Chapter 312 ( Research )

"I expected something different..." - Lenka said with surprise because he was honestly expecting a destroyed building.

It had been a day since he had been informed that he would be joining the [First Unit] and he had just now arrived at his new base of operations.

"For some strange reason the [Aragami] are ignoring us," Sakuya replied as she motioned for them to follow her, "We've been trying to decipher the reason, but we haven't been able to come to a clear conclusion, though if I had to say a baseless answer, I'd say it's thanks to these strange rocks..."

Sakuya was leading them down what appeared to be a hallway made of rocks that led to a basement, though what made the hallway curious, was that it was covered in strange rocks.

"It's just a floor at the top?" - Alisa asked in surprise because normally a squadron would have chosen a much higher place to be able to store helicopters.

"We came to the conclusion that the higher a building is, the more interest it gives the [Aragami]." - Sakuya replied calmly - "That's why instead of building upwards, we decided to build downwards."

"I see..." - Alisa nodded as she decided to keep this information because it seemed to be quite useful.

Lenka and Kota just kept silent as they watched everything with excitement, not knowing how to react.

"By the way, he informed them that they will have to go through the medical area to do a little check up, then move to the training area so Cloud can see the fruits of his training, in Lenka-kun's case, see how much he's going to have to work to leave you in an optimal state for combat" - Sakuya added as the boys nodded.

"Oh? They're the new members?" - Sophia asked as she appeared on the spot.

"That's right" - nodded Sakuya calmly - "They are Utsugi Lenka, Fujiki Kota, and you already met Alisa-san."

"Yes, I had the pleasure to meet her when Tatenashi-san showed up" - nodded Sofia with a smile - "It's a pleasure, my name is Sofia Victorious, it's a pleasure"

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Lady Gleipnir" - Alisa answered seriously.

"Lady Gleipnir!" - Kota exclaimed as his eyes widened in surprise.

"Do you know her?" - Lenka asked as he noticed his partner's surprise.

"By any chance don't you know anything about Lady Gleipnir and Lady Garm?" - Kota exclaimed as he shook his head, only to let out a sigh as he noticed the black-haired boy's confused face - "You're a complete noob.... Lady Gleipnir and Lady Garm, are two of [Fenrir's] most powerful [God Eater]. They not only have impressive power, but they are the leaders of two of the strongest squads in the central base, it is even said that they have so much merit that they are about to become generals, that's why everyone calls her that out of respect"

"Oh..." - Lenka just nodded after listening to all the lecture his friend was saying - "I didn't know you were a Fanboy of them."

"It's not being a fanboy, it's just having general knowledge" - Kota replied while rolling his eyes at him.

"From the noise, I guess the freshmen arrived" - said Houki, who was now not wearing her uniform, but a lab coat a bit dirty from grease. Over the years, she had decided to take a course in mechanics so she could do occasional maintenance on her [IS], not to mention that this was the only thing that reminded her of her older sister, it was either that or wear a bunny suit and honestly she couldn't handle the embarrassment of wearing that kind of attire.

"Lady Garm!" - Kota exclaimed excitedly because in front of him was his idol.

"Yes?" - Houki asked as she cocked her head to the side - "Do you need anything, recruit?"

"I want you to sign this for me please!" - Kota exclaimed as he pulled out a small notebook from his backpack.

"I-I see..." - Houki said with a forced smile because it wasn't the first time something like this happened.

"You're much more popular than I thought, I guess those are the merits of being known" - said Tatenashi while covering her smile with a fan.

"How I hated that fan, Tatenashi" - Houki replied as she rolled her eyes at him - "It's nostalgic in a way though."

"I know, it's not the same one, but it's much sturdier than the last one" - Tatenashi replied calmly - "Anyway, I guess we'd better introduce ourselves now that we're here..."

"Only you're missing, Tatenashi" - replied Houki while rolling her eyes at him - "Sofia and I, we already introduced ourselves, although it's better to say we were introduced."

