokuren. Asuna had noticed a slight suggestive ton when she was pulling with her beloved leader, so it was best not to let her guard down with that mature woman.

"I guess I'll have to talk to Kyōka-san to make sure" - Asuna muttered while shaking her head - "Push those thoughts away, now there's time to appreciate the time I have with Cloud-sama before the others get in the way."

With a quick movement, Asuna grabbed the blond's arm and plunged it into her soft, huge breasts as she gave him a sexy look. Now that she had taken the last step, there was no need to hold back anymore.

* * * * *

"I think it's no longer necessary for you to keep watching the target, Shū" - Rino said while shaking her head - "With all the information you've given me, I can more or less in defining a profile for Cloud Strife..."

"As you command, Rino-sama" - Shū replied as she knelt down in front of her leader.

". . ." - the other girls were silent as they waited for Rino's verdict, only to feel a great pressure as they saw her emotionless face.

Rino was silent for a few seconds as she thought of a possible contingency plan against the blonde menace, not noticing that her expression was growing colder and colder.

"Rino-sama..." - Shū muttered as she noticed the change in her leader.

"Relax, there is no unbeatable enemy" - replied Rino as she continued to think, only to come up with a single solution, though she honestly didn't enjoy the idea in the least - "Okay, I want you, Shū, to go to Kyōka and inform her that it's time for us to talk."

"As you command, Rino-sama" - Shū said before retreating.

"Ryōko... I want you to go to Tachibana Rintarō" - ordered Rino while the pink-haired girl nodded, to then look at the girl wearing a mask - "Iyo... I want you to go to Ayane to communicate the same thing to her."

Iyo nodded as she disappeared in a smokescreen, leaving only Rino and Megu in the room.

"I'm sure you're curious as to why I didn't send me to you instead of Ryōko" - Rino said while looking at the orange haired girl - "The answer is simple... you're too involved in the situation"

"?" - Megu tilted her head in confusion because she honestly didn't understand what her leader was trying to say.

"I can't send you to Tachibana Rintarō because you have an interest in him, I can't send you to Ayane because you are still mad at her for some past events" - Rino said while watching the girl shaking her head - "Finally, I can't send you to Kyōka because despite how strong you are, you are not my second in command, so it would be disrespectful to send you to her."

". . ." - Megu frowned when she heard the latter, but she had no argument to refuse at her leader's words - "Rino-sama.... Why did you send for all those people?"

"Because it's time for us to unite to defeat the strongest enemy" - Rino answered seriously as she felt her hands trembling with excitement. It was as if she was gathering an army to be able to face the most terrifying enemy.

"But..." - Megu said earnestly as she tried to deny her leader's words.

"I know... both Kyōka and Ayane have a good relationship with Cloud Strife" - replied Rhino while shifting his gaze - "But at the same time they are dragons. In our veins runs the desire for domination, so I'm sure they also have to be thinking of countermeasures in order to fight the strongest Enemy."

". . ." - Megu just shook her head because since she wasn't a dragon, she didn't understand what their leader was trying to communicate.

"Just wait a bit, I'm sure you'll soon understand what I'm trying to explain about" - Rino replied as she walked to her office window and started to look at the now orange sky - "I'm sure we'll have visitors soon so I ask you to please prepare a few things."

"As you command, Rino-sama" - Megu replied as she began to carry out the orders her leader had given her.

* * * * *

"See, I told you so" - Kyōka said as she let out a laugh at the sight of the girl who had decided to come where her group was - "I guess Rino is serious if she sent you, Shū."

"Rino-sama is always serious, Kyōka-sama" - Shū replied while adjusting her glasses.

"Right... she should relax a bit" - Kyōka replied while shaking her head in denial - "Anyway, I know why you came, but before we get into it, I'd like to know what you've been doing keeping an eye on my man."

". . ." - Shū was silent for a few seconds before opening her eyes in surprise because she never thought Kyōka would say something like this, after all, she was sure she had hidden her presence perfectly.

"Believe me, Cloud and the others knew about you" - Kyōka replied as she shook her head when she saw how the girl was surprised.

". . ." - Shū started to think about the past and her expression became more and more embarrassed because she finally understood some details that she found strange.

"Ok, let's better get back to the topic" - Kyōka said while shaking her head - "When do you want to meet?"

"Huh? Right, ha so I came!" - Shū exclaimed while shaking her head - "Ahem! Rino-sama asked me to inform you that if so please come right away because the matter is serious!"

"Ok... tell her that I'll be there shortly" - Kyōka replied while squinting her eyes - "Relax, I don't plan to inform Cloud about this, but I need some time so I can talk to my subordinates about something important."

"Okay, I understand" - Shū nodded firmly as she withdrew, but not before observing the Dragoness and her subordinates - "I'm sorry for stealing so much of your time, Kyōka-sama."

"No worries, if I'm being honest, it makes the [Dragons Rioting] much more interesting" - Kyōka replied while grinning wildly.


Read 15 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 47k + words ahead...

and for source read 22 Chapters ahead

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