Chapter 295 ( It's good to hear from you again )

"Not to mention that this little guy has the potential to follow you all the way to [Source]." - Tabane continued with a frown - "It's a good deal to spend 10 million for a team that could make it to EX Rank."

". . ." - Cloud just sighed as he shook his head as he understood how Tabane had left all her arguments on the table, which were quite logical to him - "Ok, I'm sorry... I reacted like that just out of shock to see my savings become practically zero."

"Ok, I share some of the blame too, so next time I'll let you know how much I plan to spend" - Tabane replied while sighing regretfully - "By the way, despite being the cheapest, at least among the Void Metals, it's one of the best in price-quality."

"You sound like someone who wants to sell me a mobile phone" - Cloud said as Tabane gave him a blank look.

"As I was saying, for now I recommend you devour everything you can, your weapons, the metals that are all over this place, so you can strengthen this little guy" - said Tabane while ignoring the blond's attempt at a joke.

"Ok, but what's this thing called?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow. He didn't want to be talking to the others about his 'Little One'.

"Hmm... I haven't thought of a name" - Tabane replied as he cocked his head to the side - "Can't you think of one?"

". . ." - Cloud was silent for a few seconds before he started to think - "A name? What do you think of the name [Sephiroth]?"

"Hmm... it brings back memories of hearing you say that name, albeit spelled differently" - Tabane replied as he shrugged - "I guess it suits him, I mean, if you're going by the Cabals name, then it fits him like a glove, but hey, better have him devour all your basic weapons and metals, then have him devour [Amidamaru] and let's see what happens."

"Ok" - nodded Cloud as he followed the woman's instructions.


[Updated Information]


The ultimate creation of Shinonono Tabane, genius of the [Infinite Stratos] world, this small necklace was created thanks to the miraculous properties of Void Metal, a metal that is capable of devouring other species of metals or objects in order to increase its properties.

Effect 1 [Assimilation]: Can devour different types of weapons in order to change form at will.

Effect 2 [Absorption]: Can consume different types of metal in order to evolve. [Currently can only devour metals or ores from world 1].

Effect 3 [Potential]: Can devour special weapons and acquire the unique abilities of these, but they have to be in the absorption range, these abilities are brought to the maximum point of evolution, though their usage requirements are also greatly increased.

Effect 4 [Consume]: Can devour weapons or metal in order to return to their optimal state.

Effect 5 [Restriction]: This Weapon cannot be of a higher level than the user and can only be used by the one who activates it.

[Other Effects will be added as the Weapon increases in Rarity].

Weapon Attributes:

+50% Damage [+5% to the Damage caused by each type of Weapon devoured (Currently 10)]

+5% Damage [+5% to the Damage caused by each Ability Devoured (Currently 1)]

+25% Damage [+25% to the Damage caused by each Rarity Level (Currently R)] +10 to All Stats [+25% to the Damage caused by each Rarity Level (Currently R)]

+10 to All Stats [+5 to all Stats for Rare Weapons Devastated (Currently 2)]

Skills Devoured:

[Resistance(Passive - Evolvable)]: Sephiroth is as tough as the hardest material he has consumed. Reduces the amount of damage done to Sefirot and increases his offensive power, as well as his edge. [Currently Diamond (World 1)]

[Amidamaru (Passive)]: +2 to All Sword Skills. You can concentrate the energy in your sword to achieve Two Effects, one to block an enemy technique, or two, to cause massive damage. Damage dealt or attack blocked is proportional to the amount of energy consumed (Consumes 500 Mana per second of activity).


"Not bad, though it doesn't compare to the power of other weapons that are in the catalogue" - Tabane muttered while sighing regretfully - "But fear not, in the future I will be able to create things that will not only compare to those weapons, but surpass them!"

"I'll be looking forward to it" - Cloud nodded because he knew she wasn't lying.

"Well, I guess that's me giving you the second surprise of the day" - Tabane said with a huge smile.