Houki gave a glance to the red-haired boy, who was slightly embarrassed.

"I guess it's my turn" - Tatenashi replied while shrugging his shoulders - "My name is Tatenashi Sarashiki, ace of the Russian Branch".

"You're the [Mist Princess]!" - Kota exclaimed in surprise because he never thought to see so many [God Eater] of such high level in this place.

"Now that's a good nickname, I like it" - smiled Tatenashi while the adults present and Alisa, just rolled their eyes at her - "Anyway, that's me".

"What's taking so long?" - Cloud asked as he walked in the direction where the group was, only to give them a blank look when he noticed how almost all the team members were gathered - "Ok, this explains it..."

"C-C-Cloud-sama!" - Kota exclaimed excitedly - "I can finally see the Dragon of Destruction!"

". . ." - Cloud gave the boy a blank look before shaking his head because it was the first time he received such an animated reaction.

"Sorry..." - Kota said as he averted his gaze - "It's just that it's exciting to finally be in front of the person who helped me decide to become a [God Eater]."

"I understand... thank you for your words" - nodded Cloud as he looked at the boy - "Though that doesn't mean I'm going to let you have a much easier time training..."

"I promise to give 200%!" - Kota exclaimed excitedly.

"Hello, Sensei" - said Lenka as he made a small sign with his hand.

"Sensei!" - Kota exclaimed with surprise.

"I only called him that because he taught me some things during the mission I helped them" - explained Lenka immediately.

"Oh, I see..." - Kota nodded as he looked at his friend, only to realize something - "You don't look confused, Alisa-san."

"It's because I already knew about all this, just as I already knew everyone here" - Alisa replied calmly.

"She is my student and fellow missionary" - Tatenashi added with a mysterious smile - "Thank you so much for taking care of her during my absence."

"Oh..." - the two boys could only nod because they sincerely didn't expect that answer.

"Alright, let's go to the medical wing so we can start your tests" - Sakuya said as the boys followed her silently.

"Wait, I'll go with you!" - Sofia said as she followed the group.

"What do you expect from them?" - Cloud asked as he saw how only the three of them were left.

"Alisa is a full-fledged prodigy, to the point that she could be compared to Chifuyu-san, regarding the others, I wouldn't know" - answered Tatenashi calmly.

"I've received the report on that Kota kid, and honestly he's pretty regular, although I have to admit that makes him a bit strange" - replied Houki as she started to think - "If he was recruited, it has to be for something and if so, I can only say one thing.... [Far East] hasn't been sending all the information..."

"If so, then we have a serious problem" - Tatenashi said while frowning because that meant only one thing.

"Johannes has to be planning something and that's why he hasn't sent that information, although if so, then Fujiki Kota has to be part of his plans..." - Cloud replied as he narrowed his eyes - "Although I honestly think that's unlikely because if so, then Johannes wouldn't have let him join us and would have recruited him earlier..."

"Maybe he had only decided not to notify this good seed as a way to keep the boy's talent under his control..." - Houki muttered as she started to think.

"It's a possibility" - Cloud replied as he continued to analyze the information he had - "Anyway, we'll still have to investigate Johannes because I feel that our theory that he's up to something, is accurate..."

"But we'll have to do it in low profile because we can't move personally" - Tatenashi said seriously - "Our presence must have put him on alert because he knows we are dangerous to his plans, and I can also assure you that he must already know about our connection, after all, you never kept the secret."

"We weren't very discreet either, let's say" - Houki replied while frowning - "But I have to admit you're right, we can't move so freely while investigating Johannes, so we'll have to do it another way..."

"What do you have planned?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow at the two women's words.

"That we will have to use someone who is close to Johannes, though not so close that he will be at a crossroads if the secret of our now director is serious to the point of making him doubt which side to choose" - answered Tatenashi seriously - "And I have some when possible candidates..."


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