Chapter 314 [Vajratail]

"I feel that you are like me..." - Said a small female voice that was being covered by a torn cloak of Fenrir. The girl in question had snow white hair, pale skin and yellow eyes. She was about 13 years old and was looking curiously at the man who was in the distance fighting a group of [Aragami] - "Not only do you have a familiar aura, but you also possess the ability to devour our kind..."

The girl was fighting with the idea of getting a little closer where the man was, only to shake her head - "No, it's not time yet... though I will soon come to talk to you, my possible brother..."

The girl slowly turned around, only to cut off an [Aragami] that was running in her direction and cut it with her hand that had taken the shape of a sword - "They are so annoying these animals..."

The girl slowly took one last look at the man before disappearing from the place because her instincts were telling her to stay away from the base of [Fenrir] who seemed to be calling her.

* * * * *

"I think it's this way..." - Tatenashi said as she looked around.

The group had followed Lindow's instructions and had arrived at a small ruined village where Cloud was supposed to be training.

"I'm just curious how Cloud Strife manages to destroy all those [Aragami] with a normal weapon..." - Alisa said with a frown because it was common knowledge that only a [God Arc] can damage the tough skin of those bloodthirsty beasts.

"When a person reaches a certain level of mastery, they achieve skills that surpass human comprehension" - replied Houki while looking at the young girl from Russia - "In ancient times, there was a belief that when a swordsman had enough skill and technique, they could cut through anything like butter, and indeed it's true..."

Alisa was about to say something else, but her expression changed to one of surprise when she heard the roar of a huge group of beasts.

"I guess it's that way" - Tatenashi said as she ran in the direction of the sound along with the others, only for those who knew almost nothing about the blond to widen their eyes in absolute shock at the scene unfolding in front of their eyes.

Cloud was with his torso uncovered to prevent the beasts from using his clothes in a moment of carelessness to be able to grab him and was smashing [Aragami] after another while using his sword to be able to cut with absolute precision where the beasts' cores were as if he knew where they were, which was practically impossible because this core was constantly moving inside the beast.

"Impossible..." - Kota muttered as his mouth was practically touching the ground because he couldn't believe what his eyes were observing.

"This is Cloud Strife's power?" - Alisa asked as she clenched her fist tightly as she saw such an abysmal difference between Cloud and her teacher Tatenashi. Her instructor could do that, but she would do it with her special weaponry [Mysterious Lady].

"Impressive... with this level being a general makes him a short position, although of course, only if we take his power level because to become a general you have to have a high level of leadership" - muttered Sofia, although she had to admit that her blond companion was so strong that he could be categorized as a human [Aragami], something that explained why they wanted to make him have an offspring with them.

Cloud quickly took his sword from one hand and pierced the skull of an [Ogretail] while quickly backing away because he had noticed how countless [Cocoon Maiden] had appeared in the distance and were pointing in his direction.

"Annoying bastards..." - Cloud muttered with a frown because those enemies were the most annoying ones around when he was training with basic weapons. The little bitches were a [Aragami] Danger Rank F when alone because they were immobile and only attacked with laser beams or releasing spikes when an unwary got too close, the problem was like right now when more than 10 were gathered at the same time because their danger level quickly escalated to Rank B because of their high level of coordination which gave the appearance that these had the ability to communicate with each other.

Cloud looked at his sword for a few seconds before frowning, only to look in the direction of his hip and grab two katars that were resting in that spot. He quickly ran in the direction where the [Cocoon Maiden] because he knew they were the biggest threat to his current situation, though still keeping an eye on his surroundings in case things got much worse.

Over the years, Cloud had managed to find a number of different types of weapons, among these were the Katar, Axes, Hammers, Rapiers, along with a number of subclasses, which eventually made him understand something, these subclasses of weapons were different from the general ones because the bonuses he got further increased the base damage, as for example he discovered that there was the subclass [Mastery: Katana] that further increased the damage with that type of weapon.

Cloud continued to move forward as his speed gradually increased thanks to his passive abilities, only to squint his eyes when he felt the air pressure increase in the direction of his right. He slowly glanced in that direction, only for his eyes to widen in surprise as he noticed a familiar, but much faster and more violent figure approaching at full speed - "Shit!"

He quickly crossed his Katars to reduce the power of his new foe's impact, only to fly off a few feet before he could land properly to get a good look at his new opponent.

The beast had the shape of an ordinary [Ogretail], a reptilian form with two huge legs and no arms, accompanied by a huge head, although the similarity ended there because this monster radiated an aura of danger. Its head, coloration and tail, as well as its fur, demonstrated its [Vajra] characteristics, proving that this subspecies had achieved the miracle of having devoured the core of a much more powerful entity, and in the process completing an evolution that made the beast at the top of its species.


[Vajratail (Mini Boss)]

Race: Ogretail (Subspecies]

Element: Lightning - Divine

Title: The Epitome of the Ogretail

Danger Level: B+ (Alone)/ A (Accompanied by other Aragami)

HP: 500,000

Stats: [STR: 600] [DEX: 300] [VIT: 650] [INT: 100] [ENERGY: 10000]

Weakness: Divine - Sacred Art - Light

Status: [Mini Boss (-25% of Damage Inflicted)] [Superexoskeleton (-50% of damage received)] [Overcharge Lvl 2 (Speed multiplied x3)] [Immunity to Basic Weapons (0 Damage)]

Additional Info: Due to his small size and the high levels of electricity coursing through his body, [Vajratail] can reach high levels of speed.


Cloud squinted his eyes as he looked at his weapons, only to growl in irritation as he backed up as fast as he could to dodge the [Cocoon Maiden]'s attacks, not because their attacks were strong, but because they had the ability to pierce defenses and resistances, causing serious damage to his body if he was careless, damage that the [Vajratail] would take advantage of without a second thought because the level of [INT] that the beast had, showed that it had the superior intellect to a normal person.

Cloud quickly activated his [Sephiroth] weapon and transformed it into a Katana. He could have activated [Incursio], but after suffering the corrosion effect of the Tengu, he was sure that if he continued to use it, he would end up being completely devoured by the will of the [Tyrant] without being able to resist because the level of will he currently had was not much

With a quick movement, he activated his maximum speed to pass by the [Vajratail] and concentrate completely on the [Cocoon Maiden] in order to ease the charge of the battle and concentrate completely on the beast, but to his surprise the [Vajratail] had not only caught up to him, but was a faster than him.

Cloud quickly blocked the beast's attack, only to roar fiercely as flames began to surround his body because while the [Aragami]'s physical strength was not that great, its power was not focused on offense, but on insane speed, something that made it much more dangerous than the original [Vajra].

"Ok, you have my undivided attention, you annoying bastard..." - Cloud said as the flames continued to burn fiercely, as if they were responding to his emotions, one of the few skills he had managed to master during these 6 years, controlling his [Dragon Slayer] Magic without needing to activate them by 'incantations' - "I promise you're going to enjoy a nice hot shower..."

He [Vajratail] answered him with a powerful roar of lightning before launching himself at his prey.

Cloud quickly made his weapon burn like the flames surrounding his body as he deflected the beast's elemental attack, only to summon [Incursio] and grab it with his free hand, though without activating it to prevent trouble.


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