Chapter 279 ( Ren )

[Character: Ren (Gentōryū)]

A former Dragon of Nangokuren Academy, she is Rino's older sister, and a woman who doesn't know how to express her emotions very well. After Experiencing the Unchained State, much of her potential was unlocked, giving her an increase in her base stats.

Level: 20

Bloodline: Dragon 20% - Human 80% (Reduces as the percentage of [Dragon] increases)

Affinity: Water

STATS: [STR: 145] [DEX: 175] [VIT: 100] [INT: 80] [LUK: 100] [Energy(?): 10000] [Energy: 10000].

Additional Info: Energy, is a universal source that is used when the user does not yet choose what type of power he wants to use (Mana, Ki, Chakra).

Status: [Oath (Immune to Seduction or Control)].

Skills: [Nagare (Flow)] [Move: Moon] [Prodigy] [Sword Mastery (SR)] [Gentōryū] [Unchained].

Skill Bloodline: [Regeneration] [Dragon's Vitality]


[Nagare (Flow)]

Unpredictable, Adaptable, like the movements of water.

Effect 1 [Flow]: Increases movement speed by 50%, percentage doubles if you are in water. The movement speed is not reduced by environmental conditions, be it water, swamp, snow or other obstacles.

Effect 2 [Unpredictable]: Increases Evasion by 10%, the percentage doubles when you are in water.


[Movement: Moon].

Even so, each time I felt how the full moon enriched me with its energy.

Effect 1 [Moonlight]: Increases the damage dealt when it is night by 25%.

Effect 2 [Moon Movement]: Depending on the position of the Moon, the User gains different benefits:

1- New Moon: Increases Defense by 100%.

2- Crescent Moon: Increases Speed by 200%.

3- Waning Moon: Increases Attack by 100%.

4- Full Moon: Increases Attack, Defense and Speed by 100%.


[Sword Mastery (SR)]

I now possess absolute control of the sword.

Effect 1 [Sword Saint]: +200% Damage Caused with Swords in General (One-handed Swords, Daggers, Sabers, Two-handed Swords)

Effect 2 [Illumination]: +5 to All Sword Related Skills.

Effect 3 [Transcendence]: +25 STR and DEX every 10 base levels.



Lethal Waves presage the arrival of the Sea Dragon.

Effect 1 [Bloodline]: Leaves by default the Bloodline [Dragon].

Effect 2 [Ocean Power]: +5 to all Water Related Skill. Increases the damage caused by Water Skills by 50%.

Effect 3 [Typhoon]: 25% chance to infuse Wind element in your water attacks, causing mixed damage.

Effect 4 [Gentōryū]: While in water your STATS are doubled, and if you are on medium-high depth surfaces (Lakes, Seas), you can create waves that cause Crushing damage (The size of the wave grows depending on how much Energy you put into your attack).

[Crushing Damage]: Applies the Status Serious Wounds, reducing attack power, defense, speed, by 75%. This Debuff takes place after the total calculation of the Buffs or Debuffs of the Affected.



Gentōryū has decided to concentrate completely on one objective, putting aside all her problems and desires in order to accomplish her goal.

Effect 1: +50% Stats.

Effect 2: +50% Damage caused and received.

Effect 3 [Rage of the Stormy Sea]: All Ren's Attacks have a 50% chance to cause damage with [Water] element, increasing damage against characters with [Fire] elements by 100%.

[Unchained] Needs to consume 5000 Energy to activate and 100 energy for each second of activity. When the energy counter reaches 0, the User will enter a state of Absolute Fatigue, reducing his STATS by 90% for 10 minutes, this state cannot be cured unless it is natural (passing the stipulated time).


". . ." - Cloud was silent as he watched the girl stand up and look him closely in the eyes. He could notice the realization in the girl's gaze, making it obvious that she now understood surrounding him - "Ok, this was a surprise I wasn't expecting..."

"I had decided during our battle" - Ren replied as she shook her head.

Cloud nodded slowly as he remembered one of Ren's mission rewards, though he thought this recruitment would happen along with the others.

"I see... that explains a lot..." - Ren muttered as she closed her eyes. She finally understood many that had her confused before, such as, how someone so strong and with so much potential, was unknown to the world, how someone with dragon blood, had appeared in this world.

