Chapter 249 ( Asuna R-18 )

Two days had passed since Cloud first encountered that strange boy named Kamui, and he was currently talking to Asuna.

"And that's why I'm asking you to accompany me, Cloud-sama!" - Asuna exclaimed with a red face.

The context of the conversation was simple, Asuna was asking Cloud to accompany her to an audition for an Idol group, a small project that she sincerely had been interested in since long before she became her subordinates.

"Hmm... I don't have anything to do so I guess I accept" - Cloud replied while shrugging his shoulders.

"Thank you so much!" - Asuna exclaimed excitedly as she turned away so that the blond wouldn't see the blush on her cheeks, though honestly it wasn't like it mattered because he could feel the girl's arousal increase with each passing second.

* * * * *

Cloud and Asuna calmly walked through the streets of the city heading towards the agency where the auditions for the Idol group were.

"Are you sure this is the place, Asuna?" - Cloud asked as he gave the sexy black-haired girl a look.

"Of course!" - Asuna exclaimed with a smile as she took the blonde by the hand and dragged him inside to where the counter was.

"Good morning, how can I help you?" - Asked the lady behind the counter.

"I'm here for the Audition for the Idol group" - replied Asuna with a smile.

"Oh, I see" - nodded the lady as she looked at the girl and then at the blond - "It's in room A-4 on the third floor."

"Thank you very much" - smiled Asuna as she nodded - "Let's go, Cloud-sama."

"Ok, you don't have to drag me" - Cloud replied as he rolled his eyes at the girl, not noticing the lady behind the counter pull out a communicator - "Phase one, completed"

"Ok, go ahead with the plan" - replied a girl's voice.

* * * * *

"I guess this isn't an audition, Asuna" - Cloud said as he looked at the black-haired girl who was undressing, remaining only in her underwear.

"It is, Cloud-sama" - replied Asuna as she searched through all the outfits - "But... it's an audition just for you."

Asuna quickly found what she was looking for, an outfit very similar to the one she wore during the concert she did months ago, only much more provocative, to the point that the skirt was so tiny that it didn't even cover half of her generous buttocks.

"What's up?" - Asuna asked as she wiggled her butt seductively.

"Hmm... I'd say you're missing a bit of skin showing on top if you want to start seducing me" - replied Cloud as he appeared behind the girl and expertly snatched the clothes covering the girl's huge breasts.

"!" - Asuna was surprised at the blond's bold action, but she honestly began to feel happy to see the effect her actions had had on the blond.

Asuna quickly pushed the blond to the ground and jumped on top of him as she kissed him passionately, because she was honestly bored of her luck always getting in her way. She wished to be one with her beloved leader once and for all because she could no longer hold the passion she felt for him.

"Cloud-sama..." - Asuna murmured as her breathing became ragged, as if she was under the effects of a strong aphrodisiac - "Please... I want us to be one... I've wanted it for months..."

"And why didn't you tell me?" - Cloud asked in surprise as he looked at the girl.

"I tried... but..." - Asuna replied with embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter anymore..." - Cloud replied as he grabbed the girl's buttocks and started to caress them gently.

"Ah~!" - Asuna let out a high-pitched moan as she felt the blond's hands getting more and more playful - "Hmm~!Please, Cloud-sama~!Let your personal Idol, sing for you a melody of love and passion~!"

Cloud slowly lifted the girl a little so that she could remove his pants, only to notice that his manhood was as ready as the girl's intimacy.

"Do it, Cloud-sama... my hard training broke my Hymen so you don't need to be gentle with me" - Asuna said as she looked lovingly at the blond - "Please treat me as you wish."

"Ok, I will" - Cloud replied as he slowly entered the girl's interior.

"Ah~!" - Asuna let out a new moan as she arched her back in ecstasy at the feeling of finally fulfilling her dream - "Aaaaaaaaaaah~!"

Cloud slowly began to move gently as the girl's moans became more and more frequent.

"I-I thought it would be different~" - Asuna moaned as she groaned in pleasure at her partner's actions.

