Chapter 266 ( Dragons Rioting - Finale )

Cloud looked at what he had caused with his battle, only to shrug his shoulders because he honestly didn't care much about what his opponents now looked like.

"Cloud-chan... that wasn't nice..." - Shizuka said with annoyance as she tried to 'attack' her boyfriend.

"Seriously... you should do something else, Shizuka" - Cloud said with a frown because he was starting to lose his patience, although his [Bloodlust] status was becoming more and more manageable because his [Willpower] was going up with every time he resisted the urge to counterattack his blonde nurse's attacks.

[Corrosion has increased to 10%... +100 to all Stats].

[Affinity with [Incursio] increased, Bloodline [Dragon], increased by 10%...]

[Stat [Willpower], increased to 30...]

[Status [Bloodlust] can no longer reduce its duration... redirecting the effects by 25% on the user's mind...]....

". . ." - Cloud felt as if he was someone new, only to frown as he noticed how comfortable he was with his body changing with each passing second. He slowly looked towards [Incursio], only to frown because he could now hear more clearly the whispers the beast was telling him.

With each additional percentage of corrosion, the more he felt himself getting closer to the beast.

"EIIIIIIIIIIIII~!" - Shizuka again lunged at her blonde boyfriend, only to feel her small dagger impact against something extremely hard - "Huh?"

". . ." - Cloud gave the nurse a blank look, only to grunt in annoyance as he felt a small sting.

After his vitality surpassed 300 points, almost entering 400, his resistance against basic weapons had increased considerably, at least the basic weapons of level 0-1 worlds.

"Etto... Hello?" - Shizuka smiled as she retracted her dagger and put it away, but her expression turned erratic when she noticed the icy stare her beloved had - "Etto.... I'm sorry?"

". . ." - Cloud only snorted in annoyance as his small wound disappeared as if it was nothing. He slowly shook his head and looked at Shizuka with a smile - "You're the first one after Ren to hurt me... even though you betrayed me on this occasion, I have to admit that you're admirable, Shizuka..."

"E-Etto... I didn't mean to hurt you... I just wanted to stop you..." - Shizuka said regretfully while hiding her knife - "You know very well that I love you so much that I don't want to see you doing things that you will regret later..."

". . ." - Cloud was silent for a few seconds before he started to think about the blonde's words. While this was the first time going through the [Bloodlust] state, so its effects were weak, something that honestly disturbed him a bit because there have been times when he had barely resisted the murderous urges that popped up in his head. Cloud slowly closed his eyes, only to relax for a moment before opening them again - "Ok, go backwards..."

"Okay?" - Shizuka gave the blond a confused look as she slowly backed away. She felt that her beloved had returned to normal, though she still gave him an annoyed look - "Hmph!"

". . ." - Cloud rolled his eyes at her for a few seconds before focusing on the others.

Ren was completely exhausted, many of the girls were in no condition to continue fighting thanks to their appearances, leaving only a few who could fight him.

"Do you guys want to keep humiliating yourselves?" - Cloud asked as he looked at Rino - "If I'm being honest, I don't find the view bad..."

". ... " - Rino looked at him neutrally as she stood at attention, in the process bouncing his breasts.

". . ." - Ayane gave the blonde girl an embarrassed look as she tossed her tattered shirt at her.

Rino gave her a neutral look before nodding and putting it on without a second thought.

"Being in your underwear is better than walking around naked..." - Ayane replied with a red face because she honestly didn't like the idea of showing her body to strangers - "It's still embarrassing though..."

"Ok, I think that's enough..." - Yonemitsu said as he appeared in front of the group.

"Yonemitsu-sama?" - Ayane asked in surprise and confusion because the man in front of them looked nothing like the decrepit old man she knew as the headmaster, although the clothes he wore were the same....

". . ." - Rino frowned when she saw the director. She was not in the least surprised by the old man's current appearance because she had prior knowledge of his true appearance.

". . ." - Rintarō could not hide the surprise he felt, though at least now he understood what his father Kentarō was trying to say. The man in front of him was demonstrating the aura of a master, not a person who had managed to break through that barrier and step into the great level known as a Grandmaster.

