Chapter 311 ( Recruitment )

"I wonder what they called me for..." - Lenka muttered as he walked towards Tsubaki's office.

"It's good to see you've come, Utsugi Lenka..." - Tsubaki said upon seeing the boy - "Although it would have been better if you had come earlier..."

"?" - Lenka tilted his head in confusion, only to be surprised that he wasn't the only one in the black-haired woman's office, as there was also a blonde girl and a boy he recognized immediately - "Kota?"

"Oh, hello, Lenka" - smiled Kota as he looked at the boy - "It's a surprise to see you here."

"Same here..." - replied Lenka as he saw the boy he had been admonished with when he first came to [Far East] - "By the way, who is the girl?"

"I haven't the slightest idea, it's the first time I've seen her, though I have to admit she's cute" - replied Kota with a goofy smile on his face at the sight of the Russian beauty.

Alisa just ignored the boy's words as she continued to watch Tsubaki because she had received information about her.

"Ok, enough" - Tsubaki said as she caught the attention of the three young men - "First of all, I'm glad to see you came so quickly."

The young men only kept silent, as if they were afraid that any of the woman's words would escape them.

"Alright, the reason I sent for you, is to inform you that you will be assigned a squadron" - Tsubaki said seriously while looking at the surprised expressions of the two boys, although the girl seemed to continue as if nothing had happened - "Normally this would only be possible when you graduate, but for different reasons, as well as your clear potential shown, the central base has decided to skip all those procedures for you two"

"You two?" - Lenka and Kota asked as they looked at each other, only to widen their eyes in surprise.

"I see you noticed my words..." - nodded Tsubaki calmly - "That's right, Alisa-san here has already graduated."

"!" - the two boys could only stare in surprise at the beautiful blonde girl because they never thought that someone their age would already be graduated and ready for service.

Alisa continued to ignore everything as she concentrated on the woman's words, because she knew what was to come, mostly because Tatenashi had already been assigned as a member of the [First Unit], and as a mission partner, she would also be assigned to the same squadron.

"Y-You little...!" - Lenka exclaimed in fury because it was the first time he had been so masterfully ignored.

"You'd better calm down, Utsugi Lenka" - said Tsubaki seriously - "As I was saying, you will be assigned to a squadron, which is none other than the [First Unit]"

"Me!" - exclaimed Lindow with a smile as he waved his hand as he entered the office - "I'm surprised it's here, and not at the training ground, Tsubaki!"

"Better keep quiet, Lindow... right now we are not brothers, but subordinate and superior" - said Tsubaki seriously, then focused on the blond - "I still don't understand how come you don't ask for a change of team, with your talent you could take charge of a new group, you could even go to the central base and become one of their pillars"

"As tempting as the offer sounds, I'm happy with my current life" - Cloud replied as he shrugged his shoulders. He didn't want to go back to work as a general like what happened in [Highschool of the Dead], at least for now.

Tsubaki just shook her head, though a small part of her was happy that the blond wasn't leaving.

"I think it's better for us to end this now that we're here, Tsubaki" - Sakuya said as she looked at her former teammate.

"As you wish" - replied Tsubaki as she shrugged her shoulders and walked away, but not before handing Cloud a small piece of paper.

"Cloud Senpai is so popular!" - Kota exclaimed with tears in his eyes.

"Popular?" - Lenka asked as he frowned.

"Do you know anything at all?" - Kota asked as he gave her a blank look - "Not only do we have a Ranking on girls, they have one too and Cloud Senpai is ranked number one for his looks and attitude..."

"What rank am I?" - Lindow asked curiously.

"You're ranked number 3, Captain" - Kota answered seriously.

"¡¿3?!" - Lindow exclaimed with a frown - "I mean, I understand Cloud is first, but me second?"

"Soma Senpai is second" - replied Kota with an awkward smile - "From what I heard, it's because of his cold and distant attitude that makes girls curious..."

". . ." - Lindow didn't know how to respond to this, even Soma didn't know what to do at the young recruit's words because he never thought he would be popular.

"Somehow I can understand that" - Sakuya nodded as she started to think some more.

"Girls have no taste anymore..." - Lindow muttered as he sighed regretfully - "Anyway, I'm sure you guys already know me, but I'm still going to introduce myself.... My name is Amamiya Lindow, leader of the [First Unit], or better known as the Assault and Reconnaissance Unit. My specialty is hand-to-hand combat and I focus on brute force..."

"My name is Tachibana Sakuya, squad medic and in charge of ranged cover" - Sakuya continued with a smile - "It's a pleasure."

"My name is Cloud Strife, responsible for reconnaissance and assault of the group, my combat style is adaptive, so I can fight either in close, medium or long range" - Cloud said while shrugging - "You could say I'm the wildcard of the group"

"Soma..." - Soma said neutrally then fell silent.

"Seriously, that's not the best first impression you can give to the rookies, Soma-kun" - Sakuya said as she rolled her eyes at her teammate.

"I don't need to give them a good impression because they didn't come here to make friends, but to destroy [Aragami]!" - Soma said seriously - "But I feel like you won't stop until I say something else.... My position is part of the assault squad, my specialization is strength and speed, and unlike our leader, I take things seriously..."

"That last one wasn't necessary" - Lindow said with an attitude of not seeming to care about the silver-haired man's words - "Anyway, there are three more other members, but they are currently at our base of operations"

"Home base? Isn't it here in [Far East]?" - Kota asked in surprise.

"Exactly, we moved" - replied Lindow as he shrugged - "Our base is outside the walls of [Fenrir], ironically we don't suffer as many attacks as here."

"That explains why they took so long to arrive..." - Kota muttered as he nodded.

"Actually, that was because we were on a mission when we received the request for help" - Cloud replied as he shrugged - "Although we were delayed because we didn't have a way to get back quickly because our mechanic left our squadron for a certain prank."

"I already apologized, besides that was like three years ago, more than enough time for them to send a new one" - Lindow replied as he rolled his eyes at his friend - "Anyway, take the day to rest, tomorrow we'll leave for our home base and continue with your training"

"Training? I thought it was already over..." - Kota muttered with a frown. Unlike Lenka, Kota had finished his physical training and now all that was left was survival simulations, among other classes in order to finish his cadet curriculum.

"I'm sorry to tell you that the training doesn't stop" - Soma replied as he looked at the boy - "And seeing how you reacted, you're going to be terrified when you see the regimen Cloud does."

"I don't think it's that bad..." - Kota said as he shook his head, but his expression changed to one of terror when he noticed Soma's serious expression - "Right?"

"You'll know it when you see it" - said Soma as he retreated - "I'm going to go ahead, I don't think I can stay in [Far East] any longer."

"Ok, we'll take care of taking the rookies" - Lindow said as he shrugged - "There, that's all for now, you're dismissed."

"Hai!" - exclaimed Lenka and Kota as they watched the [First Unit] members withdraw.

"Now what do we do?" asked Lenka as he looked at his now squadmate.

"I don't know about you, but I'm going to go talk to my mother about my early graduation" - replied Kota as he walked out of the office - "Do you want to follow me?"

"I have nothing else to do" - replied Lenka as he decided to accompany Kota home.

"Then let's go, I'm sure my mom will be happy to see that I have a new friend" - smiled Kota as the two boys started with their little journey - "I just hope she's not around..."

"She?" - Lenka asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah... my sister..." - Kota replied with a blank stare - "We'd better get going..."


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