Chapter 278 ( oath )

"Ok, I needed that" - Cloud said as he stretched his arms. He was coming out from the arcade after having spent the whole afternoon playing on his video games - "At least I'm a little more relaxed now".

Cloud was about to take a step in Nangokuren's direction, only to see the silhouette of a group appear in front of him - ". . ."

"I finally found it, Cloud-sama!" - Shū exclaimed as she walked in the blond's direction, only to frown as she saw how she wasn't the only one who had arrived.

"Sensei!" - Ayane exclaimed as her expression changed to one of annoyance when she saw that there were many more people than she wished for.

"I see this place crowded" - Makoto replied as she noticed that not only Shū, Ayane and her were in the place, but also Asuna and Cloud's other subordinates.

"It's a surprise to see so many people gathered" - Asuna replied as she looked around - "I guess it was a productive day for you, Cloud-sama."

"I was more relaxed than you think" - Cloud replied as he shrugged his shoulders - "I can only say that my afternoon was relaxing."

Cloud slowly walked over to his girls and gave them a smile - "Anyway, I guess need something like for everyone to be here all together."

"I was actually just curious as to where she was" - Asuna replied with a smile as she looked at her leader - "And honestly I'm surprised you were playing video games"

"I took Meru's advice and now I see how much I needed that little break, I even feel how much it did me good" - Cloud replied as he stretched - "I'm much more relaxed now so I'm going to listen to what you'll have to say"

"Oh, he really is in a good mood" - said Shizuka with surprise.

"If I'm honest with you, I've never seen Cloud act so relaxed before... I guess video games help from time to time" - added Chifuyu because she had also noticed how constantly on edge the boy was during the whole time she had known him. The only time where she had seen him relax, was after he had sex with one of the girls, though this relaxed state would end after a few hours and the boy would go back to being tense.

"I think it's a good opportunity" - Ayane said with a serious expression on her face - "Sensei!"

"What's wrong, Ayane?" - Cloud asked as he looked at the girl.

"The truth is!" - Ayane exclaimed, only to be interrupted by the newly arrived Ren - "Cloud, I need to talk to you and it's important!"

"Oh, come on!" - Ayane exclaimed in irritation as she watched Ren grab the boy by the hand and they ran out of the place - "Don't even think about it, Ren-san!"

"Ok, things are starting to get out of hand" - said Isami, who honestly wasn't too worried about the situation.

"Meh, as long as it doesn't affect us, I don't give a shit what happens" - replied Rena while shrugging her shoulders - "By the way, I think we should seize the moment and enjoy the arcade.... What do you guys think?"

Asuna was about to say something, but kept silent when she felt Shizuka's hand on her shoulder - "Sounds like a plan, don't you think so, Asuna-san?"

"Yeah..." - Asuna replied as she sighed regretfully at the blonde nurse's words.

"I'm finally going to get to try traditional Japanese games!" - Ema exclaimed excitedly - "I wonder if they have those Mechanical Crane games here too..."

"It's obvious we have them" - Okina said as she rolled her eyes at the girl from America - "By the way, I guess we're not worrying about Cloud-kun..."

"Relax, nothing bad will happen..." - Chifuyu said while shaking her head - "Now let's enjoy these games... although if I'm honest with you, it's my first time to try this kind of activities..."

"Then it was good of you to come" - said Meru, who had been spying on them all this time - "Hello."

"I see you finally came out of hiding" - said Chifuyu while looking at the girl - "Anyway, let's leave that for another I want you to teach me how to play these things"

"Had you spotted me?" - Meru asked in surprise.

"Of course I had, I can even assure you that I wasn't the only one" - Chifuyu replied as the others nodded.

"Uh... I guess I should have concentrated more on hiding my presence" - sighed Meru as she shook her head - "And answering your request, I can only tell you that you talked to the right person... I promise that when I'm done with you, you'll be the next video game champion of Japan."

". . ." - Chifuyu just kept silent as she entered the recreation center with the other girls, completely ignoring how Shū and Makoto had disappeared from the place along with Ayane.