"There's more?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Exactly, Tabane-chan always exceeds her limits" - replied Tabane as she lifted her prominent breasts proudly - "You can talk"

"?" - Cloud narrowed his eyes in confusion, only to open his eyes in surprise when he heard a voice that brought back memories.

[As you wish, Tabane-sama]

"That voice... Raiden?" - Cloud asked as he walked over to one of the monitors, only to see a silhouette so familiar he remembered it like it was yesterday.

[It's been a while, Master.]

"How? I thought you had completely disappeared, old friend," said Cloud as a small smile appeared on his face.

[I too thought my existence had disappeared after our last battle, but to my good fortune, Tabane-sama managed to recover my central CPU before all my data disappeared...]

"I managed to recover Raiden's 'consciousness' after much effort, though it's obviously not as it was before because some of his information was permanently erased" - Tabane replied while shaking her head.

"What don't you remember, Raiden?" - Cloud asked as he frowned.

[I can only remember what happened during the last battle, and a little bit of our moments inside the IS Academy.]

"I see..." - Cloud muttered before nodding - "I guess that means you have a new life now."

[You could put it that way.]

"Is there any way for you to return to service?" - Cloud asked as he looked up at the screen.

[It's possible, but I wouldn't recommend it.]

"What do you mean?" - Cloud asked as he again frowned.

[That in this place I can be of much more support to you, Master].

"Raiden is the most advanced AI in our world, so not only can he Hack into the different countries to gather information, but he can also gather information about the different worlds that possibly exist in the Multiverse through the internet" - replied Tabane as she enlightened the young blond man a bit - "Right now he is gathering all available information about the term [Aragami] so he can deduce what kind of world you will go next, thus giving you an advantage when entering"

[So far I've found over 10000 results, although I've been discarding a lot of them because they're mostly person names, although I've come up with two possible targets, one of them being the most accurate choice]

"Go ahead, go on" - nodded Cloud as two documents appeared on the screen.

[The first one is the Aragami game, unlikely option, but not out of the question, I have gathered all the necessary information in case this is the correct option, I will give you a more detailed report later]

"Ok, what's the other option?" - Cloud asked while raising an eyebrow.

[The other option is the world called [God Eater]...].

"God Eater..." - Cloud muttered while trying to remember information about this world - "If I remember correctly, that's the name of a line of games."

"They also have an Anime, so the odds are much higher than the first option" - Tabane replied as the Raiden inside the monitor nodded.

"Anything I need to know about this world?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

[According to the information I managed to gather, in this world there are draconic beasts called [Aragami], these are the enemy of mankind and only exist to destroy and devour all existence on the planet, the plot consists of a group trying to deal with this threat using advanced technology weapons capable of killing these beasts]

"At least that's the general outline" - added Tabane, who had read the information of the two worlds, also thinking that the highest probability is that of the [God Eater] world - "Typical generic Anime plot."

"Danger Level?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

[From the beasts called [Aragami], I'd say it's a Level 1 world on the edge of Level 2...]

"Normally I would think it's a Level 2 world because of the destructive level of those monsters, but after narrowing it down a few factors, we came to the conclusion that it's only a Level 1 world," added Tabane as she began to explain, "In that world, there are hundreds of bases of operations with humans trained to fight the threat, the level of weaponry is advanced, though not accessible to all humans, making its difficulty higher than that of [Infinite Stratos] which most women could use IS."

[The special training to enter these elite squads, is hard and you must have some compatibility with the trade, further increasing the difficulty, as there are few allies]

"Esteemed power of the [Aragami]?" - Cloud asked as he felt his blood begin to burn fiercely.

[According to estimates, we can deduce that their physical level would fall into the following variable Stats: [STR: 1500 max][DEX: 1000 max] [VIT: 2000 Max][INT: 200 Max], additional to this information, each [Aragami] possesses different attack patterns and abilities depending on their race, so their danger level may increase considerably]

"I see..." - a huge grin appeared on Cloud's face when he heard this, only to calm down and return to his old neutral cais expression - "I guess it's time for me to get back to training, so I get used to [Sephiroth] as well."

"Sounds like a plan" - Tabane nodded as she watched the blond boy retreat.


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