Chapter 294 ( The Metal of the Void )

A day had passed and Cloud was walking in the direction of Tabane, only to notice her resting on the table.

". . ." - Tabane was still sleeping peacefully as Cloud shook his head.

"Really... you shouldn't be working so late," Cloud said as he shook his head, "Now, I wish you'd stop pretending to be asleep."

"I was hoping you'd do something kinky to me" - Tabane replied as she widened her eyes in annoyance - "Anyway, I guess you came to see your present?"

Cloud rolled his eyes at the woman before nodding.

"Ok, come with me" - Tabane said as she walked towards her lab.

Cloud watched her for a few seconds only to shake his head, though he had to admit Tabane had a nice ass.

"If you've stopped looking at my buttocks, we'd better move on" - Tabane said without turning around, though she did wiggle her buttocks even more as she walked, as if she was trying to hypnotize the blond.

"Reason why you're seducing me?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow, because he had also noticed that the woman had shed her normal clothes and was now wearing a shirt that didn't cover her flat stomach, and at the same time highlighted her front.

"Let's see, firstly, because I am a sexually dissatisfied woman, and I honestly don't feel like masturbating because I find it a waste of time" - Tabane replied as she held up a finger - "Secondly, it doesn't help that I have to listen to the moans of some of my fellow female recruits as they do it outside the house, a place where there is no way to reduce the noise, as well as listen as Maya and the others talk about the wonders of sex."

"Third and most importantly, Houki doesn't want to get close to me, so the only way for the two of us to form a more personal bond, is in a threesome, which I honestly don't dislike at the moment, not when my hormones are calling for a man" - Tabane replied as she held up a third finger.

"I see..." - Cloud nodded as he looked at the woman - "We can talk about that later, for now let's concentrate on business."

"Ok, I have no problem" - replied Tabane as she shrugged her shoulders. For her there was no need to clarify things so soon, after all, her sister and Cloud weren't going anywhere.

The two quickly arrived at Tabane's central lab, only to notice how the place had a large amount of weapons scattered all over the place.

"?" - Cloud gave her a confused look as he waited for an answer, only to notice how there was a large amount of materials on the tables around the place - "Okay? I guess that explains why you've been asking for so many SPs."

"What can I say, researching new methods of constructing weaponry is expensive" - Tabane replied as she continued to search around - "Not only do we have to find new materials in order to create better weaponry, we also have to adapt our construction methods to said materials."

"Now you left me curious, what kind of materials did you get?" - Cloud asked as he looked at the mineral fragments lying around - "The only thing I can sense, is that these contain a large amount of energy."

"Let's see... the red one is Enchanted Ruby, a mineral that according to its description, only grows in some Underworlds" - answered Tabane as she took a small red stone - "This little one has the ability to absorb fire and release it in large quantities, a pity I have no way to melt it with my current machinery."

"I see..." - Cloud nodded as he took the rock and took a bite - "Hmm.... delicious."

". . ." - Tabane raised an eyebrow as she approached the blond and forced him to open his mouth - "Interesting... your teeth don't look any different from a normal person's.... Would you mind if I tried to pull one of them out?"

"Of course I mind, Baka!" - Cloud exclaimed as he smacked the woman's head.

"Itai!" - Tabane exclaimed as her eyes misted over with tears - "Can't you be a little more gentle, remember I'm just an ordinary human!"

"Let's just continue..." - Cloud said as he rolled his eyes at her.

"Ok..." - Tabane muttered as she rolled her eyes at him - "By the way, what did that stone taste like?"

"Hmm... I'd say chicken" - Cloud replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Chicken...hmm.... Interesting..." - Tabane muttered as she narrowed her eyes - "Anyway, we'd better get on with our business."

"You still haven't told me what I came to see" - Cloud said as he looked around in search of the reason for his arrival, only to notice how the place was in such disarray that anything could be the weapon Tabane built.

"Do you remember [Amidamaru]?" - Tabane asked as she turned around to look closely at the blond.