* * * * *

"Not this time!" - Ayane exclaimed as she ran after Ren who was practically dragging the blond - "Let sensei go, I need to talk to him!"

"Ok, I'm starting to lose my patience..." - Cloud said as he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Huh?" - Ren almost stumbled at Cloud's very abrupt stop, only to notice how Cloud seemed to have gained weight because it was impossible to keep moving forward - "?"

"Like I said, I'm starting to lose my patience" - Cloud said as he looked at Ren, then at Ayane, and surprisingly at Shū and Makoto - "Ok, say what you want before I completely ignore you."

"I-I..." - Ayane didn't know what to say at this because now that she had the chance to confess, nerves were preventing her - "Ugh..."

"Ok, what do you guys need?" - Cloud said as he looked at Shū and Makoto.

"Actually, I just wanted to spend a bit of my time" - Shū replied as she averted her gaze.

"I wanted to invite you to my clan so we could talk about some extremely important matters" - Makoto replied calmly while looking carefully at the blond.

"Okay?" - Cloud raised one of his eyebrows in confusion, to quickly understand the girl's words - "Really?"

"I see you noticed the reason..." - Makoto nodded - "Exactly, I want my clan to know you as the one chosen to be my mate."

". . ." - Cloud just kept silent because he still didn't understand the reason why she had chosen him, and as if she was reading his mind, the girl quickly explained the reason - "The truth is that, to choose my partner I have to meet certain requirements... among them, I have to choose a guy who first is strong, second, who has a good command of the weapon I wield, in this case the spear, finally, your looks are not bad at all."

"Wait for a second, Makoto-chan!" - Ayane exclaimed in surprise as she looked at the black-haired girl - "Why is this the first time you heard something like that!"

"Because I didn't see the need to tell you this, Ayane" - replied Makoto calmly as she looked at her group leader - "I mean, this is a personal matter..."

"But you know very well about my feelings for sensei, no, for Cloud!" - Ayane exclaimed with a red face - "I have the right to know about this!"

". . ." - Makoto just kept silent because despite everything, she still felt that the two matters had no relation whatsoever, except for the fact that the two friends were going for the same boy.

". . ." - Cloud nodded at her Makoto's words, only to look her straight in the eyes - "Ok, I understand what you're trying to say, but it's still not enough of a reason for me to be able to accompany you."

"That's correct, but I'd like you to accept" - Makoto replied as she gave a small bow - "My clan is nearby, only needing two hours of travel."

". . ." - Cloud was silent for a few seconds before looking carefully at the girl - "Ok, I'll think about it... I promise I'll give you the answer shortly."

"Ok, I appreciate the consideration" - nodded Makoto as she stepped back.

Shū was silent for a few seconds before shaking her head because this was not something she would have expected. She understood that Ayane was interested in Cloud, but she never thought that Makoto would also be the one to make the first move.

"As for Ayane... let's just say I'm grateful for your feelings" - Cloud replied as he looked at the red haired girl.

"Etto... What answer do you give me?" - Ayane asked as she twitched in embarrassment.

"Let's see... I honestly never thought about it with all the issues that happened one after another" - Cloud said while shaking his head - "Just like Makoto-san, I would have to give you an answer soon, I promise I will try to answer your feelings as soon as possible"

"Ok, I appreciate it" - Ayane smiled as she let out a sigh of relief because at least it wasn't a negative answer as she had feared at first, though she still wasn't safe.

"Well, that only leaves you, Ren-san" - Cloud said as he looked at the silver-haired girl.

"Let's see... I honestly don't want to talk about this when so many people are gathered, but I guess I have no choice" - replied Ren while looking seriously at the blonde boy - "First of all, I want to tell you that, from this day on, I will follow you forever..."

"!" - the girls widened their eyes in surprise because Ren's words, were practically a marriage proposal.

"Where your sword points, I will guide mine... your enemies will be my enemies..." - Ren said earnestly - "If the world condemns you, I will stand by your side, that is the vow I recognize as eternal."

[Character: Ren (Gentōryū), has delivered her eternal vow.]


Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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