Chapter 313 ( Training )

"In fact, now that we're talking about it, my higher-ups have been a bit upset about the small amount of information [Far East] has been sending, not to mention that the CEO doesn't like the idea of two scientists from a project that was cancelled due to its high level of risk being together" - Houki answered seriously as she used her high level of authority to open some of Johannes' personal files.

". . ." - Cloud just kept silent as he read all the information the project that he hadn't been able to read before because the information he had managed to discover was incomplete - "At least this explains some things..."

"I don't see you so surprised, Cloud" - Tatenashi said as she noticed how uninterested the blond was.

"Because I had managed to get some information before" - Cloud replied calmly - "Anyway, we'd better leave this here or Johannes might find out, with his intellect, I'm sure he has to have a method to be able to tell when someone tries to investigate him"

"I agree, we'd better leave everything up to here" - nodded Houki as she called off the search - "But well, with that it's obvious that our assumptions must be right..."

"For now we'll act as if none of this matters to us, but when we get the chance, we'll try to get as much information as we can because I'm sure Tabane-san will be excited to find out new things, especially everything related to the [God Arc] and the [Oracle Cells]."

". . ." - Houki just kept silent when she heard this before a smile appeared on her face as she remembered her sister - "Okay, let's do it."

* * * * *

"Did you find out who it was that broke into my files?" - Johannes asked as he looked at his most helpful subordinate.

"Negative, sir" - said Ogumura Daigo, a gray-haired, bespectacled man wearing a lab coat and holding a cigar in his mouth - "I can only say it was from [Fenrir: Far East]..."

". . ." - Johannes frowned for a few seconds, but quickly relaxed because at least this ruled out his old spy friend Paylor Sakaki, though he would still have him in his sights - "A minor scale in the search?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't know more, because whoever dug into your information, Johannes-sama, did it so fast that it wouldn't let me trace it" - Daigo answered seriously as he let out a puff of smoke - "By the way, I find it a pity that that girl Alisa couldn't have stayed a bit longer in [Far East], I think I could have manipulated her extremely easily because I found something interesting in her report..."

". . ." - Johannes raised an eyebrow as he watched a holographic document appear in front of him - "I see... a pity really, we could have used a spy in the ranks of the [First Unit]..."

"We can still take advantage of the situation, we just have to get her back for a medical checkup and that's it, although I don't think they will accept" - Daigo replied as he shook his head - "Anyway, we better not keep thinking about it because nothing will change."

Johannes slowly closed his eyes as he recalled the past, only to fling them open as a new conviction invaded his inner self - "How is our new project going?"

Daigo looked around as he activated a small machine in his hands, only to nod when he sensed no presences nearby - "We have managed to find the perfect candidate for your plans, Johannes-sama."

"Give me the information" - Johannes answered seriously as a dark blue humanoid figure with a huge circle on its face, neck, chest and stomach that seemed to be forming circuits, accompanied by huge protrusions coming out of its head that pretended to be hair that reached its legs and a huge floating circle behind its nape - "Interesting choice..."

"[Tsukuyomi]... one of the [Deusphages (Devourer of Gods)], an entity that becomes the hunter of hunters, a [God Eater] killer..." - Daigo said excitedly - "We managed to get some samples of its DNA, as well as intervene in the recovery of the specimen core that the central base managed to defeat after many sacrifices..."

"Perfect, with this we can move forward very easily" - Johannes said excitedly while typing at high speed, causing that from the laboratory floor, two tubes appeared - "Everything is going according to plan... my plan..."

"Everything is for the good of mankind" - replied Daigo with a huge smile as he continued to run simulations for the upcoming experiments.

* * * * *

"The [Aegis Project] hasn't made any progress over the past few years..." - Muttered a man in his early 20s. He had dark gray hair, closed eyes and glasses, a colorful yukata and a brown trench coat - "This doesn't make sense, unless..."

"Sakaki-sama, here is the information about the functionality of the new [God Arc]." - Said a boy of about 18 years old.

"Thank you very much" - smiled the man now known as Sakaki, one of the world's greatest scientists and the greatest exponent in the area of [God Arc] creation - "If my assumptions are correct, then..."

"Sakaki-sama?" - The young man asked as he noticed how the scientist seemed to have entered his world for all that he was babbling.

"Oh, I'm sorry I got carried away" - said Sakaki with a forced smile - "It's just that when I get excited, I can't stop thinking about the situation.... Anyway, I thank you for the information and as promised, you can come whenever you want to give you a general maintenance and possible update..."

His personal project of [God Arc] had reached a new limit with the appearance as a weapon like Cloud's that could transform, because now he could give the advantages of a [God Arc] Sword to the other types of Anti-[Aragami] weaponry.

"Thank you very much, sir!" - The boy exclaimed excitedly.

"You don't have to thank me, your help is more than enough for me to be able to continue with my project" - replied Sakaki with a smile as he watched the boy retreat, only to frown as he remembered what he had been thinking before going into work mode - "This is serious..."

Sakaki quickly activated his connection to the central network, only to frown even more - "What are you doing, Johannes?"

* * * * *

"That's all for today..." - Cloud said as he retreated, not looking at the mess he'd made of the new recruits he'd trained.

"Ugh... I feel like I hurt in places I never thought would hurt..." - Kota muttered as he struggled to his feet - "Now that's what I call intensive training..."

". . ." - Lenka said nothing to his friend's words, he just sat up with difficulty as he let out a sharp groan of pain filled with exhaustion. He was just like Kota, feeling pain even in his hair.

"This is much harder than what Tatenashi was making me do" - muttered Alisa, who was the best of the three, although that didn't take away from the fact that she was tired - "Now I understand why everyone said Cloud was a monster..."

"And you haven't seen anything" - Houki said while walking in the direction where the boys were standing next to Tatenashi - "The training you guys do, doesn't even compare to the training he's done 6 years ago, so I don't even want to know what kind of lunatic training he must be doing"

"Now that you mention it, I'm curious too" - Tatenashi said as she looked in the direction where the blond was going - "Maybe we should go check it out?"

"I think it might be a good experience for the boys" - Lindow's voice was heard from one of the speakers.

"Haven't you been eavesdropping, leader?" - Alisa asked with a frown.

"Exactly, I have to make sure Cloud doesn't use more force than necessary" - Lindow answered in a calm voice - "But let's leave that for another time because as I had said before, I think it's a good experience to see what kind of men the person who is training them is."

"Do you know where he went?" - Houki asked while raising an eyebrow.

"His training is so hard that he does it outside the base" - replied Lindow calmly - "Just go north for about 15 minutes and you will see a destroyed city, as a tip, I recommend you to go armed because in that place migrate countless [Aragami] of different types and levels of danger."

". . ." - those present were silent.

"I think I understand what's going on . Cloud Strife trains through direct combat..." - Alisa said seriously because it wasn't the first time she heard something like this.

"Exactly, although unlike other people, Cloud does it with weight on his body and using common and ordinary weapons of the ancient times" - replied Lindow - "And as a fact, he has managed to kill hundreds of [Aragami] this way thanks to his physical strength, although I recommend you not to try to imitate him because you will only be losing your lives."

A deep silence invaded the place while everyone thought about how he could prevent the [Aragami] from regenerating after killing them, since the only way to completely eliminate them was to be devoured by a [God Arc] Sword-type [God Arc]


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