"Ok, if that's all, I'll take my leave..." - Cloud said as he decided to put all this aside for the moment - "I'll talk to you later."

"Uh... Ok, I guess..." - Ayane said as she sighed regretfully. While she did manage to confess, it wasn't how she would have wanted it to be.

". . ." - Shū kept silent as she watched the boy retreat while Makoto left after a few seconds - "I'd better go get some rest... maybe I should take a little shower."

"I'm going to do the same" - said Ayane, who still hadn't retired - "Would you mind if I join you?"

"Not in the least" - replied Shū as she shook her head.

"Thank you..." - Ayane smiled as the two girls retreated towards their dormitories.

* * * * *

A few hours had passed since Cloud had parted from the girls and he was currently stepping out of the shower - "Nothing like a nice cold shower..."

"I think so too" - Kyōka said as she stepped out of the shower with a towel covering her naked body - "Too bad we couldn't do anything in the shower."

Cloud didn't answer her because he honestly didn't feel like having sex for now - "By the way, next time don't just barge into my room like that."

"Meh, I'm not promising anything" - Kyōka snorted while shaking her head - "Whatever.... What do you think about my mother's proposal?"

"Why so worried about that matter?" - Cloud asked while frowning.

"Because it's my mother we're talking about" - answered Kyōka while rolling her eyes at him - "I may not show it, but I love her more than anything in the world, after all, I didn't have a father and she raised me alone."

"Ok, I get it..." - Cloud sighed as he looked at the girl.

"Oh, but I'm not forcing you to accept or anything like that, I just want that when you answer to my mother's proposal, be sincere and make everything clear" - added Kyōka while looking at her boyfriend - "I don't want to be the one who has to solve all the mess that your answer might leave"

Cloud rolled his eyes at Kyōka because it wasn't like his answer would affect the balance of the world - "Ok, you already made it clear..."

"Ok... Now do you want to do a quickie?" - Kyōka asked with a sexy smile on her lips.

"Sorry... I have a lot of thinking to do if I want to give an answer that won't end the world as we know it" - replied Cloud sarcastically.

"Oh? Are you using my words against me?" - Kyōka asked as she prepared to pounce on top of the blond like a lion leaping on its prey.

"I'm serious this time" - Cloud replied as he rolled his eyes at her. While his words were full of sarcasm, he indeed had a lot to think about, such as Ayane and Makoto's confessions he had received a few hours earlier - "I also have to get my thoughts in order due to the fact that I practically gained a new member in my family..."

"You're going to be a father?" - Kyōka asked in surprise.

"That's not what I meant..." - Cloud said with a blank look - "Although from the way I said it, it was a pretty high possibility..."

"Okay, what are you talking about?" - Kyōka asked while frowning.

"You'll find out tomorrow... that's all I can tell you" - Cloud replied as he shook his head, only to be surprised to see Kyōka appear in front of him and grab him by the cheeks - ". . ."

"You know, Cloud?" - Kyōka said while looking him carefully in the eyes - "I don't have much patience to go around following your games... that's why I'm asking you to tell me what I want to know... or I'll find myself in the painful need to attack you in search of answers."

"We both know you're just looking for an excuse to start a fight, Kyōka" - Cloud replied while keeping his gaze on the blue-haired girl's sharp eyes.

"Tch, you're no fun" - Kyōka said as she let go of the boy in annoyance - "But the part about me not having much patience was true..."

"I know. But I can't just tell you everything while the others are left in the dark" - Cloud replied while shaking his head - "I can't have that kind of favoritism."

". . ." - Kyōka was silent for a few seconds before letting out a sigh - "Ok, I admit you're right about that... I curse that I fell in love with a playboy who plays with women's feelings."

". . ." - Cloud rolled his eyes at her when he heard this because despite having a growing harem, he hadn't done much to win them over. The relationship between him and the girls, had grown thanks to going through certain events together, this case was much clearer with the [Highschool of the Dead] girls, with whom he had gone through countless moments where their lives could have ended abruptly.

"I guess I'm going to have to wait, though I still say we can use this time to 'talk' about the future" - said Kyōka as her eyes glittered seductively.

"Okay, you win this time" - replied Cloud as he grabbed the girl by the waist.


Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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