CHAPTER 296 ( New World )

The time to enter the next world had arrived and by now everyone was gathered in the middle of the central courtyard. Cloud was taking a close look at each of his recruits in order to decide which of them could join him on his next odyssey.

"If what Onee-chan and Raiden said is true, then we'll be the most useful in this new world," Houki said as the other [Infinite Stratos] girls nodded in agreement. Their line of training was to mostly use their combat suits in order to give them a tactical advantage against their enemies, not to mention that the world of [God Eater] was a technologically advanced one, so there was no problem with showing off their now enhanced [Custom IS].

"Not to mention that thanks to our weaponry we have an advantage against large enemies" - Tatenashi added as a smile appeared on her beautiful face - "But seriously speaking, I think it's time for one of us to enter the battlefield."

"Hmm... If I'm honest with you, I want to see what that world is like too, but I guess we'll have to wait for another chance" - Ayane said while frowning. Kyōka for her part only shrugged her shoulders because despite being interested in seeing those beasts called [Aragami], she preferred to continue training and facing the opponents she had in front of her and still couldn't defeat, such as that woman called Olga, the other women of the {Dragons Rioting] world were still assimilating their situations, as well as all the new information they had managed to get about the different and exciting possible worlds to come in the future.

"I would have preferred a world like [Shokugeki no Soma]" - Okina said as she shrugged as everyone gave her a blank stare because the perverted woman had found a new hobby, watching Anime Ecchis and Hentai, which surprised no one.

"Let's leave Okina's fetishes for another time and concentrate on what I came for because the time has come" - said Chifuyu as the other women nodded because they could see how the counter reached zero.

[Congratulations on reaching your third world, Cloud Strife.]

"It's a surprise to hear from you, you haven't spoken to me in a long time" - Cloud replied as he looked at the screen that had appeared in front of him with a distorted silhouette that gave no information whatsoever.

[I've been a bit... busy... so I haven't had a lot of time... Anyway, I didn't come to talk about my personal life, but about what the next world has in store for you.]

". . ." - Cloud was waiting for this because something told him that his next world would be much more dangerous than he first thought.

[First of all, this world will be special, as with this one you'll be able to upgrade to world level 2, congratulations I guess...]

"So soon?" - Cloud asked while frowning. He was really hoping to be able to 'Farm' a bit more Stats Points and SP in order to have an easier path in the following worlds, but it seemed that the System didn't want to support this decision.

[Exactly, the idea of Origin is to push its Users to the limit so that they can continue to evolve, the harder the path of those users, the greater their benefits and willingness to continue to survive, that's why the System doesn't support practices like taking advantage of the weakness of low level worlds in order to get resources so easily.]

". . ." - Cloud was silent before nodding - "Ok, I understand."

[Regarding this world you're about to enter, don't worry, we won't restrict any of your skills, it's just that your missions will now be given spontaneously, so don't expect to get missions at the beginning of the plot... oh, I forget, depending on what kind of routes you choose, different will be your future missions, for example, if we give you two missions, one is to help the protagonist while the other is to kill him, the future missions will change depending on your choices so good luck]

". . ." - the girls were silent because a world without a protagonist was a dangerous thing, as they were luck concentrated in one character.

[Anything else you want to know? By the way, I didn't give you information about your next world because you already got all the information you need, congratulations for getting such good help, Cloud Strife]

". . ." - Cloud was silent for a few seconds before he started thinking at high speed. The words the administrator had said had left him surprised because he was starting to give him a bit more freedom to his decisions and not locking him into just following orders as happened before - "I understand... I would like to know what time I will appear and how many recruits will be able to accompany me on these missions."

[The time is random, it could be years ago, at the time the plot starts, or simply after the plot has started, although the latter is less likely, as we need you to create your own alibi. Regarding how many recruits you can take with you, these would be just two].

". . ." - Cloud nodded again as he looked at the girls. He discovered some interesting things, first, the [Recruits] have a 'Cooldown' time to be able to enter other worlds, making it clear that the System didn't want the [Users] to become dependent on their recruits with great power. Secondly, newly recruited [Recruits] could not enter the next world, which surprised him because he had been able to get Chifuyu to accompany him to [Dragons Rioting], although after some research, he realised that he had accidentally used the only chance he had to use a newly recruited [Recruit] immediately.

[Just let me warn you of one thing... it's possible that you and your recruits will appear in different places and in different situations, so you might want to think carefully about who you're taking with you.]

"Let me go with you, Cloud" - said Tatenashi seriously - "I have enough means to be able to defend myself without fear of those [Aragami] doing anything to me, especially with [Mysterious Lady's] unique ability".

"I wish to go too" - Houki said seriously - "[Akatsubaki] is perfect for this world, not only does she have great offensive power, but she also possesses the ability to recharge her [Shield] at great speed"

"Ugh... they beat me..." - Charlotte muttered as Cecilia looked at her two friends in annoyance. They too had more than perfect reasons to be able to accompany the blonde boy, but it seemed that he had already chosen who would accompany him.

"You know the saying, if you snooze, you lose," Saya replied as she shook her head. She along with the others from the [Highschool of the Dead[ world didn't even try to ask Cloud to consider them for the mission because they knew they weren't ready for something so dangerous yet, not even Saeko was ready and she was the strongest of the group if you didn't count Shizuka who had already entered a world and had experienced the accelerated growth of her abilities.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm about to create a new line of weaponry specially designed for you guys" - Tabane said while looking at her companions - "And as a bonus, I'd like you to try to get all the information about the weaponry and enemies that are in that world".

"Ok, I'm going to do that" - nodded Houki as she noticed how her sister gave her a hug - "One-chan?"

"Good luck, Houki, be careful and don't do anything stupid or risky" - said Tabane as she hugged her even tighter.

". . ." - Houki didn't know what to reply, not because her sister's words were emotional, but because she had seized the moment to grab her round butt.

"Okay, way to kill an emotional scene," Tatenashi said as she shook her head, though at times like these she remembered her younger sister wistfully, "I wonder how she's doing..."

[If you've stopped playing, you'd better enter the portal that is about to open].

As the 'moderator' finished speaking, a huge blue portal appeared in front of the group.

[High-tech implements recognised... initiating compatibility analysis... initiating... initiating... performing analysis... analysis performed... delivering result...]

[Permission granted, technology advanced enough for [IS] use.... Good luck]

"See you in a while" - Cloud said as he entered the portal.

"Don't worry girls, I'll take care of Cloud" - said Tatenashi with a smile as she jumped inside the portal.

"Ok... I guess I'll be the voice of reason..." - Houki said as she shook her head and followed her two companions, only for the portal to close.

"Good luck, Houki-chan..." - Tabane muttered as she turned around, but not before taking a close look at the location where the portal that 'swallowed' her younger sister used to be - ". . ."

"Relax, she's strong enough to survive in that world" - Chifuyu said as she placed her hand on her best friend's man, though she had to admit that if Ichika were in a similar situation, she too would die of worry.

* * * * *

"Holy crap, I found a survivor!" - exclaimed a cute girl of about 15 with black hair and red eyes - "Guys, I got a survivor and because of his injuries his life is in danger!"

The boy slowly opened his eyes for a few seconds, only to see the girl before losing consciousness, but not before cursing his bad luck, he had not only appeared in the middle of a destroyed city, but also his body was completely damaged to the point that it would take him a few days to recover 100%.


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