"Impossible... It's impossible for that man to be our scrawny director!" - Kako exclaimed as she shook her head because outside of the clothes, there was no similarity between the two.

"O:" - Mina couldn't believe her eyes either, though it wasn't like they could blame her because all the other Nangokuren students looked the same.

"I know you're surprised by my appearance, but we'd better leave that for another time" - Yonemitsu said with a smile as he looked at those present, but mostly at Rino - "I can see that you're not satisfied with my orders, young dragon..."

"It's because if you stop us, it's because you gave victory to Cloud Strife and I as a dragon can't accept it" - Rino replied neutrally - "Victory has to be mine, everyone must submit before my power!"

"But you couldn't defeat one of his minions? How do you plan to defeat him, who your elder sister couldn't despite releasing so much power?" - Yonemitsu asked as he looked at the girl with a small smile on his face - "But well, I can give you a chance to take control of Nangokuren.... Let's see..."

"Let me take over grandpa" - said Kamui as he appeared with a huge smile on his face as he saw the firm, but well defined curves that Rino was showing - "It's a pleasure to meet such a beautiful woman."

". . ." - Rino frowned in disgust as she saw how that unknown boy was devouring her with his gaze with his perverted eyes.

"Huh? I feel like you hate me for some reason" - Kamui said in surprise.

"Anyone would hate you if you looked at them with those eyes of a dog in heat" - said Ayane with a frown.

"B-B-B-B-Breasts!" - Kamui roared as blood ran down his nose, causing obvious aversion in the two girls, though they couldn't care about that anymore because the moment the boy laid his eyes on their still developing bodies, the earth began to shake fiercely.

"Evacuate!" - Ryōko exclaimed as she looked towards the bleachers.

"Oh god, I should have foreseen this..." - Yonemitsu sighed as he gave his grandson a blank look.

"Whoops?" - Kamui at least had the decency to look apologetic.

"Rino-sama!" - Megu exclaimed as she looked at her leader.

"I want you to evacuate with the others" - Rino said seriously as he looked at his subordinates.

"Makoto... I want you to do the same" - said Ayane as she nodded to the blonde dragon's words.

"Meru-san... do the same" - said Rintarō seriously.

"I think we have a little problem..." - Makoto said as Shū nodded.

"Hmm... take these clothes and go quickly" - said Kyōka while throwing her shirt to one and her skirt to another.

"Doesn't it make you uncomfortable that you have to be in your underwear?" - Ayane asked with a frown.

"Not in the least, not to mention that if anyone oversteps their bounds, I'll leave them five meters under..." - Kyōka replied coldly as a sadistic smile appeared on her face.

"I feel like I'm missing out on something fantastic!" - Kamui said, who to his misfortune had his eyes covered by his grandfather in order to prevent further accidents.

"What about the others?" - Ayane asked with a frown.

"That's for me to fix" - answered Okina as she walked towards where the girls were with a huge backpack on her back - "Let's just say that after seeing Cloud-kun's actions, I realized that we would need this..."

"Thank you, Okina sensei!" - The girls exclaimed.

"Thank you very much..." - Rino nodded as she changed her clothes.

"I feel like things just got a lot more 'exciting'!" - Kamui exclaimed, who was now trying to wriggle out of his grandfather's grip - "Oh come on grandpa, my senses tell me that if I miss the scenery in front of my eyes, I'm going to regret it for the rest of my life!"

"Do you at least feel all the mess your 'bad luck' is causing!" - Yonemitsu exclaimed while frowning - "Now I'm asking you not to do anything stupid!"

"Ugh... Ok, I'm sorry..." - Kamui said as he sighed regretfully.

"Asuna..." - Cloud said as he looked at one of the girls who hadn't attacked him.

"H-Hai, Cloud-sama!" - exclaimed the aforementioned girl - "What do you wish?"

"I want you to evacuate too..." - Cloud said as he watched the effect of [Bloodlust] end - "Take all the members of the group and withdraw... something tells me things will get crazy."

"Hai!" - Asuna nodded as she sighed in relief as she saw how her leader had returned to normal.



Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 25 Chapters ahead

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