"You told me to treat you however I want" - Cloud said as he caressed the girl's cheek - "And I want to treat you as my woman..."

Tears ran down the girl's cheeks as she started kissing the blond with a mixture of passion and love - "Thank you Cloud-sama, thank you for being the one to give me my new goal, this second chance..."

"You don't have to thank me" - Cloud replied as he shook his head, only to watch in surprise as the girl started to jump on top of his member.

"N-No... I have to thank you as you deserve, my lord, my everything, my beloved leader" - Asuna said as she moved her hips as best she could, and honestly, Cloud had to admit that she was doing a good job for a girl who had just lost her virginity - "Ah~!"

Cloud quickly grabbed the girl by the waist and began to penetrate her hard as the girl's huge breasts bounced uncontrollably



He had to admit that the image of Asuna's colossal tits bobbing up and down was an image that would stick in his head for quite a while.

"It goes so deep~!" - Asuna moaned as she bit her lip because she didn't want to cum so soon. She wanted her first climax to come alongside that of her blonde beloved.



Cloud gave her a firm thrust as he watched the girl's pupils constrict at the pleasure he was giving her - "Nyaaa~!"

"Nya?" - Cloud was surprised at such an unexpected moan as he watched the girl's face blush like an apple.

"P-Please forget that" - Asuna said with embarrassment.

"Why?" - Cloud asked with a smile on his face - "If it was a cute moan..."

Cloud continued to penetrate the girl, who slowly started to get carried away by the blond's movements and moan as if she was a little cat.

"Nyaaaa~!" - Asuna continued her melodious mewling as Cloud made a mess inside her, but now she no longer cared if he heard her.



* * * * *

Cloud continued to move like a machine at full throttle as Asuna's expression grew increasingly lustful.

The poor girl had been resisting her release for quite some time and she couldn't resist it any longer.



"Please, Cloud-sama~!" - Asuna moaned with an expression distorted by pleasure - "Please cum inside me~!"

"Ok!" - nodded the blond because he was sincerely on his last legs too - "Take it all!"





"Aaaaaaaaah~!" - Asuna let out a high-pitched moan as she released all the pleasure she had built up during this time as she felt Cloud paint her insides with his seed - "It's so hot~!"


Cloud gritted his teeth as he continued to release his cum inside the girl, who could only arch her back at such a surge of lust filling her - "Nyaaaaa~!"

Asuna quickly felt herself starting to lose her energy, though luckily Cloud still had her by the waist - "I-It's so much~"

Cloud was silent as he saw the expression of total ecstasy the girl had on her face - "You better get some rest..."

"H-Hai~!" - Asuna replied with an idiotic grin on her face.

"Ugh... I think I broke her..." - Cloud muttered as he watched the girl close her eyes with saliva running down her cheek.

* * * * *

"I-I'm sorry for showing you such an unrefined appearance, Cloud-sama," said Asuna with a red face after wiping the saliva from her face.

"Don't worry, it's not bad at all" - replied Cloud while shaking his head.

"B-But it is bad!" - Asuna exclaimed with her face still red - "I have to stay beautiful if I want to be by your side, Cloud-sama!"

"I think you don't understand something, Asuna" - replied Cloud as he grabbed the girl by the face and looked her straight in the eyes - "You don't need anything to stay by my side, you just have to be yourself!"

"B-But..." - Asuna said while shaking her head - "I know... being myself is not enough, Cloud-sama... I have to be useful to you."

". . ." - Cloud frowned slightly when he heard this because he could tell how Asuna's dependence was starting to come out again now that they had taken the last step in their relationship, so it was best that he set the record straight - "Asuna... let's sit down and talk because there are some things we need to set straight..."

". . ." - Asuna was silent for a few seconds before nodding weakly.

Cloud shook his head when he saw the girl's expression because she looked like she was a little puppy being punished for something she did.

"Okay, now let's talk carefully" - Cloud said as he took the girl's hand and spoke to her as calmly and affectionately as possible.


Read 15 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 47k + words ahead...

and for source read 22 Chapters ahead

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