"Of course I remember, I still keep it by my side even though I don't use it" - Cloud replied with a frown.

"Well, I used everything I learned with that weapon and took it to the next level" - Tabane replied as a huge smile appeared on her lips - "Look".

Cloud slowly where Tabane stood, only to notice how in front of her was a blanket covering an object, though from its dimensions, he could deduce that it was no bigger than a necklace.

"Now without mincing words, I present to you my greatest creation to date" - Tabane said proudly as she revealed the contents underneath the blanket, it being nothing more and nothing less than a small necklace - "Not bad, huh?"

"I don't know what it does yet, so I can't tell you if it's good or bad" - Cloud replied as he rolled his eyes at her.

"Why don't you tell your System to give you the information?" - Tabane asked as he rolled his eyes at him - "I'm sure he'll give you a very pleasant surprise."

". . ." - Cloud was silent for a few seconds before nodding and doing as the woman said. He quickly instructed his system to feed him information, only to widen his eyes at the contents of the pop-up tab that had appeared.


[Name: ???? (R)]

The ultimate creation of Shinonono Tabane, genius of the world of [Infinite Stratos], this small necklace was created thanks to the miraculous properties of Void Metal, a metal that is capable of devouring other species of metals or objects in order to increase its properties.

Effect 1 [Assimilation]: Can devour different types of weapons in order to change form at will.

Effect 2 [Absorption]: Can consume different types of metal in order to evolve. [Currently can only devour metals or ores from world 1].

Effect 3 [Potential]: Can devour special weapons and acquire the unique abilities of these, but they have to be in the absorption range, these abilities are brought to the maximum point of evolution, though their usage requirements are also greatly increased.

Effect 4 [Consume]: Can devour weapons or metal in order to return to their optimal state.

Effect 5 [Restriction]: This Weapon cannot be of a higher level than the user and can only be used by the one who activates it.

[Other Effects will be added as the Weapon increases in Rarity].

Weapon Attributes:

+5% to Damage caused by each type of Weapon devoured (Currently 0).

+5% to Damage dealt by each Ability devoured (Currently 0)

+25% to Damage caused by each Rarity Level (Currently 25%)

+5 to All Stats for Rare Weapon Devoured (Currently 0)

Skills Devoured:


[Additional Info: The Ore used for this item was in a state of absolute weakness due to not being able to consume any other type of metal in centuries, so it is in its most vulnerable state, making the melting process for the creation of this weapon much easier.]


"OK, I'm surprised..." - Cloud said as his eyes widened in surprise - "Now that's a gift..."

"I know, it took me longer than you think, there were even days where I didn't know how to go on with this project" - replied Tabane with an exhausted smile - "Although you have to admit that it's a good weapon for someone like you."

"I don't know what to say... Thanks Tabane" - muttered Cloud as he took the necklace and gave the woman a look. He had to admit that Tabane had been helping him more than anyone else in the whole group, which was honestly a surprise knowing the woman's personality - "How do you activate it?"

"You just have to use some of your blood and mana" - Tabane replied as she shook her head - "We'll talk about payment later, right now I want you to activate this little guy, I'm curious to know what's going on too"

Cloud nodded at the wine red haired woman's words as he used some of his blood and energy to awaken the necklace.

The small necklace slowly began to glow, though after a few seconds it returned to normal, only to release small, faint sparkles.

"Hmm... I guess the Void Metal really was weak..." - Tabane said upon seeing the near-zero reaction from his biggest reaction - "Though that's what I get for using the cheapest metal."

"How cheap?" - Cloud asked as he frowned.

"Let's see... About 10 million SP?" - Tabane replied as he cocked his head to the side.

"That was all my savings!" - Cloud exclaimed in surprise. He never thought Tabane would spend all his points.

"Don't be mad at Tabane-chan!" - Tabane exclaimed with a frown - "Yes, I spent all your points, but it was for a good cause, besides, you weren't going to use them anyway!"

Cloud tried to say something, but only kept silent when he heard the woman's words.


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