Chapter 267 ( Yonemitsu )

Asuna quickly walked to where the girls of her group were and helped them stand up with Ema's help, then silently retreated.

Shū and Makoto were already dressed, as were Isami and Rena, who only shook their heads when they noticed the blonde's gaze, though they let out a sigh of relief when they noticed that he wasn't upset.

"What do you plan to do, Kyōka?" - Ryōko asked as she looked at her daughter.

"You know the answer very well" - answered Kyōka while shrugging her shoulders - "The question is.... What do you plan to do?"

"Hmm... it's obvious that he's the guy our prophecy told us so you know very well what I'll do" - Ryōko snorted as she looked at her daughter.

"Ok... but I don't feel comfortable with the idea" - Kyōka snorted as she rolled her eyes at her mother.

"Ara? And here I thought you'd like having your mother around" - smiled Ryōko as she gave her daughter an innocent look.

"But not that close!" - Kyōka exclaimed with a frown - "Anyway, it's not like he'd agree."

"Oh, but I'm pretty sure he'll accept ~" - smiled Ryōko as she looked at her daughter.

"I feel a delightful disturbance in the force..." - Kamui muttered.

* * * * *

"Ok, this is much better..." - Ayane said while looking at her outfit that was the same as she always wore.

". . ." - Rino didn't say anything, but she also had to admit that it felt good to fight in clothes - "I just hope you don't tear her apart again, Cloud Strife..."

"Do it again!" - Kamui exclaimed with a perverted grin, earning even more hatred from the women present.

"Ugh... I feel like my family will end up with my grandson for very different reasons than I originally thought..." - Yonemitsu muttered as he shook his head regretfully.

"Who is the boy who looks like a dog in heat?" - Okina asked with a frown.

"That angelic voice of his... It has to belong to a beautiful mature woman!" - Kamui exclaimed as he removed his grandfather's hands from his eyes and looked at the beautiful black-haired teacher - "Wow... hello cutie ~"

"Sorry kid, but I have a sexy boyfriend" - Okina snorted as she watched Kamui fall to the ground almost immediately.

"It doesn't hurt..." - Kamui said as he cried tears of blood because by his standards, Okina was the perfect woman, older, huge breasts, black hair, huge breasts, big ass, huge breasts, huge breasts, slim waist, huge breasts.... Did she already said about the huge breasts?

Kamui slowly looked up, only to freeze.

"Huh?"- Kamui felt the blood rush to his nose as he saw how Okina's pink panties were in front of his eyes.

"What's wrong?" - Okina said with a frown as she noticed the static gaze the orange-haired boy had on her underwear - "Oh... I guess I'm going to have to change my style of dress... I don't want someone other than my boyfriend to see my intimacy..."

"Panties!" - Kamui exclaimed with a kinky grin, only for the earthquake that had ceased a few seconds ago to return with greater intensity.

"Okay, once is strange.... But twice?" - Rino asked while looking at Yonemitsu who only shook his head - "Something to say, Yonemitsu-sama?"

"It's a special condition my grandson has" - replied Yonemitsu as he sighed regretfully - "Every time he has... a perverted event... accidents happen depending on how 'lucky' he is."

". . ." - the girls were silent as Cloud shook his head.

"Ok, I think I'd better leave..." - Okina said with a frown - "I'm honestly not very comfortable with the fact that that guy is looking at me like a piece of meat..."

"Sorry about that, let's just say that my grandson doesn't have much resistance to those things because well, when it happens to them things always end badly..." - Yonemitsu said while sighing regretfully - "Anyway, better retire, it's time for us to start with the final phase of [Dragons Rioting]."

"I'm still waiting for my chance to take control of Nangokuren..." - Rino said with a frown - "I hope you haven't lied to me, Yonemitsu-sama."

"I haven't, what you have to do is defeat whoever wins out of the two of us" - Yonemitsu replied calmly.

". . ." - Rino frowned when she heard this because it wasn't the kind of victory she really wanted, but after some thought she agreed, after all, this was the best time to prove her superiority to her sister.

