Chapter 310 ( Soma )

"No matter how many times I see you, you still remind me so much of your mother, Soma..." - Johannes said as he looked at his son who was just watching him silently - "Tell me.... How has your stay with the [First Unit] been?"

". . ." - Soma didn't answer him, he just continued to watch his father silently. Johannes didn't seem to mind his son's cool attitude in the least, so he continued to ask him questions.

"Johannes-sama, the meeting regarding the new project is about to start" - said his secretary as she entered the office of the Director of [Fenrir: Far East] - "Oh, sorry, I didn't know you were with someone sir..."

"Don't worry, we're done..." - Johannes said while shaking his head - "It was nice to see you again, Soma..."

Soma stood up and walked out of the office in silence, not caring about his father's words.

"That boy..." - Johannes muttered as he shook his head.

* * * * *

Soma slowly walked down the corridors of [Far East] as he clenched his fist in anger, not only for his father, but for himself.

"You should stop thinking stupid things, Soma..." - Cloud said as he appeared from one of the corridors.

"Guard silence, Cloud, this is not your problem..." - Soma said with a frown.

"It is my problem when you are likely to cause an accident by having your pessimistic thoughts" - Cloud replied as he rolled his eyes at her - "That's why I treat you like a child, because you can't take the fact that you are not to blame for something you are not even aware of despite being almost my same age."

Cloud had discovered Soma's secret during one of his missions to a base of operations destroyed by the [Aragami], though he hadn't spoken to anyone about it with the clear exception of Soma because he was involved.

". . ." - Soma frowned when he heard this before letting out a sigh - "Ok, you're right about that..."

"As I said before, you don't have to blame yourself for your mother's death, not when you were just a newborn" - Cloud said as he put his hand on his silver-haired friend's shoulder - "It was her and your father's decision to make such a dangerous experiment..."

"There are times when you stop being a jerk and you can say serious things" - Soma muttered with a small smile - "Thanks, I feel a little better..."

"Tch, you annoying bastard" - muttered Cloud while rolling his eyes at him - "Anyway, remember that tonight is poker night, so I want you to bring me my money."

"I'm not going to lose this time" - replied Soma as he walked away.

"Yeah sure, say it when you win once" - Cloud replied as he squinted his eyes - "You can come out now, no need to keep spying on me."

"Very good senses, Cloud Strife-san" - Johannes said as he walked from the direction of his office - "Although I'm surprised you managed to get that kind of confidential information because I'm sure Soma didn't tell you anything..."

"I got it by accident during one of our missions, and don't worry, I haven't told anyone about that incident, of course, no one except Soma" - Cloud answered seriously.

"I appreciate it and I hope it stays that way..." - Johannes said with a smile, although Cloud could sense that it wasn't a kind one like the one he always showed.

"Are you threatening me, by any chance?" - Cloud asked while frowning because he wasn't liking the tone of the director of [Fenrir: Far East].

"It's not a threat" - Johannes answered while shaking his head - "I don't think I can do it, not when you're in the crosshairs of so many Branches of [Fenrir], not counting the Central Base... although I am warning you because there are things that are better not to come to light..."

Cloud narrowed his eyes, but said nothing. He just turned and walked away, leaving the director alone again.

"This is troublesome..." - Johannes thought to himself as he started to think at high speed - "The [First Unit] is starting to become a lot more annoying than I thought..."

Since they had returned to [Far East], Johannes had started to have one problem after another for his plans. Lindow had begun to investigate the reason for the [Aragami] attack and was slowly closing in on one of their secrets, with Cloud's presence at headquarters, [Fenrir]'s attention was becoming too focused for his liking.

"They'd better leave as soon as possible..." - Johannes muttered as he narrowed his eyes - "And the sooner the better..."

* * * * *

Two days had passed since the [First Unit] had arrived in [Far East] and by now they were all assembled.

"Are you sure about this, Lindow?" - Sakuya asked with a frown - "Because I honestly think this isn't a good idea..."

"Trust me, this is the best plan of action, not to mention that it's not a bad idea to have new blood in the group" - said Lindow while shrugging her shoulders.

"I think it's more than enough with those women" - Sakuya snorted with irritation because the higher-ups at headquarters had informed them that Tatenashi, Houki, Sofia and Alisa had joined their squad - "Seriously, this is ridiculous..."

"At least they're trained..." - Soma said while ignoring the fact that they were coming for their teammate - "Their level of power and talent is no slouch with ours, and their experience as a [God Eater] can't be doubted."

"You sound like a fangirl, Soma" - Lindow said as he started tapping his subordinate's cheek with his finger - "Did someone finally find a girl he likes?"

"No..." - Soma said with a frown - "I'm just stating the obvious, now, I ask you to please save your jokes for another time, we're in a meeting now..."

"You're boring, Soma" - Lindow replied while rolling his eyes at him - "Anyway, as Soma said, our new teammates have the power, talent and experience needed to join the unit, plus they're orders, so you can't do anything to stop them from joining, Sakuya..."

"I know, though I don't like it in the least" - Sakuya replied with a frown.

"We'd better get back to the main topic because we're getting too far off topic" - Cloud said seriously as he looked at his companions - "Lindow, you were telling us that you wanted to accept those three cadets."

"Yes, the girl who came with Sarashiki Tatenashi, Alisa" - said Lindow as he brought up a screen with the girl's information - "Talent, skills, instincts, all her stats are above a [God Eater] with experience despite being fresh out of the academy, all thanks to the training Tatenashi-san has been giving her..."

The group watched the video of Alisa killing a huge group of F-Rank [Aragami].

"I understand that you want her to join our group, but I don't understand the other two" - Soma said neutrally as two new reports appeared in front of him.

"Utsugi Lenka, the guy who helped us against the [Vajra]..." - Sakuya said with a frown - "I know he has talent and he showed it during the fight against that beast, but he hasn't even entered the Academy..."

There was a clear difference between Alisa and Lenka.

Alisa had trained since her childhood and had already graduated from the Academy while Lenka was a complete novice with great potential, but that meant nothing if he didn't have the training to bring it out.

"That kid should train first before even thinking about going to the battlefield" - said Soma seriously - "His movements were stiff, his aim was only good because his opponent was a 10+ meter beast, his energy control was practically nil..."

"Wow, you're tearing him apart, you're right though" - Cloud said while letting out a laugh - "I like the kid, but he's not ready..."

"That's why we'll train him to be ready" - replied Lindow seriously - "Experience and power can be acquired on the battlefield, but that talent and courage is something we won't find so easily."

"I wouldn't call it courage, but stupidity" - replied Soma as he gave a blank look to his leader - "But if that's your decision, then we'll accept it, after all you are our leader."

Sakuya and Cloud were silent, though this was a clear sign that they would accept Lindow's decision.

"Then it's decided, the training I'll leave it in your hands, Cloud" - Lindow said with a huge smile - "If you're going to start a job, then finish it..."

"Tch" - Cloud could only click his tongue in irritation as he started cursing his decision. Maybe he should have sent him back to home base.

"Finally, Fujiki Kota..." - Lindow said as the screen with the picture of an orange-haired boy appeared - "Currently a cadet, though his talent level is equal to the first two..."

"I'm not going to train him..." - Cloud said as everyone gave him a blank stare.


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