"I'm sorry, Rino-san... but if you want to fight Sensei, you'll have to go over me first" - Ayane said seriously.

"I know you've gotten stronger at great speed, Ayane... but that doesn't change the fact that I'm still far superior to you" - Rino replied neutrally - "Now... you'd better retreat with the others..."

"I'm sorry... but I don't plan on retiring" - snorted Ayane disdainfully - "And I'm sure the others don't either."

". . ." - Rino looked around and noticed how Okina had retreated back to where Kyōka and Ryōko were. Ren was also approaching where the others were, though from her attitude it was obvious that she was regaining her energy so she could get up and fight again - "I guess I should have seen it."

"I made my point... now it only remains to hear what you'll do..." - Ayane said seriously.

". . ." - Rino just kept silent as he watched Yonemitsu walk over to where the blond was standing - "I'm going to answer you after we see how it all plays out..."

"I hope your answer is the right one, Rino... because I'll get in the way too..." - Ren said seriously.

"With how weak you are your threats are ineffective, Onee-sama" - replied Rino seriously as she looked at her older sister - "So please I ask you not to talk too much... not when I can defeat you with just a few moves."

"I may not be at my full power... but I'm still strong enough to defeat you, Rino" - Ren said coldly. She may only be at 10% of her power in [Unchained] state right now but it was more than enough to defeat her sister.

"Okay, enough... I don't want you to fight while we finish with the main event" - said Yonemitsu with irritation - "Okay.... now..."

"I guess it's time for us to fight" - Cloud said calmly, only to frown as he noticed how the boy who had accompanied Yonemitsu and who had been eyeing the girls, stood in front of him - "Well, I wasn't planning on seeing you so soon... and honestly I'm not too happy, not when you have that hungry dog face in front of my girls"

"Your girls?" - Kamui asked in surprise as he glanced back, only to notice Kyōka grinning wildly. Ayane averted her gaze despite being nothing of the blonde (other than apprentice), Okina grinned as she puffed out her massive bust. Ren for her part just snorted in disdain as she averted her gaze, though you could notice the slight blush on her cheeks at the idea because honestly no, she still wasn't very good with that sort of thing.

Rintarō shrugged when he noticed the look on the boy's face because it was strange that he was also considering him in the middle of all this relationship madness.

"You have a harem!" - Kamui exclaimed in surprise then slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand - "Right, you told me about it that time and Grandpa corroborated it!"

"Anyway... What do you want?" - Cloud asked while frowning.

"To fight you" - replied Kamui with a huge smile on his face - "I've trained for years, I've fought against dozens of martial artists my age... but... they're all weak... that's why I wish to measure myself against you, a boy who has managed to surpass the master level..."

". . ." - Cloud was silent as he blocked Kamui's attack while giving him a blank stare, but his expression changed to one of surprise when he saw how the boy's fists were set ablaze - "Okay, that's not what I expected."

"That's the other reason why I want to fight you..." - Kamui said as his eyes lit up as if they were flames - "I heard that you can use techniques that master fire, that's why I want to prove that my Martial Art is far superior to yours."

"I think you don't understand one tiny detail..." - Cloud said coldly as he remained static.

Kamui took the opportunity to attack, only to notice one tiny detail - "Impossible.... How come I didn't cause you any damage with my attack!"

"The answer in simple the truth..." - Cloud said as he began to suck in, showing a scene that would be imbued in the minds of all onlookers.

"Are you eating my fire!" - Kamui exclaimed with eyes wide as saucers - "Impossible! That's humanly impossible!"

"Hmm... It tastes weird..." - Cloud muttered as he shook his head. It was his first time consuming fire and it honestly didn't taste bad - "But I can get used to the taste..."

". . ." - Kyōka just opened her mouth unable to say anything why indeed the blond did something that surprised her.

"Well... now it's my turn..." - Cloud said while concentrating a large amount of fire in his hand - "Karyū... not Tekken!"



Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 25 Chapters ahead

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